Composition Collection for JSC/SSC/HSC Exam

SN English Center

1.      About Globalization

Globalization has become a buzzword in the new era of international politics and relations. In fact, globalization is a concept inherent in the now world after the end of the World War II by the big and powerful nations. Globalization is related to free market economy which means free movement of goods, services, people and information across the national borders.

What is globalization: 
Globalization is basically an economic concept. It has evolved from late capitalism. Globalization aims at globalizing capital and goods that is, and commodities is a process of expanding trade and commerce increasing the flow of capital and commodities all over the world by creation a border-less market.

Instruments of globalization:
Globalization is now on a strong foundation. The development of hi-tech communication system and rapid transportation facilities has turned the world into a village, popularly termed as global village. The countries of the world are now like families in a village. The barrier of land and apace has been removed. As a result, we can now learn in an instant what is happening in the farthest corner of the world. We can also travel to any part of the world the shortest possible time. The use of computer, mobile and satellite networks, internet and other information technology has brought the whole world in our drawing room of office room.

Prospects of globalization:
Globalization has opened up a new horizon of tremendous possibilities for the nations of the world. Countries of the world are very closer to each even can stand by eh distressed nations instantly. The process of globalization has made world are the consumers of the products. A produced in one country is quickly increased all over the world and thus available anywhere in the globe. So, globalization has increased trade, and commerce, flow of capital money, investment, movement of people and workers all over world.

Challenges of globalization:
Nothing is an unmixed blessing. Globalization has a far reaching and profound impact of many aspects of life. Globalization has challenged risked traditional notion. It has been claimed that globalization widening the gap between based, technologically back-word and poor countries are no match for industrially developed, technologically advanced, powerful nations. Globalization aims as widening market for capital and goods, but at the same time it ensues maximum profit for the capitalists and investors. In this case, the poor and undeveloped nations are lagging behind in the competition of market.

Threats of globalization: 
Capital does not flow alone. With capital and goods, ideas and value, culture and power all move. Thus, globalization is now being seen as a cultural and ideological assault on the developing nations. Critics of globalization assert that globalization has ended racial, cultural and linguistic varieties and distinction of the nations of the world imposing the ideas, values, and social customs of the western world over other nations. English has become global langrage threatening the existence of minor languages of the world. In fact, globalization has tremendous impact, sometime slow and unnoticed, but steady and powerful, over the life-style, food habit, clothes, education, sports and culture and many other aspects of the global people.
Globalization has both prospects and pitfalls, if the nations of the world can create an atmosphere of cooperation, peace and solidarity, every nation can be benefited from the process of globalization. They can fight together global problems like poverty. Illiteracy, aids, war and conflicts, terrorism and also work together in solving the problems of over-population, hunger and environment pollution or global warming. The globe then would be better place for everybody.

2.      About village doctor
Bangladesh is a densely populated country. In comparison to her population the numbers of doctors are a few. So it goes without saying that the village doctor is a person of great importance. He is quite familiar to the villagers.

The village doctor is not qualified. He does not have a good schooling. He takes the job of a salesman in a medicine shop or the works as a compounder under a qualified physician. He also reads some medical books at home. Thus he gathers experience. He also masters the art pushing injections, stitching and bandaging. Then he sets up a dispensary at a convenient place. His stock of medicine is very poor. His dispensary offers a poor show. There are two or three old almirah in which he preserves his medicines. He has a poor wooden chair to sit on and a broken table of poor quality. There are one or two benches for the visitors and patients to sit on.

The village doctor leads a very hard and busy life. He gets up early in the morning, takes his breakfast and becomes ready for the day’s work. He begins to attend the patients who gather at his dispensary. After finishing the work of examining the patients, prescribing and preparing the medicines, he goes out to attend the patients who are unable to go to his dispensary. He returns late in the afternoon finishing his daily round.
Then he takes his meal and enjoys rest for the benefit of his own health. In the evening he again gets ready to attend to his patients. He does not mind in attending a patient lying in critical condition during late hours of night.

Though the village doctor sometimes worsens the disease of patients, he is the most trusted person to the villages. He is the best friend to the village people because they find him whenever they call him. He shares their weal and woe.
The village doctor is not so well off. He is satisfied with what he earns. He his joys know no bound when he sees his patients recovered. Though he is not much qualified, he is of great help to the villagers.

3.      About village games
Every nation of the world has its own games and sports. They are as necessary for life as food and drink. A man eats and drinks to fulfill his hunger and quench his thirst. But he takes part in games and sports to build up his body and character. Bangladesh is a tropical country. So she has games and sports suited to her climate.

Our village games and sports: 
There are many games and sports. Ha-du-du, dariabandha, kanamachhi, gollachhut, danguli six-guti, sixteen guti, lathi khela, boat-race etc. are the main village games and sports. Young boys take part in these games in their leisure time.

Ha-du-de is a very popular game. It is a door games. It is a game of joy not only to the players but also to the spectators. It costs minimum but gives maximum joy and thrill. This game requires a small plain ground. The ground is divided into two equal parts. A line is drawn across the middle of the field. The young and the divided into two equal parts. A line is drawn across the middle of the field. The young and the strong boys of the villages play Ha-du-du. There are two teams. Each team has equal number of players. The players stand face to face on a line. Each team stands in one part of the ground. One player of a team is allowed to enter the ground of the opponent party. He utters ha-du-du all the time holding his breath. He tries his best to touch one or more players of the opponent party. If he is successful in his attempt and comes back to his own area, the touched player or players are called dead. And if he is caught within the area of the opponent party, he is called dead. In this way the game goes on. The game comes to an end when all the players of a party are dead and the other party wins.

It is another popular game of our villages. In this game a field is made under certain rules equally divided with lines keeping equal distance from each of the players of the other team stands outside the field and each of the players of the other team stands on each line facing at least on opponent players. Players standing outside enter into the field one by one and try to pass across the field to the finishing end. If any player of a team can cross the field from the starting point to the finishing point and vice-versa, the team concerned wins the game.

Kanamachhi is a popular village game. A number of children stand in a circle. One of them becomes the kanamachhi. He is called so because a piece of cloth is tied over his eves and he cannot see. He runs after children. If he can touch anybody. Then the touched person becomes the kanamachhi.

It is another popular game of our village. It is played between two teams. There are equal numbers of players in each team. A team stands at a fixed point of one side of the field. The players of the other team stand scattered on the field facing the team standing at the touched person becomes the kanamachhi.
Lathi khela: 
Lathi khela is also a popular village game. This game requires some skills and tactics. The healthy and the strong people of villages take part in this game. This game is a source of great joy to the spectators. The spectators enjoy the game much.

Boat-race is a popular entertainment of the people of our villages. Generally a both-race is held during autumn on the occasion of any village festival.  Special boats are made for the purpose.  People from far and near gather at the spot. A boat race starts in the midst of shouts and thrills. It provides innocent pleasure. It is really exciting and thrilling.

Usefulness of the village games:
country games are very interesting indeed. They can be played without spending much money. Large fields are not needed. The village games give sufficient exercise to the limbs of the body. They are source of innocent joy and pleasure. They make us strong, healthy and active

4.      Acid throwing
Acid throwing is a serious chime. It is a heinous act of inhumanity. By throwing acid, the culprit takes revenge or satisfies some personal grievances or enmity. But in doing so, the criminal destroys the victim’s life forever. The victim bears the marks of acid violence on his/her body. The victim suffers physical pain for a short time, but suffers mentally and psychologically for the whole life. Acid throwing thus destroys a dream, a hope and a life. It brings suffering and anxiety the whole family.

Causes of acid throwing: 
There are varied reasons, for acid violence. Generally and mainly the cause or failure of a love affair, or refusal of a love or marriage proposal. In that case the victim is in most cases a girl or a woman, when a boy or man offers love or marriage proposal to a girl or women, and if he is rejected, he throws acid on the face that he desired so much. By throwing acid, the rejected person satisfies his personal anger and vengeance on the girl or women. Often breakdown of marriage or demand for dowry also results in acid throwing; in this case also, the victim is generally a female besides. Personal enmity, family feud, social, hostility, quarrel for money or land dispute etc., are some other reasons of acid throwing.

Effects of acid throwing: 
An acid victim suffers for the whole life. S/he becomes a social outcast. S/he suffers from inferiority complex. A beautiful face, a smiling look and a lively person –all get destroyed by it. An acid victim suffers both psychologically and physically. It the acid throwing case is serious one; it burns the victim’s body and face, and distorts his or her appearance. A beautiful face turns into an ugly one. Often the victim dies fighting for someday with death. But if the victim survives, his /her suffering continues for the rest of life. The survivor has to undergo long medical treatment. Often s/he becomes physically invalid. S/he has to live depending not others. Thus the victim becomes a burden in the family. Acid throwing damages not only a person’s body or face, but it destroys his or her dream, a possibility and a life.

Understanding the psychology of an acid thrower is important to prevent this crime. An acid thrower should be made to realize that he himself can be victim of acid violence and in that case his own life would be unbearable to himself. Again he should be made to realize that by throwing acid, he takes some revenge or satisfies personal anger but destroys a life, and brings suffering and woes to whole family. So psychological motivation is necessary to curb acid crime, suffering and woes to acid must be removed. And a severe law punishing the acid thrower must be introduced.  Lack of family ties and lack of good parenting lead many Younger to astray and involve them in such crime. So good parenting and family control is necessary to prevent it socially. The criminal should be boycotted socially and brought to exemplary punishment. Mass media can raise awareness among people about the horror and consequence of acid crime. The survivors should be preventing this crime to a great extent.

It is hopeful that different private organizations, women’s organizations and NGOs have come forward to prevent acid violence and raise awareness among people. As a result the case rate is decreasing. However, acid throwing is a social crime, and social co-oridanted efforts can curb the crimes as well as rehabilitate the victims. Guardians, parents and influential persons can play important roles in solving the feuds and quarrels before the incident actually happens.

5.      Advantages and disadvantages of city life
William Cowper, the famous English poet, wrote, “God made the country and man-made the town.” So, man has attraction to city life because he can enjoy more advantages by living in city.

More opportunities for work and employment: 
In a city there are more opportunities for work and employment. There are many offices, industries and factories in a city.
Better scope of education: 
There are more schools and colleges in a city. So there is better scope of education.

More and better medical facilities: 
In a city people get more and better medical facilities than the people of village. In a city there are more hospitals and clinics .there are more qualified doctors in a city.

Easier communication:
Science has made the world smaller. It has invented and discovered many means and ways of communication. So communication has become easier, in a city people can communicate with one another over telephone. Telex, fax etc., through less inconvenience.

Easier transportation: 
In a city people need not go to distant places on foot. There are various types of vehicles in a city by which people can reach a place earlier and faster with less trouble.

More scope for art. Culture and literature: 
People in a city have more scope of practicing art culture and literature. There are more cultural centres and literary clubs.

More scope of cultivating intellect: 
Since most of the people in a city have more scope of practicing art culture and literature. There are more cultural centres and literary clubs.

More recreational facilities: 
In a city people enjoy more recreational facilities, there are many cinema halls. Theatre, clubs, parks etc.

More comfortable domestic life: 
In a city domestic life is more comfortable .woman needs not go to bring water, to collect fire wood etc. to light kerosene lamp etc.

More civic facilities: 
In a city people enjoy more civic facilities; they get everything at their hand

There is no unmixed blessing on earth. Everything has its merits and demerits. Similarly city life has some demerits than merits.

Air is more polluted in a city. It gets polluted in many ways, people cannot breath in pure air. Besides this, there are water pollution and sound pollution.

Higher standard of living: 
In a city the standard of living is costlier and higher, people of limited income lead income their life through much hardship, the price of things are very higher.

More violence and crime: 
More violence and crime take place in a city, the criminals do not hesitate to commit crime, violence, killing, hijacking and so many crimes and anti-social activities.

More in secured life: 
Life in a city is more in secures. People have no safety and security, less scope of enjoying of natural beautiful flowers and murmuring streams on the earth below. He cannot hear the sweet songs of birds.

More traffic jam: 
Sometimes people in a city get stuck in a traffic jam and as a result they suffer more.
Less scope of getting fresh things: there is less scope of getting fresh things, in a city there is adulteration in everything.

Less scope of enjoying life: he is always in a hurry as if some invisible demon, the demon of materialism, drives him on with a whip in hand. In short, life here is so artificial that man soon loses his divine origin and becomes almost a machine.
Above all, a city is a veritable university for men who like to acquire wisdom from observation and experience. Someone has truly said: if you would be known and not know, live in a village; if you would know and be unknown, live in a city.

6.      Aim in life
A proverb goes that a man without and aim is like a ship without a rudder. A ship without rudder faces danger. Similarly a man without aim cannot reach his goal. He stumbles in hiss way of life. So everyman should have a definite aim. But nothing is more difficult than the choice of a profession because the world is as mysterious as a sea. Students find it very difficult to choose a suitable profession because there are many paths and courses open to them. But all the paths and courses are not suitable for him, he may reach his goal. On the contrary, man or a fails to choose his profession, he suffers in life and drags a miserable existence.

What I want to be: 
Different persons have different aims. Some wants to be doctors, some wants to be engineers and other wants to be teachers and so on. But my aim in life is to be a doctor. My parents and teachers have given their consent to my choice. There are many reasons for choosing the profession of a doctor.
The village people in our country are very poor. They suffer from various diseases but there is no qualified doctor to serve them. There are a few quacks but they cannot serve them properly. Rather they extort money from the simple folks. Many people meet untimely death for want of proper treatment. So I have decided to serve to serve the people of my village through the profession.

My plan: 
I am now appearing at the H.S.C examination. I have prepared well in the subjects.  I am sure to cut a good figure in the examination. After passing the H. S.C with a brilliant result I shall get myself into a medical college. After obtaining the M.B.B.S. degree I shall go back to my native village and myself to serve my village people through practice.

Social work: 
Since my boyhood it was my cherished desire to serve the nation. So I shall render free service to the poor villagers. I shall not take money from them. It is my determination to set up a charitable dispensary and distribute medicines to the poor free of cost. I have also a plan to set up a hospital with few beds serious cases. I shall stop the practice of the quack.
Success in life depends much on the proper choice of a profession. I believe that I shall be able to reach my goal and serve the nation.

7.      A journey by boat
Today man is very much preoccupied. He does not find a moment to spend to see and enjoy the sights and beauties of nature. Life has become dull, machanised and barren for want of recreation. We should manage time to get relief from routine bound life and monotonous work and a journey by boat can serve this purpose to some extent. Journey is always a pleasure to me. Whenever I go on a journey, my heart leaps up with joy. But my greatest pleasure is kin a journey by boat. Bangladesh is a land of rivers. So it is easy to make a journey by boat. A journey by boat is interesting and pleasant. Whenever I get an opportunity to make a journey by boat, I make the best use of the opportunity.

A few days ago, I made a journey by boat from Mongla to paikgacha. Our school was closed on the occasion of autumn vacation.

The journey:
We were four in number. All of us were of the same age. We hired a boat the previous day. It was four in boat. The boatman and the oarsemen were very nice people. We had our breakfast early in the morning. We started at 8 a. m. it was a bright sunny morning. The sky was clear and weather was fine. The river was calm. It was full to the brim. The rays of the morning sun fell on the river and the water looked like pearls. Our boatman rowed for a while and then set sail. The boat began to move smoothy. There were small waves on the river. Every wave that dashed against our boat increased our thrill and joy. The small waves also very happy. They were singing. We saw many boys and girls bathing and swimming in the river. Fishermen were catching fish. Women were seen fetching water in pitchers. We saw boats plying through the river. Birds of various kinds were flying. All these sights cast a magic spell on our minds.
 We cooked our lunch. We reached a market at 12 O’clock. The boatman cast anchor. We got down. We bought rice, egg, a big hilsha fish and sweets. The boatman took rest for a while. Then they raised anchor.

Sunset and evening scenes: 
Again we started our journey. The boatmen tried to reach the destination before sun set. It was late afternoon. The sun was setting. At the distant horizon the sun and the water seem to meet together. The shades of evening began to spread over the earth. The stars rose in the sky one after another. We enjoyed the sunset. The boat moved slowly and we reached our destination. It was dark all around.

8.      A journey by bus
Journey is always a pleasure to me. Whenever I go on a journey, my heart leaps up with joy. Soon I got an opportunity to make a journey by bus. My friend shoal serves in Khulna. He invited me to pay a visit to Khulna. I accepted the invitation gladly.

On the 5th September I got upon Dhaka-Khulna coach at gabtali bus stand. I stand at 6 a. m. the seats of the coach were comfortable. Luckily I had seat by the window. It was a sunny morning. The bus left at 7 a. m.

The journey:
The bus started running at a good speed and soon we were far from the din and bustle of the city. Our bus was passing the road saver. We enjoyed beautiful green campus of the Jahangir Nagar University, the saver Diary Firm and Saver Cantonment. The bus was moving ahead leaving behind the trees, houses and small shops on either sides of the road. It was really very delightful to see tee the green beauties of nature.

River –crossing by ferry:
An interesting part of the journey was crossing the mighty river, the Padma by ferry. We reached Aricha within an hour and a half. The driver told us to get down from the bus. When I got down from the bus and got on the ferry, I felt a good relief and saw the boats, launces barges plying on the placid water of the mighty Padma. At the ferry ghat there were some hawkers and vendors, selling fruits, chanchur, muri, betal leaf and cigarette. Some passangers bought muri and chanchur. Crossing the river by ferry in the gentle breeze was very pleasant.

On the other side of the river:
Our bus reached Daulatdia Ghat. Again I took my seat. The bus stared to run at a high speed. We crossed Rajbari and faridpur on the way.  We also crossed magura and jhenaida on the way and reached jessore town at about 2 p. m. I enjoyed the natural beautiful scenery on the either sides of the high way. When our bus stopped at jessore, some passengers got down. Our bus reached Khulna at 3:3o p.m.  Shoal received me at the bus stand.
The journey gave me much pleasure. It was one of the most memorable days in my life. I bore the journey in my heart.

9.      A journey by train
Today man is very busy in money making. He does not find a moment to spend to see and enjoy the sights and beauties of nature. Life becomes dull and baren for want or recreation. We should manage time to get relief from routine bound life and monotonous work. A journey by train can serve this purpose to some extent.
Journey is always a pleasure to me. Whenever I go on a journey. My heart leaps up with joy. But my greatest pleasure is in a journey by train. A journey by plane is costly. A journey by bus is risky and uncomfortable. But a journey by train is pleasant, safe and comfortable.

In the autumn vacation I got sufficient time. So I made up mind to make a journey by train from Khulna to Rajshahi. I reached the station about half an hour before the departure of the train. It was then a very busy time. Rickshaws, motor cars and other vehicles were coming to the station with passengers. Coolies were running behind them. There were the shouts and rushness of the passengers. The passengers stood in a queue before the ticket counter. I also stood in the line and bought a second class ticket.

The train started:
The right time came and the guard whistled and waved his flag. Everybody tried to get in to the train first. After much difficulty I got in to a second class compartment. The compartment was full to its capacity.
The train left the station. I heaved a sigh of relief. A gentle breeze cooled the compartment. Gradually the speed of the train increased. It felt behind stations, green fields and bridges. I looked outside and found the beauty of nature. The train was running through green paddy fields. There were jute and sugarcane plants here and there. They were tossing their heads in the breeze.
Description of the compartment: The compartment presented a good scene. Some of the passengers were talking on various matters. Some were reading newspapers and magazines. Hawkers came up to us with their goods for sale.

Scenes at the way side stations and evening scenes:
The train was a mail train. It touched only at the big stations. All the stations presented the same scene. Passengers were getting down and again some were getting into the train. The hawkers and the coolies were shouting. They were busy too. The majesty of the setting sun can best be seen from a train.  Herds of cattle were returning to their sheds. Birds were things charmed me much. At last the train reached the Rajshahi station at 10 p. m. I got down.
The journey in my heart I bore. It gave me much pleasure. Indeed it was one of the most memorable days in the life.

10.  An ideal teacher
In every county of the modern world education is sought to be raised to an ideal plain. But it is universally admitted that no ideal education can ever be imparted without ideal teachers. Hence in every society ideal teachers are in heavy demand. It is, therefore, of utmost importance to discuss and decide who an ideal teacher is, or, in other words, what are the qualities that go to make an ideal teacher.

The ideality of a teacher has to determine by some solid and dependable tests. Why do we come to the college? My answer is that we are sent for two purposes-proper education and sound character. And the teacher who does his best to contribute to the fulfillment these two ends of education is ideal teacher. To do so is not obviously an easy task and calls for the possession of certain virtue sand qualifications which, therefore, a teacher to be called ideal must acquire and cultivate. Firstly, good education begins with sound academic instruction for which the teachers are required to be both scholarly and dutiful. To make his instruction interesting, the teacher must labour to make his lectures easy and lucid, so that students in general may follow him. He must also enforce the rules of study and neither neglects his duties nor tolerates any negligence on the part of the students. Secondly, to help the formation of character, a teacher must combine the role of a friend and a philosopher will restrain them from evil ways. They will have a free access into his personal association in the college, at home, in the library or at the playground. The must, in short, receive a free flow of love and attention from him. But they must at the same time feel that his love id conditioned by their being loyal and dutiful.

In conclusion, it is a debatable point whether ideal teachers are entirely born or can be made in part. If scholarship alone would constitute the ideality of teacher ship, they could well be made because there are scholars outside the periphery of teaching. But qualities of the heart, such as, intense interest in the career of students, love for their welfare and the attitude of treating students as sons as sons and daughters, are never to be acquired by those who drift into the profession out of necessity or compulsion. Unless these inherent virtues are there, sheer intellect, labored diligence or compulsion. Unless these inherent virtues are there, sheer intellect, labored diligence or practiced sternness of character cannot make a teacher ideal. Hence and Laski-are born, not made.

11.  An interesting football match I have enjoyed/witnessed
A few days ago. I enjoyed an interesting football match. It was Friday. It was played between the top teams of our country –Abahant and Mohammedan. The match/gave me much joy. On the day of the match I went to the Dhaka stadium quite early. I stood in the line for a long time and bought a ticket.

There was heavy rush of spectators at the gates of the stadium. I stood in the line. After waiting for about an hour I entered the stadium and sat in one corner of the gallery in the south.
The game was timed to begin at 4:30. The referees and the players entered the field in time. The spectators cheered the players from all corners of the field. The captains of the two teams came up, shook hands and tossed coin. Soon the referee blew off his whistle and the game started.
Both the teams were equally strong both the teams played hard but there was no goal in the first half. After the beginning of the second half of the match the players of the two teams grew furious, attacked each other and tried to net the ball but to no effect.

There was wild excitement on both sides. There loud cheers of joy in the midst of the spectators.
The time was now over and the referee blew the final whistle. It was a drawn game. It was a very exciting game. It gave me much pleasure. The players showed their best skill. The spectators burst into loud applause. I carried the game in my memory.

12.  Annual sports of your college
Sports are a part of education. Hence importance needs not explanation. Our college is a reputed one in Dhaka city. Our college arranges sports every year which include both indoor and outdoor games. The annual sports are part of the co-curricular activities of our college.

When held: 
Generally the annual sports of our college are held in winter season, which falls in November or December. The sports programme is an occasion of joy and excitement for the students of the college. Students from every class and sections participate in the various events of the sports. The programme is a memorable and enjoyable event for the students.
The annual sports of our college are held in the first week of every December. Last December, the annual sports of our college were held in our college campus and in the college playground. The sports had two phases-indoor games and outdoor games, indoor games were held in the college campus and the outdoor games were held in our playground. Students attended both the phases.

A central committee was formed to conduct and supervise the events. The whole programme lasted for three days. On the first day, the programme was inaugurated by the principal at 9 am, in the morning. The principal started the programme by flying a colourful host of balloons with spectators clapping their hands. Then indoor games began. Students of various departments and classes took part in groups in various events. The events of the indoor games were carom board, table tennis, chess, etc. and the events of the outdoor gamer were high jump, long jump, sprint events, disc throwing, cricket etc. the indoor games were held for two days, and last day was for outdoor games. Students joined the events very enthusiastically. The programme was conducted and supervised by our teachers. While a game or event was going on other students standing around the players or competitors encouraged them by shouting and clapping. The whole campus wore a festive and sportive look on the occasion.

Distribution of prizes: 
After the end of the events, the names of winners and runners and runners up were announced. Each winner was awarded a prize and certificate. The principal handed over prizes among the winners. Each recessing of the prizes followed a huge roar and hand clapping.

My participation:
I took part in some events. But I won only in three events. I became champion in chess in my group, won first prize from my section in 100 metre sprint and became runners up in long jump from my group. So I received three prizes. Some students also took snaps of the events.
The annual sports of our college ended peacefully and joyfully. The sports gave us a great relief and joy. It was a break from the monotony and rigid routine of class and exams. The sports are occasion of entertainment, refreshment and developing our co-curricular skills. We enjoyed the programme very much.

13.  A picnic that you have enjoyed recently
Picnic is a source of pleasure and  enjoyment. The hours spent in a picnic are always exciting and thrilling. It makes us forget the monotony of everyday life.
I am always fond of going on a picnic. It is not only enjoyable but also instructive. After the annual examination, some of my friends proposed to go on a picnic to sonargaon and I readily agreed with them.

On the fixed day, we, thirty friedns hired a minibus to go the picnic spot. We bought some necessary materials for cooking, we also managed a cook. We started for the place at 8 a. m. finishing our breakfast. Mukul took with him his camera. Iqbal took his guitar and Fazlu took a flute. We also took a record player with us.

We reached sonargaon at 10: 30 a. m. we then selected the spot. It was a grassy land shaded by trees. The river Meghna was flowing by the side of the area. Then we proceeded to make arrangements for cooking our food. The fun was that we did not take fuel with us. Dipu and I myself climbed a tree and procured some dry branches and twigs to fire the oven. By the time the cook cooked the food, we visited the nearby area, we came back to our spot after two hours. In the mean time. Buriani and Chatni were ready. We then sat down to have our food. We ate to our heart’s content. We then rested in the shade of big trees. Our artists amused us with their music both vocal and instrumental. Then we went to visit the folkart museum of sonargaon. Taking tickets we entered the main area. We visited all the historical relics and saw the famous things. We also visited the palace of Ishakha. Mukul took several of the important things. We spent about three hours visiting the capital of Ishakha.

At last we packed the utensile and other materials and got into the bus. We returned home just after the evening prayer.
It was undoubtedly an exciting and enjoyable picnic. We enjoyed every moment of it.

14.  Arsenic problem in Bangladesh
In our day life we are experiencing new kind of problem. Our environment is facing new type of pollution. Arsenic pollution is one of them. When the presence of arsenic in water is higher than the acceptable quantity. It is called arsenic. It is one of the biggest problems in Bangladesh. Arsenic pollution is causing much harm to Bangladesh. The number of arsenic affected people is increasing day by day.

Detection of arsenic in Bangladesh: 
Arsenic was first detected in Bangladesh in 1984. During that period about 2500 shallow tube-wells were tested in 34 districts out of which each and every tube-well was detected arsenic polluted. another –survey conducted jointly be the DPHL(department of public health engineering) and British geological survey 2000 showed that more that 90% of the shallow tube-wells were in the most seriously arsenic polluted areas produced contaminated water exceeding .05 mg/1 of arsenic , it also marked that the most affected area in Bangladesh is north Bengal.

Harmful effect of arsenic: 
Thousands of people in Bangladesh are suffering from arsenic poisonings and more are being affected every day. Poison by arsenic is a slow process. It is due to a gradual build-up of the poison in the human body. Eventually people start to show symptoms and become unwell. It causes sore in the fingers or in any other part of the body. Sometimes the sore turns into gangrene and then to cancer, it also affects different also causes irritation and serious burning of skins, hair falling, cough etc.

Medical treatment: 
At present there is no medical treatment or medicine that can prevent any disease caused by arsenicosis. Since there is no effective cure, preventive measures should be taken properly. Arsenic contamination can be mitigated to a large extent if the following preventive measures are adopted:

 (a)    Creating public awareness:
(i) The people are to be made conscious of the harmful effect of the arsenic poisoning.
(ii) They are to hive knowledge of the symptoms of arsenic contamination and places where they can get proper treatment.
(b)   Regular surveying:
In order to have the clear conception regarding arsenic pollution. Regular survey should be done although the country. All the tube-wells should be tested to separate the safe from the unsafe. Safe tube wells should be painted green and unsafe ones should be painted red.

Ensuring safe drinking water: 
In order to ensure the supply of pure drinking water, more deep tube wells should be installed because deep tube wells are free from arsenic and bacteria’s. But they will also have to be tested in the future to ensure that it is still the case. Surface water in ponds and rivers is a potential source of arsenic –free water .but most surface water in our country is heavily polluted with dangerous bacteria. So, no surface water should be used without some form of treatment. Rain water should be collected for drinking in a bacteria free container. Water need not to be boiled to remove arsenic because boiling does not remove arsenic. Healthy balanced diet containing fish and vegetables should be taken. Food containing vitamin A, C and E should be taken.
It is high time we found out cause of arsenic pollution and put our all-out efforts to fight this public – hazard before it takes a serious turn.

15.  A scene in an examination hall
From before the beginning to after the end of any examination. The examination hall presents such a chequered and rapidly shifting  appearance that instead of knitting them all into one scene, each should be called a separate spectacle, complete and variegated.

Student usually begin to report to the examination hall about half an hour before the scheduled hour when the first bell first bell goes. Thenceforth, till the second bell, the short span of about twenty minutes is passed in the midst of a variety of scenes.

But as soon as the second bell is rung, invigilators enter into the hall followed be bearers with blank answer scripts. Immediately the whole boisterous hall is hushed into pin-drop silence. Answer scripts are then distributed and students receiving them set to write names and rolls immediately.

The examination is now on. Question papers are rapidly distributed and there is mixture of mild flutter, murmur and rustling all around the hall. This is caused by the handling and turning of question papers over and over and also by the mild exchange of views among the examinees as to the ease or stiffness of questions. It all, however, ends in some ten minutes when the battle begins in earnest, with every examinee rushing to the thick of the fight with what every ammunition he owns.

For the first one hour, full silence prevails all over the hall. There is no attempt to lose time nor any negligence in gaining as much as possible.

When the second hour begins, the peace and silence of the hall is slightly disturbed. Some are going out; some are asking for water; some for some explanation of a clumsy question. Picking and choosing start now and in doing so examinees look at each other’s paper, talk with one another and even disturb the invigilators quite frequently.

As the third hour begins, many of the examinees who have nothing more to write hand over their scripts and walk out. Others still carry on efforts, trying to steal something from their fortunate friends answer books. Out of desperation, attempts are now made even to adopt unfair means, ranging from copying to the changing of answer scripts. Throughout the hall, occasional shouts of paper, sir are heard. Bearers are to run about to stitch loose sheets. As the end draws near, nervousness of those who have things enough to write increases. Their speed is enhanced and yet many of them find it tough to coup with the situation. After this collection of   papers begins, some papers are snatched away even at a time when an examinee was half the  way of a particular sentence. As the examination is over, the remaining students come out with loud noise and their heart of any burden. Some compare answers and ascertain the correctness of this or that answer. Others so not care at all about what is gone and past and proceed to their habitations or made straight for the restaurant. At times, of course, there is a discussion about the standard of questions or a deprecation of some invigilator’s conduct.

16.  A summer night
Although Bangladesh enjoys, in general, a moderate climate, neither too hor nor too cold. Except during the rainy season when heavy downpour occurs freauently, yet sometimes a summer day or night breaks her tradition. Almost every year, such occasions occur a couple of times. One of such night experienced last year remember vividly and propose to describe below.

It was the middle of the Bengali month of Jaistha. There was heat and intense heat all around for a couple of days. The sky was clean and bright and nothing could obstruct for a moment the radiation of heat from above. All nature seemed weary and listless and from no direction was blowing the slightest breeze. Thus passed two days. At last the day of record heat came on the third day. It was a Sunday. Throughout the day the sun shone as brightly as on the preceding days. We felt intensely thirsty and made unsuccessful efforts to quench it with cold water, ice-cream and cold sharbat. But nothing was of any avail. By the evening, the sun set but the burning sensation of the atmosphere increased.

I had an early dinner in anticipation of taking a stroll in the maidan near-by to minimize the oppression of the heat. I hurred through my meal and felt some relief when I stepped out into the open. Many other boarders were already there, sitting in groups on the bare grass with their hare bodies and were already there, sitting in groups and sat for some time but feat very uneasy. At about 10 p. m, we retired to our respective room to sleep. But the little relief gained outside was instantaneously gone as soon I stepped into the room.

I tried to sleep but couldn’t not. Suddenly a plan struck my mind. I took my towel and went to the adjoining pond. I poured water on my head and thoroughly sponged my body with the wet towel. Many more o four hostel mates did the same. Some of us then sat on the ghat. There were attempts to relieve the oppression by some fun and music. But all were feeling so weary and listless that even the best joke failed amuse and the singers stopped half their way for want of strength.

Thus, minute my minute, the hanging time passed on till was midnight, suddenly the heat began diminish and a welcome, a most welcome breeze began to blow from the north-west direction. With surprise and delight, we looked above and found that the sky had already been overcast with surprise and delight, we looked above and found that the sky had already been overcast with clouds. Gradually the breeze turned into a wind and, in a few minutes, it became comparatively high. After sometime, a violent storm arose, followed first by a light rain and then by heavy shower. We had already gone in and shut our doors and windows. We threw ourselves on our beds for the much-delayed sleep. I had fallen fast asleep in a few minutes after my head touched the pillow. And when I when I woke up next morning, it was rather cold with my body wrapped in my bed-sheet.

17.  Autobiography of a rickshawala
I am a rickshaw-driver and popularly known is rickshawala in our part of the world. That is the name by which I am called. Sometimes passengers shorten my title and call out Halloo, rickshaw, as if I am the vehicle that I ply. But I know that they mean and at once rush to their service. I cannot afford to have any false sense of vanity either. I am poor but not miserable. I thank my star that I am not a thief.

I drive a three-wheeled vehicle that you call rickshaw. I do not own my carriage yet but hope to buy in the near future. Nonetheless I love the rickshaw that gives me an honourable living. I love it with the care father and always ply with caution and tenderness. I keep it neat and tidy and protect it from rain and sun.

 Shall I tell you a bit of my daily life? Yes, let me tell you. You may find find it somewhat interesting. I rise quite early in the morning, eat my poor but pleasant breakfast, and go out with my three-wheeled car. At times I have to paddle a long way off before I get a passenger. As the sun rises higher and higher, my trouble increases, how difficult it is, after all to drive along several maunds of weight with no stronger things than two human legs. And often have to run for miles without any income. But on the whole my income is good.

After meeting the dues of the cruel, I am left enough to feed my family except on rare occasions when natural calamities disturb my work. Usually I work from morning sunset, with a break in the midday for lunch. Generally after a long trip. I rest for a while and take some repast. I have a home –a small but loving home where I live with my loving wife and beloved children. When I go out in the morning, my children see me off at the door. When I return home in the evening they receive me on the adjacent road. They rush out of my small cottage as soon as they hear the sound of my bell. As I go in with them, my loving wife all eat our dinner together and go to bed rather early.

But on top of all my joys I have a permanent fear which robs me of much of the relish of life. I have no security. I am now young and energetic and can keep off starvation by the power of my muscles. Bu what will happen when I grow old? Who will feed my children it I fall sick or die of an accident? Whenever I think o these problems, I find no reply. But I depend on god and believe firmly that he will give me and my family the protection we deserve.

18.  A visit to a zoo
A visit to a zoo in an interesting and knowledgeable experience. A visit to a zoo gives us a unique opportunity to see and know about different species of animals and wildlife which is otherwise impossible or difficult. Last winter vacation, I had a pleasant experience of visiting the zoo at mirpur in Dhaka.

Entrance into the zoo:
I reached at the zoo gate in the morning with some of friends. There was a box office at the gate of the zoo from where enter ticket was being sold. We bought tickets from there. There I saw a large crowd waiting to enter into the zoo. However, we manged to enter into the zoo quite easily as everybody up and maintained discipline.

Details of the zoo:
Entering into the zoo we felt relieved that inside the zoo it was not as crowded as it was at the gate. We went to each and every cage one after another. We started seeing the animals cage from our right side. We saw the monkeys playing and jumping inside their big weired cage. Some monkeys were hanging from the iron bar. The activities and movements of the monkeys were hanging from the iron bar. The activities and movements of the monkeys gave us much fun. From there, we went to a tiger’s cage. The fieriest of beasts was hungry and was hungry and was strolling inside its cage from one end to another for food. Then, we went to hippopotamus and elephants. They were the biggest creatures of the zoo. We also saw hayenas, zebra, guarilla ,chimpanzee, widow etc.

The sights of snakes:
Next our attention was drawn to the cages of snakes. In a cage there were two big snakes called pythons. They were lying on the ground coiling their long bodies. The snakes were very big. They were looking fearful. The sights of snakes frightened us.  We stayed there for a short time.

Other animals:
The animals that attracted us most was the deer. There were deer of different species and sizes. They were running inside their big cage. Deer was agile and mild creatures. Than we came to the cage of lions. The king of beasits welcome with its terrific howling sounds. The lions impressed us with its prowess and majesty. We also saw leopards, black-tigers, wild cats etc.

Birds :
There were variety of birds in the zoo. Many of which I did not see before, birds made different kinds of chirping sounds seeing the visitors. Some birds were very big, some were very small. We saw some birds which were brought from many different countries. We also saw ostrich, eagle, wild hen, peacock, and many unknown birds. From there, we went to the crocodiles. They were resting o swimming in the ponds. We also saw some other land and aquatic animals and species. I had not heard many of their names before.

The significance /value of the visit:
I have only read about our animal world in the book. The visit to the zoo gave me a first hand experience of seeing them from very close distance. I learned about their strange and diverse habits, their queer appearance, their food habits, and their life-styles. The visit gave me practical knowledge about different species of birds, animals and wild creatures. However, I was really impressed, and delighted to see the beasts and animals. It was really a wonderful world of unknown mystery and thrill. However, we noticed some mismanagements and irregularities. Some animals and beasts are ill-fed. Many of them are not cared well. We also saw some empty-cages. The inhabitants of these cages have either died or disappeared. The zoo is a big area, but there was no canteen or snack spot for the visitors. So, we became tired and we had to sit several times to complete our visit.

We were happy that we could visit the zoo without any trouble of danger. The zoo has a rich collection of wild creatures. It was a memorable experience for me. I think every person should pay a visit to a zoo gather knowledge and experience of wildlife.

19.  Bangabandhu Bridge
The Bangabandhu Bridge is a mile stone in the country’s communication system. It has connected the eastern and western regions of the country. In the history of Bangladesh it is the greatest achievement for Bangladesh.

History of the bridge:
The rive Jamuna devided the country in to two zones-eastern and western. Usual dangerous to cross the river. In the rainy season it becomes more difficult and dangerous to cross the river.
The history of Bangabandhu Bridge is very long. I tis the result of the popular demands of the people. At last the idea for the construction of a bridge over Jamuna was proposed in 1973 during the state visit of japan by Bangabandhu.

For the construction of Bangabandhu Bridge about 7273 acres of land have been acquired on both side of Jamuna river in the district of Tangail and Sirajganj. The total project cost was jointly financed by the Govt of Bangladesh, japan, the world bank and the Asian bank. The actual physical work of the bridge began on October 16th, 1994. It took 889 days to complete the bridge. About 18 lakh labour workedhard day & right to complete the bridge. More than two thousand foreigners including engineers, technicians etc worked there. The construction contractor was a Korean firm. The bridge is 4.8 kilometer long and 18.5 meter wide. The probable expenditure for its construction is about three thousand crore taka. The construction of the bridge was completed on June 1998. It was opened on June 23, 1998.

It is the longest bridge of the south Asia and the 11th longest bridge of the world. Bangabandhu Bridge is an important milestone for social and economic prosperity of the country. Due to the bridge now natural gas has reached the door of the people of north –west region of the country.
The benefit of the Bangabandhu Bridge cannot be described in words. It is a milestone in the field of transport and communication system of Bangladesh.

20.  Birds of Bangladesh
Our dear Bangladesh is a beautiful country. It is a land of forest and trees, hills and vales, rivers, marshes and canals, wide open meadows. It has got a moderate climate-neither too hot nor too cold. So this land is a happy abode of different kinds of birds. Birds have increased the beauty of our country. We sleep at night and rise early in the morning hearing the sweet song of different birds.

Different types:
There are different types of birds in our country.They are different inn color, size and habit. They eat different kinds of food. Some birds eat fish and flesh, some live on warms and insects. Some on fruits and grains, some on filth and garbage’s. Birds are divided into many classes. They are teasing birds, song birds, rapacious birds, game birds, migratory birds and tailor birds.

Teasing birds:
Crows and kites are teasing birds. The crow is a very common bird in Bangladesh, it is very clever. It steals away the food and other small things from our kitchen animals and dirty things. It has a harsh voice. The kite also steals away chickens, fish and pieces of flesh.

Song Birds:
There are many song birds in Bangladesh. The cuckoo is the most popular of all song birds. It comes to our country at the beginning of spring. Small boys and girls try to imitate a cuckoo when it sings. It hides itself behind leaves. The shyma, the doel, the koel and the baukatha-kao, the nightingale are well known song birds. Doel is our national bird.

Talking birds:
The parrot, the mayna, the chandana, the cockatoo and the martin are called talking birds. People tame them for their sweet voice and they can talk like human beings if they are trained.

The game birds:
There are many game birds in our country. They are famous for their tasty flesh. The partridge, the dove, the pigeon, the snipe, the bittern, the heron, the teal, and the pan kauri are most well known game birds.

The fish eating birds:
There some fish eating birds that live beside the watery places. They eat small fish. The crane, the heron and the kingfisher are fish eating birds.

Birds of prey:
There are some birds of prey in our country. They are the vulture and the hawk. They mainly live on flesh and fish. These birds have keen eyes and sharp nail. They swoop down upon their prey. The vulture ears upon dead animals.

The tailor birds: 
There are some birds that build their nests with great skill. We wonder at their work. They are called tailor birds. The swallow, the tuntuni and the babui are tailor birds.

Nocturnal birds:
There are some birds that come out at night. They are called night-birds. The owl and the bat are of this kind. These birds do not come out on broad daylight. We hear the owl prowl at night. It is harmless. The bat deeds on fruits. If flies at night.

Migratory birds:
Many birds come from foreign land in our country during autumn and winter. They are also famous for their flesh. They increase the natural beauty of our country for the time being.

Some other birds:
There are many other common birds which we find here and there. We do not know the name of many birds. The wood pecker is a fine looking bird. It makes hole in the tree. Pea-cock is also a beautiful bird.

Domestic birds:
The pigeon, the hen, the cock and the duck are domestic birds. They provide us with flesh and eggs. Many families in our country make poultry far and earn a lot of money.
Birds are our natural wealth. They are helpful and useful to us in many ways. They do many good to us. Birds eat many dirty things and keep the environment clean. Therefore, we should not kill birds at random and we should take proper care of them.

21.  Charms of city life
City life more advantages than its disadvantages. That is why city life is always charming. It also attracts people from other areas, particularly from villages. There are certain charms or attractions that make city also lots of better opportunities. city provides a fast and dynamic life, better earning scopes ,improved medical facilities , advanced mode of transport and  communication , better  education ,good sanitation and other services, recreational and cultural varieties , and most of all , better opportunities for job, business and trade.

Communication & transport: 
City life is racy and pacy. A city has good road networks and rapid mode of transport and communication system. So city dwellers can move easily and quickly and can keep pace with the rest of the world. Automobiles and move easily and private cars, buses and trucks. Trains and airliners, telephones and internets, all faster means of communication and transport have made city life faster, easier, and more comfortable. They have saved both time and time money of the city dwellers and reduced their troubles and hazards.

Education facilities: 
City has many good educational institutions. So city dwellers get better scopes of education here. Almost all the good schools, Colleges, universities and other specialized institutions are situated in cities.  Besides, a city has good educational resources and environment. Educational institutions in a city are better staffed, well equipped and better societies and organizations that contribute to widening learners knowledge, skill and experience, outlook and faculty power.

Medical facilities: 
A city provides good medical facilities. Highly skilled and experienced doctors are available in cities. Good hospitals and clinics, diagnostic centres and other medical facilities are also available in a city.

Jobs and business: 
Cities are hub of tribe and commercial activities. There are mills and factories, shopping malls and supermarkets, banks and govt. and non-govt. offices. So a city offers good job opportunities, and business facilities. In fact, Cities provide opportunities for economic and commercial growth.

Generally, Cities are furnished with parks, clubs, zoo, museums, theaters and cinema halls, and different types of attractive places. City dwellers visit these places and spend their free time to get enjoyment and pleasure. Besides, different cultural organizations arrange variety of programmes all the year round. These are a good source of joy and recreation for city sellers, there is lots of interesting things to do and places to see. City people also enjoy out in fine hotels and restaurants.

Better living standard: 
City life offers better living conditions. The roads and streets are clean. It has good sanitation, and garbage management system. It has also supply of pure drinking water. City dwellers enjoy electricity, gas, telephone and other urban and modern facilities provided by city authorities or other service providers. In cities, supply of foods and other goods are better and more than rural areas. Almost anything can be found in city’s markets or shops at any time. So city has better living conditions and environment.

Summing up: 
City life full of hustle and bustle, noise and activity but it is also full of excitement and variety. Of course, city life has certain draw backs. But opportunities and amenities, charms and attractions invite us to live in a city. City life is particularly appealing to young people because it offers them good earning and spending sources. It provides them with opportunities to develop their career, and pursue their dreams. So city life is always wished for!

22.  Childhood memories
Man is fond of turning back from the present to the past again and again. Nothing is more pleasant to him than memories of his childhood. The memories of my childhood haunt me like a passion. Whenever I am sick of the present, l try to get relief in the past days of my childhood. A man cannot remember everything that happened in his childhood. But certain events are stored in the –conscious mind. They sometime peep through mind’s eye.

My play-ground and the Testa : 
My playground was the bank of the mighty Teesta. In all the seasons this river had great attraction for me. Whenever I was not at home, I could be found on its bank. There would be other children also with me. We used to row on the river, jump into it and swim in it. I often saw the Teesta in fury too. On one occasion when we were playing on its bank, suddenly patches of patches of clouds made their appearance in the sky and a strong wind began to blow. My companions ran away in fear, but I did not. The storm made my heart dance with the surging waves of the river. The river swelled up and dashed violently against its sandy banks. I shall never forget the scene in my life.

Stealing of fruits:
I was very fond of stealing mangoes, lichies, black berries and other fruits in the company of friends in summer. Sometimes we would forget to eat our midday meals.

The village maktab: 
The village maktab was another interesting place. An old maulovi shaheb used to teach us there. It was housed in a small hut attached to the village mosque. A large number of boys and girls used to attend. We would learn lesson with deafening noise, but our old teacher did never threaten us. He was, in fact, too old to do so. Though we did not fear him, we surely love him.

My first day at school: 
The next worth mentioning experience was my first day at school. When I entered the compound with my father, the children were enjoying themselves here and here. My mind was troubled with fear that I might not be quite free and easy is their midst. My heart began to beat fast when I was taken to the headmaster but his smiling face and gentle words put me at ease. I was admitted into class I. the warmth with my classmates received me dispelled all my fears.

The village hat: 
Another interesting memory is the village hat. The hat used to sit twice a weak near a river. I usually went there with some other children. The hat seemed to me to be a wonderful place. It was one of the biggest hats in the locality. We used to take with us our little fund of a few paisa and buy sweets from the vendors. After spending a few hours there, we would come back after night-fall.

In search of birds: 
There was a bush near our house. Hundreds of birds made their nests in that bush. Sometimes I went there other boys. Some adventurous boys caught small birds from the holes of the tree.

Actives during holidays: 
During holidays when my mother went to sleep at soon, we went to the railway line. There I together with other children gathered pebbles. We watched how the trains passed with innumerable unknown facts.

My father got an appointment in a town school and he moved to the town immediately with all the members of the family. I was admitted into my father’s school. I felt that my school –fellows did not love me. They had no bothering feeling for one another as we had in the village. There was no freedom, no joy as we had in the village.

I was sorry to be in the town. But there was no help. However I have gradually adjusted myself to town life. I have now new friends and companions and am more or less happy. But my heart aches for the happy childhood days. Childhood is free from worries and has infinite capacity for enjoyment.

23.  Child labour
Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries of the world. Most people here live below poverty live. They cannot afford their basic necessities properly. Here the average family size is big. As many families have low income or less earners than eating mouths. They engage their children in various earning activities to supplement the family mouths. Thus child labour is no the increase. In fact, child labour has become a serious socio-economic problem of Bangladesh. It is s curse of our society. A satire to our development programmes.

Child labour: 
A curse of modern society: labour is a matter of dignity. But child labour is considered a matter of disgrace for a nation, because children are the future of a nation. If childhood is wasted in manual labour, and in shouldering the family need, if the children are deprived of their rights to education and other privileges, they will not be able to lead the nation in future. In effect they become a long-standing burden on the nation.

There are certain causes of child labour. Poverty is the root cause. As poor people can hardly maintain their family and educate their children, the education of the children is stopped at an early age and they are forced to do various manual labours to support their family. Low pay is another cause of child labour. Often employers offer low pay for certain jobs which the grown-ups do not do.

Child labour: 
A sordid reality: Child labour is a sad reality of modern urban and industrial society. Children are like flowers. At this they are to go to school and there will be books and pens in pens in their hands. But the tough and cruel reality force many children to leave school or not to go to school at all. Instead they take up hammer, basket, and handles of rickshaw or van in their hands, remain unfed, half-clad, and bare –footed. Thus, their sad and heart-rending condition highlights only the distressed condition of the nation.

Child labour: 
Abuse of children: Child labour destroys the sweet period of childhood and faces the children with the stark realities of life. Wherever children are employed either it is domestic work or factory work, either it is rickshaw pulling or working in a shop or hotel, they are abused, maltreated , paid low and deprived of their due rights b their employer. Children work for longer period, suffer various mistreatments, work in unhealthy and unfavorable condition, and what is sorrowful, they are not given due wages. Child labour is cheap labour. Many children do the work of the adults, and other do risky and dangerous work, but they do not get any sympathy or lave from anybody.

Govt. And NGOs should work together to root out this evil from society. For this, poverty alleviation programme must be strengthened and widened. Gove’s social security network should also be extended. Strict laws should be enacted and enforced against employing children in manual work.

Children’s work should never be desired in a society. Bangladesh is conforming to UNICEF s say yes to children programme which includes 15 things for the children. We must try to maintain that and ensure peaceful, carefree, and secured world for our children. Otherwise we will have to suffer in the long run caused from this social problem.

24.  Cinema –its uses and abuses
Cinema is the popular name for motion- picture which is made of a integrated series of innumerable photographs projected with the projection, the pictures reflected on the screen are found to talk and sing. Such pictures are called talkies. Cinema is, in fact the result of optic delusion.

No other invention of science has evoked so sharp difference of opinion than cinema because nothing else is so evenly divided between good and evil. Cinema is useful-immensely useful to all classes of people, young and old, rich and poor, duffer and intellectual. But cinema also can be immensely harmful and lead a whole generation of man to the dogs. It all depends, however, on how it is organized and for what purposes motion-pictures are utilized. ‘
A right kind of motion picture with an edifying theme is an invaluable source of delight and recreation which is so essential for mental and physical health. We get recreation also from other sources-books, radio and the stage. But none else can give it so thoroughly, nor can-absorb the mind so completely. That is why thousands and thousands throng around the cinema halls every day.

Cinema has also great educative value. Only the literate section of the people has access into books and papers. But all without exception can enjoy a cinema show and learn therefore. Besides, as the motion-pictures teach through entertainment, the mind receives the lessons quickly and easily.

They turn up of for sheer recreation and return unknowingly with a lot of instruction too. What an admirable method of teaching indeed! If properly organized, films can yet become more perfect agencies of teaching all subjects of human study-literature, philosophy, science, economics and so on. He who has once seen the picture of Macbeth by shakespear or Caesar and Cleopatra by Shaw knows much better of both the books than he who has read them even twice or thrice. Fall of berlin is a better history of the Russo-German fight during the world war ll than any book needing days together to read. Similiarly, if a nothing on which it can depend more than the screen.

But, the cinema has as well a dark side as it has a bright side. At times and not infrequently, cinemas ignore higher ideals and motives in order to appeal to the vulgar taste of the multitude. Designed primarily to return the investment several times, producers often make their pictures too vulgar for any man of taste to see-throwing in silly romances, absurd situations, corrupting songs and vulgar dances. Such pictures demoralize society as a whole, particularly the young. Censor boards are always there and exist in all countries. But their scissors have so far failed to cope with the producers crafty brains.

In order to prevent the evils of cinema and of to harness it to the higher needs of society, every country should have aboard of board of cultured men with high powers to check the production of unhealthy pictures. Instead of subjecting pictures to post-production censor, the story, the sceneries and the outlines of songs and dances should be got approved by that board. In short, every conceivable measure should be taken to ensure that the power of the cinema may not be used to reap individual profit at the cost of social morality.

25.  Communication in Bangladesh
Communication of transport system is the life-blood of a country’s socio-economic development. Bangladesh is a riverine country. So, naturally, the country has a good network of waterways. And in recent times, the country’s road communication has increased significantly. The whole country is now under a good communication and transport system.

Water ways:
Bangladesh is crisscrossed by many big and small rivers and their tributaries. There is a good system of canals also. So, waterways have always been a good and easy means of transporting people and goods in our country. Different kinds of water vehicles, both traditional and modern ply through our countryside all the year round. Boats, streamers, launches, barges, ferries, tankers, trawlers and even small ships carry people and goods and keep economic activates functional. We have two sea-ports and many inland water ports in different regions of the country. A large amount of country import, export, trade and inland transportation of passengers and goods are done through these ports.

Land communication:
Bangladesh has a good network of road communication.  The country has a wide network of highways and roads which have linked with all the major cities and district towns of the country, in fact, any part of the country can be reached by roads. Many bridges have opened up a new horizon in country’s communication system which has connected the east part of the country with northern part. A huge car carries millions of passengers and tons of goods everyday throughout the country. The country’s total read communication system is about 80,000 kilometres. Besides, we have about 2,800 kilometres of railroads. Besides in every district there are inter-district bus and truck transport systems owned and run by private enterprises.
Airways: We have also good inland airways system. Though our international airway transport system is still very poor, biman Bangladesh airlines operates flights in 46 international destinations. The country has three international airports and seven other domestic airports like GMG.

Problems in our communication sector:
Though Bangladesh has a good networks of land and water communication, it is still inadequate compared to our huge and increasing population. Most of our roads are broken, rough, and narrow and they hinder smooth and fast movement of passengers and goods. Besides lack of good monitoring causes many road accidents and claim lives and damages properties. Specially in major cities, the communication system is disrupted by traffic congestion and traffic mismanagement. For a careful town planning, twenty five percent of places should be for roads, but in our cities, the proportion is much less than required.

We need to construct more roads and highways, bridges and culverts. Highway policing should be enforced. For traffic congested areas, a special transport system should be developed. We can consider Underground Railroad or electro-magnetic communication system for Dhaka city and Dhaka-Chittagong.

A good, fast and safe communication and transport system is a must for balanced and overall socio-economic development of a country. Communication and transport system speed up economic and commercial activities reduce transport cost of goods and contribute to improved living standard. Govt. of Bangladesh must concentrate on the development of a modern and fast communication and transport system and ensure its safety and smoothness.

26.  Compulsory primary education
The meaning of compulsory primary education is that all the children up to the age of 10 must complete their education up to the level of class v. its purpose is to impart knowledge of reading , writing and simple arithmetic .

Illiteracy is a curse. It is the root cause of poverty. No development programme can attain success due to illiteracy. On the other hand education is the backbone of a nation. It removes darkness and enlightens mind. It also shows how malnutrition. Hunger and disease can be overcome. It the citizens of a country are given right type of education. They will be able to solve the economic. Social and political problems of their country, hence all the children of a country like ours must be given education up to certain level. Therefore, universal primary education has become a vital national issue.

Bangladesh is beset with many problems. So it is very difficult to educate all the people within a short time. Large portion of the children have not yet got the opportunity to go to primary schools. There are about 44000 primary schools in our country which are not sufficient to provide accommodation for all the children. Moreover the poor and illiterate parents do not realize the importance of education. Considering all these problems, primary education should be made free and compulsory.

Means to solve this problem:
in order to make the compulsory free primary education programme successful we have to eradicate the problems that stand in the way of it. Firstly the parents should be made to realize the importance of education. More schools should be established so that no student deprived of having primary education. Poor students should be provided with books, pens, dresses etc. free of cost. In order to build up good and efficient teachers, training facilities should be arranged.

Steps taken by the government:
the government of our country has taken some steps to remove illiteracy from 5 to 7 must go to school. They are taught free there. All other thanas will be brought under this programme by phases. The government has also taken vigorous campaign programme to motivate parents to send their children to schools; the government has also launched food for education programme to inspire the poor parents to send their children to schools. Text books are also supplied to the students free of cost. Again UNESCO, ASHA and many other organizations have come forward to wipe out illiteracy from the country.

The prosperity and progress of our nation depends upon the complete removal of illiteracy. For that implementation of compulsory free primary education has become a crying need. If we are to take a rightful place in the world. We have to bend all our resources and energies to this purpose without wasting time any more.

27.  Corruption in Bangladesh
In our recent political history, corruption has become a buzzword due to its all-pervasive existence in all our public sectors and even in private organizations. Corruption has always been a constant phenomenon in our country. But recent drives against corruption and a huge public conscience and consciousness against it have given it a new momentum. Bangladesh has been branded as the most corrupt country in the world for consecutive four years by transparency international. So, both local and international pressure and call have created an urgency to fight and curb corruption in Bangladesh.

Its meaning and scope: 
Corruption can be defined in simple term as unethical and unfair practice or means to draw any profit or benefit that goes against law and harms others’ interest. In broad terms, corruption includes abuse of power, distortion of standard practices and principles, bribery, favoritism, extortion. Fraudulence, deception and illegal practices whereby a person or group draws personal benefit damaging others or country’s interest.

Causes of corruption: 
Corruption is a social evil. Moral degradation and ethical decadence is the main cause of corruption. People’s unscrupulous activities, avarice and greed to amass wealth, materialistic attitude of life-all these breed corruption. capitalistic economic system, in equal distribution of wealth , excessive gap between wealth and poverty, economic insolvency , high living cost, unemployment etc. are the social and economic causes of corruption .

Effects of corruption: 
In a poor and underdeveloped country like Bangladesh the effects of corruption in economy and in politics are very devastating. If govt. officials are corrupt, people do not get good service from them. If politicians and policy –makers are corrupt, it affects and retards country’s overall development. By doing corruption, a section of powerful people amass huge wealth and lead a very carefree and luxurious life. This creates social gap and grievances among people. Corruption in education system lowers down harms the image of the country, causes social and political instability, and increases economic and social crimes and also discrimination and disorder in the society.

People’s ethical sense should be strengthening. For this a good education system which stresses on creating morality is necessary. Consciousness about corruption and fighting corruption is also necessary. Corrupt officials and politicians should be severely punished. We should have good and effective laws for preventing corruption. A just and equal social and judicial system is necessary to prevent corruption. Accountable, transparent and efficient administration is also necessary. We have to remove social injustice, social gap and wide gap between wealth and poverty. Besides, anti-corruption commission should be made effective and independent so that they can fight corruption is a social malady. So it can be checked by social awareness and efforts.

Corruption is a matter of national disgrace. It is also a social vice. Due to corruption only a handful of people gain, but majority of the people suffer. It has now become a serious national problem. We must remove or curb corruption from the society in order to build a society based on equality, justice and fraternity.

28.  Digital Bangladesh
Bangladesh is resounding with the target of achieving of digital Bangladesh. In the election days, AL, one of the major political parties, first declared vision 2021 with the aim to develop Bangladesh into a digital country by the next decade. BNP, another big political party, also added that they started the program in their tenure and will complete it earlier. More than a month ago, the Bangladesh Computer Council also organized a computer fair with the theme ‘digital Bangladesh’. A country goes digital means it will be an e-state means all its activates of governance, commerce, education, agriculture etc. will be powered by computer and internet.

It is easy to speak such a dream, but are we committed to achieve this dream? One of the reason why our country didn’t become digital by this time is because of lack of commitment on the part of our political leaders.

The landslide victory of Awami League in the last election has given the new government of Sheikh Hasina an enormous task of meeting people’s aspirations. Different analyses of the electoral results have revealed that the young generation who consist of more than one third of the voters had indeed brought this overwhelming victory for AL. whit many other reason, implicitly it can be inferred that voters of this generation while exercising their franchese considered party manifestos seriously. Presumably the visionary approach of AL’s considered party manifesto, entitled ‘a charter for change’ might have allured the young voters much, specially it’s ‘Vision 2021’ which envisions a ‘digital Bangladesh’.

Broadly speaking, a digital society ensures an ICT driven knowledge-based society where information will be readily available on line and where all possible tasks of the government, semi-government and also private spheres will be processed suing the modern technology. So, a digital Bangladesh must guarantee efficient and effective use of modem ICT in all spheres of the society with a view to establishing good governance.

Due to globalization, Bangladeshhas already been connected with the outside world. Yet in the field of ICT, our only grand success lies in Mobile telecommunication which has other spheres of ICT, our achievement is very insignificant and we are still far away from transforming ourselves into a knowledge-based society.

Building strong ICT infrastructure is the prerequisite for making Bangladesh a digital one. For this, we need to focus on the following relevant issues assessing the harsh reality that hinders our development in this context.

Power deficit:  Latest statistics reveal that Bangladesh faces a power deficit of up to 2000 MW against a demand of 8000 MW daily. It may be noted that for proper ICT development an uninterrupted power supply is a must.

Network infrastructure: Outside Dhaka, at present a few computer network infrastructures have been developed so far. Apart from some educational institutes outside. Dhaka, observation finds that most of the LAN set ups are Dhaka centric. This observation reveals the reality of the digital gap even within the country.

Use of internet: For the ICT development internet users of the country must be increased. In this case our position is the worst one among the South Asian countries. The latest statistics (ITU, 2007) revealed that internet penetration in our country is only 0.3% whereas, in Pakistan and India, it is 7.3% and 5.3% respectively.

Use of open source software: many countries (e.g. France and Malaysia) have started to use open source software in ICT development projects for cost effectiveness. Unfortunately, in our ICT development domain the culture of using open source has not yet been introduced.
English literacy rate: From different sources, it has been learnt that, English literacy rate in Bangladesh is less than one percent. In the arena of ICT English has become the lingua-Franca. Unfortunately, in this case our position is the worst in the sun-continent. For making a digital Bangladesh by 2021, the government must address the above stated issues effectively and efficiently in transparent manners. Moreover, the journey towards a digital Bangladesh needs the incorporation of the technologically solvent innovative younger generation. If the leaders of our country objectively guide this generation, they can do wonder for the nation.

29.  Dignity of labour
All labour is sacred and full of dignity. Almighty Allah has given us hands to work with. We should use them as long as, we are strong and able. To know one’s work and to perform it should be the motto of a man’s life.

Importance of labour on our life:
labour occupies very important and essential role in our life. Without labour, we would not have food, shelter, cloth, medicine and education. But every man should undergo labour honestly and do his duty faithfully and sincerely. Samuel smiles says, it is not a disgrace to be a shoe-maker, but it is certainly a great disgrace to make bad shoes.

The man who hates labour:
The man who looks upon labour as a curse has no idea of the dignity of labour and can not win the respect of others. He lives to no purpose and dies leaving nothing behind.

Labour makes man glorious:
All glory to those who give their labour to the service of others. They make the field green and build houses, bridges, railway lines, roads, ships, vehicles, they make all arts and all sciences. They work for the good of mankind.

Dignity of labour creates self-confidence:
It is labour that can fill a person with a sense of dignity and independence. It gives him the true spirit so courage and self-confidence. He is a man of industry and full of the dignity of labour. Labour should be particularly considered glorious and dignified one. It is full of the highest dignity known to man. So none should consider any type of labour mean and shameful.

30.  Early rising
Among the habits of human of human being early rising is the most valuable. Like all other habits this habits lasts all through the life. It is not very difficult to form the habit. A man of strong determination can easily from this habit. It enables us to do our work in right earnest.

Good effect:
One who rises early is capable of doing larger amount of work than he who lies late hours in bed.
He who rises late feels heaviness in all of his work. This prevents him from doing his work in time. All those who own fame in fame world. Were early risers. Early rising leads us to be healthy and wise. Early rising is beneficial to both body and mind. An early riser can enjoy and invigorating. An early riser can refresh his mind. An early riser can enjoy the sights and sound of nature. Morning air is fresh and invigorating. An early riser can refresh his mind by inhaling pure air.

Bad effect:
The man who loves to sleep too much cannot form the habit of early rising. He sets back to his work and sometimes his work remains unfinished. He lacks behind the vigour and energy of an early riser. The inability of discharging his duties leads him to face several hindrance and ultimately he lives a miserable life
In order to get up early, it is necessary that one should go bed early. If any one goes to bed early, he enjoys considerable rest. Late sleeping and late rising are injurious to health. Nature does not approve late rising. She teaches us to be early riser. We may learn to form this habit from birds and beasts.

It’s important on student life:
The student who rises begins reading late. He cannot prepare all his lessons of the day. He is scolded and caned by his teachers in school. He cannot grow up as an active and smart by. He is dull by nature. So it is very important for a student leaves his bed early in the morning.
The habit of early rising must be formed at any rate. No one can be great and unless he makes the habit of early rising. There is a wise saying:
“Early to bed and early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”
If we follow the above verses we can build up a golden future.

31.  Eid-ul-Azha
Every religion observes some important festivals. In the religion of lslam there are also some remarkable festivals. `Eid-ul-Azha ’is one of them. It is observed on the 10th Zil-Haj.

Eid-ul-Azha is one of the greatest religious festivals of the Muslims. The very word Eid-ul-Azha is formed with two words` Eid ‘and “Azha’, Eid’means joy and Azha means sacrifice. Sacrifice is closely. Related to Eid-ul-Azha.

The background of Eid –ul-Azha is described in the holy Quran. Allah wanted to test the faith of Hazrat Ibrahim (a). He ordered Hazrat Ibrahim (A). He to sacrifice his dearest thing in the name of Allah. Ibrahim (as) dreamt this frequently. At this, he took decision to sacrifice his dearest son Ismail (A) dreamt this frequently. At this, he took decision to sacrifice his dearest son Ismail (a). Allah became pleased with Ibrahim (A). He received the sacrifice of a sheep in place of Ismail (A). Since that day the Muslims remember the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim (a) celebrating Eid-ul-Azha.

On this day, the Muslims get up early in the morning. They take their bathes. Put on new clothes. Then they go to the Eidgah to say prayer. After prayer, the Muslims embrace each other ad exchange greetings. After prayer, the Muslims embrace each other and exchange greetings. After that, the Muslims sacrifice cows, goats, camels, sheep, etc in the name of Allah. They distribute a particular portion of meat among the poor and relatives.
Eid-ul-Azha is very important to the Muslims. So, we should celebrate this festival with holiness. It teaches us the lessons of tolerance. Self-devotion and brotherhood.

32.  Eid-ul-fitr
Eid-ul-fitr is the greatest religious festival of the Muslims. On this day, the Muslims exchange greetings with one another and give away fixed amount of money as Fitar to the poor.

The work `Eid’ means `joy’ and `Fitr’ means `give away’. As on this day the Muslims give away Fitra to the poor, this festival is known as Eid-ul-Fitr.

When it comes:
It comes at the end of the month of Ramadan. The holy month of Ramadan is the month of fasting and prayer for the Muslims. They keep fast during the day item in this month and do good deeds. Then in the evening of the last day last day of this day of shawal month. On this day .the Eid-ul-Fitr is held.

How observed:
On this day, there is a great joy among the Muslims. They all rise very early. They have their baths they dress themselves in their best cloths. They eat many kinds of sweets. They also give the sweets to the poor. The rich give the poor money and cloths. Then the Muslims go to the Eidgah. There they say their prayers together. After prayer, they exchange greetings and embrace each other. They visit their friends and relatives and pass the day in joy.
Eid-ul-Fitr has a great lesson for us. It teaches us love for all men and makes us feel a great bond of union among the Muslims.

Empowerment of women in Bangladesh
Empowerment the process of giving power of authority to the powerless. Empowerment of women is a process through which women in general and poor women in particular get the opportunity to join the workforce and contribute to family income and interfere on family as well as social affairs.

Women’s position in the past: 
In past women were segregated from out of home productive work. They were kept within the four walls. The hearth became the place for them. So cooking, cleaning, washing, giving birth and rearing children became their jobs. Men became the wage earners and all other activities became their responsibilities. In Bangladesh position of the women is very humiliating. Women are the worst suffers.

Cause of dis-empowerment 
there are many reasons of dis-empowerment of women in Bangladesh. Of them the following reasons are the most important.
(i)  Economic reasons
(ii) socio-culture and religious reasons

(i) Economic causes: 
Majority of the women of our country haven’t any economic freedom. From their till death they depend on men. Though many of the women specially the rural women perform the job of rearing ducks and hens, post-harvest activities etc. nobody gives any credit for them. They are regarded as liability of the family. Until and unless they will be given economic freedom , women’s empowerment will not be possible.

(ii) Socio-culture and religious causes:
In Bangladesh women are the worst sufferers. Social prejudices and customs tend to degrade their position. When a girl is born in poor family, it is not regarded as a happy event. They think that she has come as if to add to the find a husband for their daughter even before she attains physical and mental maturity. They are enters her husband’s family, that most often prove hostile to her. Most of the times if her dowry fall short of the expectation of her husband and his parents, they will insult and mistreat her. She may be threatened with divorce. She may be assaulted and in extreme cases she may even be tortured to death.

Necessity of women’s empowerment: 
Women are nowadays as important as men in society. They co constitute nearly half of our total population. So, there are can be no denying the fact that they too possess equal rights and duties as men. They have noble missions to fulfill as men. If they get opportunity, their genius and capacities will bloom fully. No nation can make the real progress keeping a full of its population in the dark. So women’s empowerment is essential.

Necessary steps for empowerment: 
Some practical measures should be taken for the empowerment of women. The women should be made conscious of the fact that they have got all the potentialities to participate in the socio-economic development of the country. They should be made self-sufficient by given them proper education and employment. It should also be endured that at workplace that women get their desirable and just wages against their contributions. The social prejudices that exist regarding the girls must be changed.

Women’s present position:
During the last few decades women’s status has been changed greatly. Today women are playing important role in all spheres of life. Many of them have come out of the kitchens. They are working hand in hand with men in all spheres of work i.e. from garments workers to pilots, doctors, engineers, teachers, administrators etc.
Now, it has come to the realization to all that if we want keep pace with the challenge of the millennium, both men and women should work side by side. In this regard, the government along with, with the people from all strata of life should come forward to extend their whole hearted cooperation.

33.  Environment pollution in Bangladesh
Environment pollution is a much-talked topic of the present. Our life is so deeply and invariably related to environment that any pollution of it causes dangers and brings about different disasters.

Environment and ecology: 
Thing surrounding us are called environment. So air, water, soil, trees, plants, animals all these are elements of environment. All things that make up the environment are interrelated and this interrelation is known as ecology. Any change in this interrelation due to pollution disrupts ecological balance and cause different kinds of environment disasters.

Causes of pollution: 
Environment is being polluted in a number of ways. Human beings and their unscrupulous activities are mostly responsible for all kinds of pollution occurred. Air is the most vital element of the environment. Air is being polluted by the smoke and different gases emitted from various sources. Increasing population need more fuel and more cars. So, when they clear forests for wood and burn them as fuel, and run car by burning gasoline, they create smoke. This also pollutes the air. Water, another important element of the environment is also being polluted in many different ways, mills and factories, water-vehicles, and human beings throw their waste products and rubbish in the water and thus pollute water. Insanitary latrines, chemical fertilizers and insecticides used in farmlands, drainage and sewerage lines also contribute to further pollution. We also experience sound and odour pollution. Modern life is full of machines. And different types of machines, transports and also metal works create a lot of noise and causes sound pollution. Again, due to lack of proper disposal, rubbish dumped here and there creates stinking smell causing odour pollution.

Effects of pollution: 
Environmental pollution badly and seriously affects our lives. Pollution causes various health hazards. A polluted environment breeds different kinds of germs and diseases, some of which are very fatal for human lives. People not only suffer from various diseases and illness. Their normal life is also destroyed. Besides health a hazard, environmental pollution causes other harms. It causes thus environmental pollution harms both lives and nature. Today, we know that environment pollution is the major cause of global warming, and consequently climate change. And, as a consequence of global warming of climate change, the whole human race will face unprecedented calamity and danger.

Preventing pollution: 
As we cannot avoid industrialization and urbanization process. And also the use of chemicals and machines in our lives, preventing environment pollution is a big challenge. However, raising awareness about how to protect environment and how to reduce pollution can be a good solution. Apart from this, we have to use environment – friendly fuels-like bio fuels or natural gas, and also environment friendly machines. Finally, environment protection laws should be severely punished.

Environment pollution is a global issue. In Bangladesh, the problem requires special attention and address because we are heading towards a disaster as our environment is now in a very adverse condition. If we want to live a healthy and peaceful life and a sound and better living, we must prevent environmental pollution and protect the environment.

34.  Female education
Education is a light to which everybody has the equal right. Allah has created both man and woman equally and has not drawn any distinct distinction between them. So there should be no difference of opinion regarding imparting education to women. So education should be universal.

A good mother can produce a good citizen. In order to have good citizens, female education is a must.

Female education is not a new thing in our country. Islam has encouraged education and turning it women folk. The prophet of Islam has made education compulsory for both man and women. Once Napoleon said, give me a good mother and I well give you a good citizen. A good mother obviously means an education mother. So it needs no telling the importance of female education.
Women are now a days as important as men in society. They constitute nearly half of our total population. So there can be no denying the fact that they too possess equal rights and duties as men do. If they get opportunity, their genius, powers and capacities will bloom fully. No nation can make real progress keeping a full half of its population in the dark. Again without education women cannot be elevated. So an all-out education should be imparted to the women folk.

A mother exercises an undeniable influence in the formation of children’s character and in shaping their future destiny. The things that learn at home take a firm root in them. And it goes without saying that learning they get mostly from their mother as they live under her direct supervision and constant care. If a mother fails to bring up her children properly, the mother is held responsible for this failure, not the child. If all the children become great, all the credit goes to the mothers. From this point of view an education mother is an asset and it is more necessary to educate women folk.

The role of women in making a home an abode of peace and happiness is great. Not only as mothers but also as wives women exert tremendous influence for good of for evil. If a wife is properly education, she can manage household affairs efficiently. A good house wife is can asset to the entire family. She can keep accounts; control and guide house wife is an asset to the entire family. She can keep accounts, control and guide servants and take initiative in many domestic matters. She can maintain the discipline of the house.

All necessary steps should be taken to encourage universal female education .it is a happy news for us that our government has recently declared free and compulsory education for rural girls up to S.S.C  a country cannot prosper if its women are kept ignorant. We need good, mothers to make our nation great. Without a good system of female education, this will not be possible.

35.  Fish cultivation
Bangladesh is the darling child of nature. One has rained her bounties on her loving child profusely. Bangladesh is blessed with so many natural gifts. Fish is one of them. For this reason fish is a common item of our food. But at present this fish is the only source of foreign currency. That is why fish cultivation holds a bright prospect for Bangladesh.

Places for fish cultivation:
Bangladesh is the best suitable place for fish cultivation. Its soil and climate are congenial to fish cultivation. Bangladesh is a land of rivers, canals, ponds, lakes, tanks and big haors. Fishes live there. They breed and naturally grow there.

Government initiatives for fish cultivation:
In countries like Denmark, fisheries are regarded as an important trade. They have done a lot to improve his trade and are now earning large sums of money by selling fish to foreign countries. On our country fisheries have been badly neglected so long though we have an enormous supply of fish. Our government has taken necessary measures and proper steps for the improvement of fish cultivation. A separate department of fishers has been opened. It is doing useful work to develop this trade and to improve the lot of the people who are engaged in this profession. Today the people who are engaged in fish cultivation are granted bank loans and supplied with necessary appliances.

Private initiatives taken for fish cultivation:
Now a day’s fish cultivation is a very profitable business. People but many educated men, Instead of running any risky business or rendering service, have taken fish cultivation as their sole profession. Fish cultivation is less risky and less hazardous. With the help of a little investment it is possible to earn a big amount. They need not flatter anyone or to shelter of any falsehood.

Benefit of fish cultivation:
The benefits of fish cultivation are too many to be described. The people of Bangladesh like fish very much. It is next to rice. They cannot pass a single day without fish. It is very delicious and nutritious. Various delicious preparations are made of fish. They are cooked as curry of fly or kabab. Today fish cultivation is the most profitable business. It is a great source of income. The lion share or our foreign exchange is coming from fish. Fishing is a means of livelihood for many people in our country. There is a special caste of lower class Hindus with whom fishing is hereditary occupation. Now days not only the poor Muslims but also people of different classes have taken fish cultivation as their profession and at the same time as source of their livelihood. It has gone a long way to solve our much talked unemployment problem.

There is no undisturbed blessing on earth. Everything has its dark side. So fish cultivation is not free from its dark side. It has got some demerits. Sometimes it is attacked by virus and sometimes falls victim to natural calamities. Again there are touts, brokers, who cheat the simple minded people engaged in this profession. Again many educated youth think fish cultivation beyond their dignity. There are not sufficient cold storages and ice factories.
Fish cultivation holds bright prospect in our country. It will go a long way to lead the country to the path of progress and prosperity.

36.  Flood in Bangladesh
Blessed with the gifts of modern science, man is puffed up with pride. In his pride of power he proclaims himself the Lord of land, air and water and there is none to dispute his right. To teach him a good lesson nature appears before him “red in tooth and claw”.
Bangladesh is a low land. It has many rivers. She is also in the monsoon area. It rains heavily during the monsoon period. So floods are very common in our country. Almost every year flood visits our country.

In the remote past it was believed that flood is the outcome of God’s wrath upon man. When people of a particular area committed sin, God punished them by sending floods in that area. With the growth of scientific knowledge man has however come to realize that floods are caused by heavy rains. Rivers cannot hold the waters. As a result they overflow there heavy rush of water from the mountain through our rivers. Sudden melting of snow or tidal bores causes flood.

The havoc done by flood beggar’s description. It causes a heavy damage to our life and properties. Houses are destroyed, cattle are washed away, crops are greatly damaged and trees are uprooted. The weak, the invalid and the children meet watery grave. The strong climb up the trees or house tops and save themselves. Thousands of people become homeless or shelter less. They remain without food for many days on house tops or on the branches of trees. All communications from the outside world is cut off. Then people move by boats.
The flood of 1988 broke the records of the past. Never before did water level rise so high nor was the duration so long. The whole country went under water. All communication was cut off. Normal activities were stopped for long time. Many people became homeless. The miseries of the affected people know no bounds. Crops were greatly damaged. Herds of cattle were washed away. Thousands of people met watery grave. In a word the havoc was so great that it took a long time to repair the loss.
But the after effects of floods are more serious. Famine breaks out in the flood affected areas and many people die for want of food. The prices of all necessary things go up. Many dangerous diseases like cholera, typhoid and dysentery etc. break out in an endothermic form. Scarcity of good drinking water causes great suffering. It ruins the economy of a country.

Floods do a little good to man. During floods our rivers carry a great deal of earth and mud which we call silt. This silt makes the land fertile. As a result many kings of crops grow in plenty. Floods also carry way waste matters.

Relief work:
During and after the flood the relief work should go on. Otherwise the miseries of the affected people will increase. During the flood government and some other voluntary organizations come forward to help the flood affected people. Relief camps are opened, sheltered and fed for a long time. Loans should be given them so that they could again run their family.

How to prevent floods:
Proper steps should be taken to control floods. All the rivers should be excavated and good drainage system should be introduced. A large number of sluices and outlets should be made for the easy passing of rain water.

37.  Flowers of Bangladesh
Everybody lives flowers. A flower is a thing of beauty. A thing of beauty is joy forever.
Bangladesh is the darling of nature. She has decorated her darling child with her various. Flowers are one of them. Bangladesh is a land of flowers and beauty. Flowers lend smell, beauty, charm and colour to the land. Various kings of flowers bloom all the year round.

Kinds, Size, Colour and Smell:
There are different kinds of flowers. They differ in size, shape, colour and smell. Some are red, some are yellow, some are green, some are white, some are pink and some are multicolored. Some flowers are seasonal and some grow all the year round. Some flowers are scented and some are scentless.

The rose is the best of all flowers. It is called the queen of flowers. It grows everywhere in all seasons. People like the flower for its sweet scent and beauty.

The flowers of spring:
Spring is the king of seasons. Colorful flowers bloom in this season. Krishna Chura, Palash and shimul are spring time flowers. They are red in colour and grow everywhere in Bangladesh. The Champa is also a spring time flower. It is golden in colour.
The flowers of autumn and winter:
The Sheoli is the queen of autumn. It grows everywhere in Bangladesh. It is small in size. It is white in colour and looks very charming. Marigold is the flower of winter. It is of various colours, shapes and sizes. It is yellow and golden in colour and looks beautiful.

The flowers of watery places:
Some flowers bloom on water. The Lotus and the Lily grow in watery places. They look very beautiful. Sapla is our National flower. It grows everywhere in plenty. It is white pink. Kalmi also grows in watery places.

Others flowers:
The Jui, Beli, Kamini are white flowers. The sun flower blooms in the rainy season. The Karabi, Chameleon, Dalia, Jasmine and many other flowers grow in Bangladesh.

we love flowers for their beauty and scent. They are symbols of beauty and purity. We use flowers as a token of love, respect and gratitude. We sue flowers on happy ceremonies, occasions and festivals. We decorate our drawing room with flowers. The bride chamber is beautifully decorated with flowers. We receive our guests, dignitaries with garlands and bouquets of flowers. We get honey from flowers. We get rose water and Otto from the rose.
Flowers are the most beautiful objects of nature. They have made our country beautiful. So we should take care of flowers.

38.  Food problem of Bangladesh
Food is a basic necessity and vital for human existence. Bangladesh is beset with many problems. Food problem is one of them. Bangladesh is a very small country but its population is very huge. This adverse land-man ratio is posing food problem to the forefront of our national challenges in the coming decades. In fact, Bangladesh is faced with the challenges of sustaining current level of food production, to feed its already vast and ever increasing population, let alone augmenting food production.

Causes of food problem:
as we have seen above, increasing population is the major cause of food problem. However, there are a number of other reasons of food problem in Bangladesh.
Every year Bangladesh is losing about 80 thousand hectres of its cultivable land due to housing, sitting up industries, school, college, hospitals, constructing roads and highways other infrastructural developments. Statistics show that if this rate goes on, Bangladesh will have no agricultural land after 2080.
Secondly, in this age of tremendous scientific advancement, our agricultural system is still back-dated and unscientific. Though Bangladesh is a land of rivers and wetlands, our and we could not develop a good system and network of irrigation.
Then, our farmers mainly use unscientific and traditional tools and means of cultivation that hampers our food production.
Our agricultural lands are divided and subdivided, and also highly fragmented. Agriculture yet faces more setbacks from the want of required fertilizer supply, good seeds and sudden unexpected natural disasters like flood, storm, excessive rainfall, drought, etc.

Impacts of food problem:
Any decline or crisis in food-production brings great distress to people, especially poor people, and seriously hammers economic growth of a country. The obvious result of food problem is starvation, which in the long run, leads to famine. When there is a crisis or problem in food production. Its prices rise. As result inflation occurs, this creates socio-economic problems.

Remedies: Food problem is a serious one and in Bangladesh sustaining food supply to increasing population is a major challenge. Reasonable, co-oridanted and pragmatic effort a necessary. Fortunately, Bangladesh has steadily progressed in food production in the last few years. But worrying truth is that Bangladesh is not a food-self-sufficient country and imports a huge amount of food grains every year.

Bangladesh must find ways to increase food production. We should go for hybrid crops form hi0yielding seeds. We have to develop our cultivation system scientifically and ensure irrigation fertilizers and insecticides. We can start contract-farming. Another important step required is improving our land distribution system, prevention river erosion and sustaining agricultural production in times of natural disasters. And finally, the most important step is to control population explosion.

Recent research reveals that the present world is not a food-surplus one, but a food-deficit one, due to climate change, population increase and decline of cultivable land. However, as there is no alterative of food for our survival, we must solve this problem. Otherwise unprecedented and quite terrible disasters may fall on us.

39.  Freedom of press
Press includes print media i. e. newspapers and magazines. Freedom of press denotes an atmosphere in which media-professionals like journalists, reporters. Correspondents, editors and columnists can work and publish what is true and fact without tear or any threat. Freedom of press is an important precondition of a democratic and free society. In most countries of the world, freedom of press is guaranteed of a democratic by the constitution.

Meaning & scope: 
As an important means of public media, newspaper holds and exerts immense influence on people. Freedom of press means newspapers can print news and views without being censored or barred by any authority. When press enjoys freedom. It indicates that the press can publish news and opinions on any issues without facing any restrictions or prohibitions. But it does not mean that this freedom is absolute and arbitrary. Newspaper cannot publish whatever they wish; rather they should publish things that are constructive for the society or the country, and should refrain from publishing any propaganda or biased news and anything that can harm society or the state. So press must realize the meaning and scope of its freedom, otherwise their power can turn into an instrument of great public harm and damage.

Necessity of freedom of press: 
Press is called the fourth pillar of a state. And newspapers are rightly called people’s parliament. Newspapers and journals give us current picture of life, of corruption free, accountable and transparent society. Newspapers or press serve people with providing information. Hence their freedom is necessary in order to keep people informed of the affairs going around, otherwise, people remain in the dark and in that case, confusion, corruption and abuse of power hold firm in the society.

Obstacles to its freedom: 
Realizing the far reaching impact of freedom of press and how it can pose a big challenge to abuses of power , corruption , and monopoly or vested interests of any group , power – holders , despotic government , dishonest politicians or businessmen deny press of its freedom and whenever press becomes threat to their to their narrow party or tyrannical ruler, monopolized corporate , or dishonest politicians society , a despotic or tyrannical ruler , monopolized  corporate , or dishonest politicians all create obstacles to freedom of press because they see the freedom of press as destructive to their uninterrupted misdeeds and  wickedness.

Ensuring freedom of press: Freedom of press is the emblem of a civilized and enlightened society. Only a true pro-people government can ensure freedom of press. However, there should be a monitoring body to ensure both the proper use of this freedom and also to see that this freedom is not misused. Press should be prevented from publishing baseless, False and yellow news. They cannot publish distorted and actives news and cannot harm any person or institution by attacking them on an ill-motivated interest. So, govt. must ensure freedom of press at the same time its proper and positive use for the country and the countrymen.

A free press plays the role of a watchdog in society or country. Their influence is great, so their role is also immense. And that is why freedom of press is also necessary in order to know what is right, what is true and fair. Only a free press can ensure people’s access to information and help to build a well-informed, transparent and accountable society. Press, for its part, as a conscientious body of the society, should not misue its freedom.

40.  Fruits of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is the darling child of nature. She has made her child rich with various fruits. Our soil is very fertile. So many kinds of fruits grow in different seasons all over the country. The fruits are not only tasteful and delicious but also rich in food value. Every house in Bangladesh grows various kinds of fruits.

Kinds and sizes:
Fruits are of different kinds, colours, sizes and taste. Some are big and some are small. Some taste sweet and some taste sour. Some are solid and some are juicy.

Mango is the king of fruits in Bangladesh. It is the fruits of summer season. There are many varieties of mangoes. They are Langra, Fazli, Gopalbhog, Mohanbhog etc. these mangoes are famous for taste, flavor and sweetness. Fazli is also famous for its size and sweet taste. Mangoes grow in plenty in Rajshahi, Dinajpur and Borga.

Jack Fruits:
The jack fruit is the biggest fruit in our country. It is also a summer fruit. It is delicious and sweet to taste. It is green in colour but inside is yellow. It has a rough and prickly skin. Inside the skin the fruits are found to be composed of many flakes.
Each of the flakes contains a stone. Jack fruit grows in plenty in hilly areas of Chittagong and Sylhet and in the high land of Dhaka, Narsingdi, Mymensingh and Comilla. It is our national fruit.

The Banana:
Banana is another popular fruit in our country. It grows in plenty throughout the whole year in all parts of our country. There are many kinds of bananas such as the champa, the sabri, the amritsagar. Amritsagar of Dhaka and Sabri of Mymensingh are the best. Banana is delicious and nutritious. The green plantain is eaten as vegetables. Banana has high demand throughout the year.

The Coconut:
The coconut is another delicious fruit. It is a common grows everywhere in  Bangladesh but in plenty in the district of Khulna, Barisal, and Patuakhali. Its sweet and cold water quenches our thirst in hot summer. Its kernel is a tasty food.

The Pine Apple:
The pine apple is another good fruit. It is a common fruit. It is a fruit of rainy season. It grows in plenty in Sylhet. It is very sweet. The lichies of Rajshahi are most famous. Children are fond of lichies.

Orange, Papaw, and Palm:
The orange is another good fruit in Bangladesh. It is juicy and tasteful. The orange is good for liver. It grows mainly in the district of Sylhet. The papaw is also a good fruit. It is delicious and nutritious. It is also good for liver. It grows everywhere in Bangladesh. The palm is also a well-known fruit in Bangladesh.

Other fruits:
Among other fruits, black-berries, dates, plums, melons and guava are very well known. They are also good fruits. Children are fond of black berries. The watery juice of melons so cool and refreshing for everybody. Guavas contain sufficient amount of vitamins.

Sour fruits:
There are some fruits that taste sour. They are called sour fruits. The tamarind, the kamranga and the lemon are sour fruits.

Fruits are useful in many ways. The fruits are not only sweet, delicious but also nutritious. Fruits meet up our demand for different vitamins. Many families in Bangladesh grow various kinds of fruits, sell them in the market and earn a lot of money. Some fruits are also exported to foreign countries to earn money. Besides, various kinds of topic, syrups, jams and jellies are made from the juice of fruits. Salads and sour conserves are made from sour fruits. Seasoned prickle is also made from fruits.

Fruits grow in plenty in Bangladesh but many fruits are rotten for want of proper care and processing systems. We should grow more fruits so that we can earn a lot of foreign exchange by exporting them. Fruit culture and fruit taking can ensure our national health. So our government should come forward to take proper steps of processing system and encourage people to grow more fruits.

41.  Green house effect
In our day to day life we are experiencing new kind of problem. Our environment is facing new type of pollution. Greenhouse effect is one of them. Greenhouse effect is the gradual warming of the air surrounding the earth as a result of heat being trapped by environmental pollution.  Causes: There are many causes of green-house effect. The destruction and cutting down of tropical rain forests, vehicles that clog up city streets, the rapid growth of population, the use of chlorofluorocarbons in packaging and manufacturing commercial products, the use of detergents, such as washing powder and washing –up-liquid and various kinds of environmental pollution are the causes and pollutants such as methane and chlorofluorocarbons also cause greenhouse effect.

The effects of green-house effect are too many to be described. Its effect is very devastating and destructive. Its effect is a dangerous threat to human existence and to animal and plant lives. Climatologists predict that by midway through the next century temperatures may have risen by as severely damage wildlife and wilderness. Raise sea levels and thereby flood coastal areas and farmland. Bangladesh is very much vulnerable to frequent natural disasters. Annual visitations of cyclones and floods are routine but nonetheless sudden and fatal in their wild rage. The yearly damages they leave behind are enormous. However our people are accustomed to cyclones and floods. But another creeping disaster is gathering in fury is the greenhouse effect for which the people are not prepared at all and the state appears to be taking no notice.  It is the danger of our land and spell disaster for the ecological balance of the entire country. So if we lose our lands because of eh sea rise, our existence as a nation would be imperiled. The more alarming news about Bangladesh is that as a result of the rise of the sea level the lower southern part of the country may one day go under water.

People should be encouraged to plant trees more instead of cutting down trees indiscriminately. It is a sacred duty of all human beings to prevent the environment clean and free from all kinds of pollution’s. Mills, factories, brick-fields should be set up in a planned way. Alarming rate of population growth should be checked. Vehicles should be brought under control so that might not produce deafening sound and emit thick pall of black smoke and create traffic clogging.
For our survival, we need to add a strong voice to international advocacy for emission and control of greenhouse gases that are causing warming by damaging the ozone layer. The UN secretary General Kofi Annan had made a fervent appeal urging the USA to join other nations in reducing and conserving energy.

42.  Happiest day in my life
As I first faced this question-to say about my happiest day-I was frankly puzzled because since my childhood I have passed through procession of memorable days, all important for recognition in such a way that I could not for a time decide as to which of them are to be left out in my selection. As I am to choose only one and no more. I recollect with on the day on which I passed out of the village school. It was a day of great felicitation for me. I was equally happy on the day when I was being led by father to get myself admitted into the best High school of the neighboring town. I felt so happy at the very prospect of such a change from the village to the town that for the whole preceding night I could not sleep out of excitement. Then again, how happy I felt when in the annual prize distribution ceremony of my High school I was called upon thrice to receive three first prizes as when every time I was to shade with hands with the president in presence of my father. But, superseding them all, rises the day no which I received the news of having passed the S. S. C examination.

None-the –less that day is yet preserved in my memory as the happiest day of my life. There are reasons for thinking so and reasons of a particular nature and peculiar to me alone. I was a fairly meritorious student and all hoped that I would get an easy passage with a comfortable first division. But I was very weak in Geography-a cross for which I was always dreading a failure. My chance was lying in the standard of the question paper. But the paper that year was exceptionally stiff. So I answered some questions but could not feel sure whether I would secure the l pass marks. When the result was coming from neighbouring village, to ascertain my result and intimate me, I gave him roll and my name was known to him. He made a miss take in looking for 129 instead of 219 as he lost slip which gave him. It was found that the roll he looked for had got plucked and he communicated to me accordingly. I readily believed the information that broke it to my parents and others at home. I do not like to describe at length the tide of reproach that was let loose on me. I was the most wretched creature on earth. When the tirade was over, all my faults and follies, real or imaginary. Being discussed in detail, my mother feebly proposed that I should try another chance to which others reluctantly agreed.
Next day I went to the school straight and met the headmaster. As I proposed, with my eyes cast down that I had gone to get myself admitted again, he looked at me with astonished eyes. Then he as ked me: What do you mean? As I repeated my former proposal. He burst into laughter and asked me: have you gone of your head? How can a passed student appear again? Then he summoned the result register and showed me that I had passed in the second division. What a thrill of joy ran through my whole body!

That moment-the moment I was on the road-I will never forget in life. Everything around seemed joylly and cheerful. When I reached home and held my mother in a wild embrace, she was literally perplexed. When I told her that I had not failed at all but had passed, her face beamed with joy. The news spread wild fire throughout our big family and a radical change took place in the whole atmosphere. All who condemned me, now came forward and blessed me and spoke highly of me.
Considered in the background narrated above, how can I think of any other day happier than that? What can ever be more delectable than to have a dead man coming back to life?

43.  Health is wealth
Health means sound state of physique and mind. Health is wealth indeed. Sound health is a blessing of Allah. A healthy person can do whatever he wishes. On the other hand, ill health is a curse. A sick person may have money and wealth but he has not happiness.

Health makes life enjoyable
A man of health is really happy and fortunate. He can do his work and become successful in life. On the other hand a man without I really unhappy. He may have immense wealth, may live in castle, may hold big position in society; yet he will find no joy and joyous. A poor peasant in good health is happier than a king of ill health. A healthy labourer enjoys soundsleep. He goes to bed early and gets up early. He can do his duty whole heartedly. But a rich unhealthy person cannot enjoy sleep. He does not go to bed for rest and comfort. He a rich unhealthy person cannot enjoy sleep. He does not go to bed for rest and comfort. He is confined to bed because of his illness.

Health is essential for all activities :
Without health a person cannot do anything in the world. A healthy man can do a lot of work. So health is essential for all activities of life. Everybody have good health.

How to keep good health:  
A man must follow the rules of health from his childhood. Early rising is good for health. He must be regular in his food and drink. He must keep his body clean with regular baths. He must brush his teeth daily. He must take plenty of open air by exercise. He must drink pure water, breathe fresh air and ear nutritious food. He must take precautions against diseases. A man should bear in mind that a sound mind rests in a sound body.
We should take great care of keeping our health well. A proverb says, early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. We should follow this probveb to enjoy a healthy life.

44.  Honesty is the best policy
Honesty means doing things according the dictates of one’s true conscienes. It is, therefore, doing the right thing in the right way.

Blessing of honesty:
It is found that at the beginning of honesty does not pay. It is neither appreciated nor it brings any miracle success in life. Those who want short cut way to success and those who want to enjoy things without deservings may have their eagerness to win easy success discard honesty. They adopt dishonest means to reach their target. Such people divorcing the honesty and morality may attain in success in the beginning but in the long run they are bound to suffer. On the other hand, an honest man is the asset to his family, society and to his country. He cannot do anybody to society and to the country. People remembered him with regard even after his death. He is sure to get remuneration from almighty Allah, he will be able to rest his soul in peace.

Result of dishonest
In the earthly world people are in a hurry to get easy success in life. Success here does not mean that doing thing that would not have any contribution to the society. The object of such men are of a make fortune even at the cost of their fellowmen, their country men and their country. Such men, to speak the truth, are enemies to the people and the state.  They also bring ruin to themselves, even to their country in the long run.
The countries that work and speak honestly attain lasting success and get leading works honestly no nation can prosper. Those who work with dishonest purpose, contribution to the destruction to their nation.

45.  How to remove mass illiteracy
Illiteracy of the general mass is one of the major ills from which our country suffers in common with other backward countries. It has been recognized as the birth right of every individual in a free state; mass ignorance defeats all attempts of progress and darkens the future of the nation. The sooner illiteracy is removed the better it well be for the individual and the community at large.

The schools we have at present are for children whose age ranges from 6 to 16. The syllabuses and the curriculum followed in these institutes are cast into a certain pattern and designed to prepare boys and girls for higher academic education in different lines. These schools can be of no practical use set of schools having to be introduced for giving education to these people. These may be called schools for adults.

We have to keep within view certain facts regarding these education centres. Our population being very large, the number of these schools will have to be proportionately considerable –at least one in each locality of three or four villages. The adult education centres cannot aspire to have grand schools will aim at imparting some elementary enlightenment along with a little better knowledge of the vocation the learners pursue. As most adults are busy earning their bread in the daytime, it will be convenient for them to them to small minority if classes are taken at night.

In this country only a small minority of the children get the opportunity of attending schools regularly. Number of schools in the villages fall far short of what it should be. The existing schools are in such a deplorable condition that they beggar a staggering number of schools-going children stand in need of some facilities for rudimentary education. To that end compulsory and free primary schools should be started to accommodate these neglected future of the country.

Mass literacy should never be confined to the three R’s. It must also aim at making the learners useful and capable of applying the new acquisition to the earning of their bread. Efforts should, therefore, be made of to teach them some trade and to that end every adult education should, therefore, be so planned and equipped as to be able to impart a large variety of vocational training  Thousands of our illiterate people are unemployed because they have neither any land to cultivate nor any finished knowledge of the arts and crafts. If such people can be taught various handicrafts, such as weaving, carpentry, pottery, smothery, Caning as also trained in the handling of small machinery, their unemployment problem will be considerably solved. Over and above, mass education centres should take special care to impart knowledge of scientific agriculture, of health and sanitation and also give the learners some sort of civic training so as to make them fit for good citizenship. To make the programme of mass literacy successful, it is, therefore, essential to keep in view the question of removing the current appalling poverty of the masses.

46.  If I were a politician
I am student and my career plan is to be a chartered accountant. I have never thought of becoming a politician. I am a politically conscious citizen of the country though I do not like politics. Rather recent dirty and bloody games of politics have made me apathetic to it. But I am also well aware of the fact that politicians lead the country and form the government. Whatever important things happen in the country are made by the politicians.

Things do not always turn out according to ones wish. So I might be a politician one day. If I were a politician, I would bring a qualitative change in politics and political leadership. I would take initiative and corrective reforms to improve the state of political affairs.

If I were a politician freedom is meaningless without economic freedom. Though Bangladesh has achieved political freedom, it has not yet achieved economic freedom. Majority of our people are poor and are deprived of proper education, nutritious food, healthcare and pure drinking water, so if I were a politician and elected to the parliament, I would take practical and long-term measures to remove poverty, create more employment opportunity, speed up economic activities of the country, spread education and reach the benefit of governments development programmes to the doors of common people.

I know that to be a successful politician, people’s is a must. In democratic politics, people hold ultimate power and elect their representatives or reject them. So if I were a politician I would above all serve the people and use all my time and energy, knowledge and  experience to improve their condition. I would never abuse my power and never wrongly use my position.
A real patriotic and dedicated politician can make history by bringing smiles to thousands of suffering faces. Politicians make history. If were a politician, I would try to do something noble to be a part of history. I do not like cheap popularity. I would only do the right thing. I know that right decision, right work and right outcome would only do the right thing. I know that right decision, right work and right outcome would crown me with success. And what would be more right than doing welfare to people as a politician.

47.  If I win a lottery
Many a happy hour I shave spent planning what I will do if I win a lottery. At last the very truth dawned on me that everybody is for himself to which I am not also an exception. With this idea in mind. I have already started purchasing lottery tickets regularly smile on me. Since I am an educated youth, I hold modern view on life. I have decided to spend the money for my own self, for my family and for humanitarian work.

Well, here is my budget for a prize bag of tk. 1, 50, 000, 00. Let me be frank, I am not selfish, but I would like to spend a good amount for my personal pleasure only. I have my uncle in London and it is my secret desire to visit him. I would also like to visit European cities like Paris, Hamburg, Bonn, Zurich and other places I have read much about. I have a pen-friend in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. I also desire to give him a surprise call while over there. I have no idea how much it would cost me, still I hope it will be around tk. 40,000/- all inclusive.
I will hand over tk. 30,000/-to my father to add two more much needed rooms to our existing house. We are an average middle-class family and my father works hard to keep us going: so I must help him as I can. Pia is my only sister, and she is very dear to me. She is already twenty and I hope in a hear or two she will get married. I have decided to buy cash certificates to the tune of tk. 15,000/- in her name. I can well imagine how happy she would be when she gets the gift from me to start a new life! Helping my mother a little in her tight budget is another secret wish of mine. I have planned another tk. 15,000/­-to help her tide over her difficulties.

I know that man lives in deeds not in yeas. I do not like that my memory should sink into oblivion after my passing away from the surface of the earth. I want to occupy a place in the innermost recess of human heart by my humanitarian work which we see done by the men great of heart. I want to be my beneficial work to the end to the end. So I will spend a greater portion of the budget by doing various humanitarian work for the people of my area.
Now I shall be with a big amount which I propose to put in a bank to cover all my educational and personal expenses.
With all these exciting ideas already chalked put, at least mentally, I am anxiously waiting for the memorable day when I am really going to win a lottery.

48.  Illiteracy
Illiteracy means inability to read and write. Illiteracy is a curse because it is illiteracy that lowers down human being to the level of beast. Illiteracy is compared to darkness because it darkens individual’s vision, outlook, behavior and in a word, all aspects of life. It is the root cause of ignorance, superstition, backwardness, poverty and many more.

Causes of illiteracy:  
Poverty is the main cause of illiteracy and vice versa. Similarly, underdevelopment causes illiteracy as much the same way illiteracy is the cause of underdevelopment. There are other causes too. Over population, financial and resource constraints, people’s superstition and negative about education, lack of awareness etc. are responsible for illiteracy.

Bad effects of illiteracy:
Illiteracy generates hundreds of problems. Because of illiteracy, People do not know how to earn well and how to spend well. As a result they cannot come out of their poverty trap. Many do not have knowledge about food and nutrition. So they suffer from various kinds of diseases. In a word, illiteracy is the cause of poor socio-economic condition, high mortality rate, low life expectancy, child-labour and child marriage and high growth rate of population.

Illiteracy and development: 
Illiteracy frustrates all development programmes of the government. Aging in order to improve the poor condition of the illiterate asset, govt. has to spend a huge some of money of different programmes. The affects other sectors and hinders long –term development of the country.

Illiteracy and human development:
Population of a country is termed as its human resources. The educated and skilled manpower of a country is its great asset. But if the people are illiterate, they become a great burden for the country. Illiteracy people cannot contribute much to the social and economic development of the country.

How to remove illiteracy: 
As illiteracy is the root cause of all evils, it should be the number one agenda of govt. though govt.  has taken various measures like making primary education free and compulsory , girls education up to higher secondary level free, and the highest allocation for education in our national budget, still the measures are inadequate. Govt. must ensure that the money is being utilized properly and effectively. Govt need to set up more educational that the money is being utilized properly and effectively. Govt need to set up more educational institutions, make reading materials cheap and available, and guarantee employment after completing education. Again private sectors, NGOs’ academician and patrons of learning should come forward to spread the light of education in every house. We have also to make our people aware of the importance of education. Media con play a great reducing of poverty is the most effective way of removing illiteracy from society. So govt. must work in co-ordination with others to fight poverty and increase literacy rate.

The present illiteracy rate is still high in our country. That is why we are lagging behind in all respects than many other nations. If we want to build a happy and prosperous nation, if we want to stand in honour and dignity among the nations of the world, and if we want to develop our living standard and living condition, we must remove illiteracy from the country.

49.  Importance of learning English
English is a global language. For various reasons English has got the status of international language. In today’s world of information technology and hi-tech communication, learning English is a must, English is important for other reasons also.

English: Language of globalization:
the present age is an age of globalization. Anything produced or invented in any part of the world gets global character or recognition very rapidly. To keep pace with the process of globalization, we need to learn English. Conversely, the globalizing process requires single language for international communication. For various reasons English has achieved the prestige of global language. As a result, it has crossed the national borders of English is no longer a unique possession of the British or American people, but a language that belongs to world’s people.

English: An international language:
today about 300 million people speak English as the first language and another 350 million use it as a second language. It is the official or semi-official language in more than 60 countries and of many international organizations. International organizations held their meeting in English.

English: A lingua franca:
English is widely spoken all over the world. When people of two different language meet or need or need to communicate, they resort to a third language for better mutual communication and understanding. English, for its widespread use and acceptance, plays the role of the common language well. That is why English is called lingua franca or common language.

Importance of English: 
Today importance of English needs no explanation. English is important for a number of reasons:

In business:
English is used widely by international business community. To communicate across national borders and to maintain correspondence with overseas business parties or professionals, English is essential.

In education:
English is important for higher education and specialized training. Most of the books on any subjects are written in English or quickly translated in English. English is the medium of instruction in education in most universities and higher education institutes of the world.

For getting Job:
English is essential for getting a good job and better salaries. Multinational business organizations and many international corporations ask for people who have a good working knowledge of English. Even job advertisements in local market also require English knowing people. People who go abroad for work also need to know English. English is needed for a variety jobs air hostess, travel, media manager etc.

For international relation:
English is important for maintaining international relations and communication. It is the language of diplomacy, international politics and meetings and conferences.

For information: 
In today’s world of information superhighway. English is essential for getting easy access to any information. Almost any information is available in English. English is the language of information technology and internet.

In media and entertainment:
English is important for access to world media and entertainment. Satellite channels around world telecast news and views in English. Games and sports are telecast live and their commentaries are also broadcasted in English. Cinemas, cartoons, and other media productions are available in English.

English culture and literature: 
Knowing gives an easy access to the vast resource of English literature. World’s famous books, novels, histories, Stories, poems are available in English. Besides, English helps to know about cultures of other people, discoveries inventions and life styles of other nations.
The importance of English cannot be denoted. Knowing English is like having an international visa. Anywhere in the world English is useful and helpful. So, learning, English is very important.

50.  Industrialization in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is an underdeveloped country. The country is industrially backward. Lack of technological know-how, lack of resources, political instability, and infrastructural backwardness are main obstacles to industrialization in our country. However, the country has some significant advancement in small and medium level industries. Many new and heavy industries have also been set up at private enterprises which are remarkably contributing to our national economy.

Problems of industrialization in Bangladesh:
Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. Agriculture has always been given priority and as a result industries have been ignored. Recently some ago-based industries have given priority and as a result industries have been which the country has lagged behind in heavy and medium-level industries.
(i)  Lack of capital:
Bangladesh being a poor country, people’s saving is very low. As saving is very poor investment is also very low. Again people’s per capital income is very low. So their consumption is also very low. Consequently local market oriented industries are also very thin here.

(ii)  Weak investment base: 
Due to long colonial rule, economic discrimination and post –liberation nationalization of industrialization, the growth of entrepreneurship has been slow in Bangladesh. Besides, due to bureaucratic red-tapism and lack of investment climate, capital investment has not been developed here.

Poor infrastructure:
Infrastructural facilities in our country are also poor. Power supply, telecommunication, transport, gas, water supply etc. all facilities are poor which have hindered process of industrialization in Bangladesh.

Technological know-how: 
Lack of technological know-how another reason of our industrial backwardness.

Lack of resources: Lack of raw materials and natural resources are also unfavorable for our industrialization.

Unskilled human resources:
Though Bangladesh has a huge population; most of them are uneducated and unskilled. Country lacks specialists, Professionals and technologists which also hamper our industrialization.

Political instability and lack of proper govt. policy: 
A good govt. policy and political stability and precondition for industrialization. Unfortunately political anarchy and instability has always been a common phenomenon here. Besides, no govt. have planned or implemented an industry –oriented policy

Current scenario: however, in recent times, Bangladesh has experienced a dramatic expansion in small and medium level industries, particularly in ready-made garments and textile sector which have boosted country’s economy greatly. In fact, garments sector has emerged as country’s largest foreign exchange earning sector and provided in fertilizer, sugar, cement, small and light engineering, telecommunication, leather and agro-based industries.

Policies: Bangladesh must develop and implement a good investment friendly environment so that foreign direct investment increases here. We have also to set up new export processing zones and improve infrastructural facilities. Political stability must be ensured. Our human resources should be made skilled and more training and technical institute should be set up for this. Govt. can encourage privatization and give incentives of exported goods.
We have vast human resources. Our natural resources agro-based raw materials are not negligible. Only good govt. policy and environment can speed up industrialization and create employment opportunities for millions. So, considering our natural and financial constraints and huge pressure for employment, we should focus on small and medium level export oriented and labour thick industries.

51.  International mother language day
Every nation some achievements that they can take pride in. our language day is our national event and achievement .but the matter of pride for us is that this national event has crossed our national boundary and become universalized . the international mother language day is the recognition of our language movement and the heroic sacrifices of the language martyrs by the international community .now ,after the recognition , our language day is observed globally as international mother language day.

Language day: 
Historical background: February 21st is observed as the language day. This day the culmination of a series of protest and events that took place between 1948 and 1952. After the independence of Pakistan the ruling authority of West Pakistan recognized Urdu as the state language of Pakistan the in 1948 and tried to impose it on the Bangla-speaking majority people. Not only that they also denied the demand of the Bengalis for the recognition of Bangla as the state language.
In 1952 protests erupted throughout East Pakistan against the imposition of Urdu and for the recognition of Bangla as the state language of Pakistan. The ruling authority imposed section 144 all over the country as the protest grew stronger. However, when students, politicians and general masses brought out a procession in Dhaka university area defying the section 144, the police charged fire on the procession. As a result, Rafique, Jabber, Salam, Barkat, Safiq met martyrdom. Bangla was recognized as the state language. Since then, the day is observed throughout the country with solemnity and due homage.

International observance of the day: 
On 17 November 1999, UNESCO, a specialized organization of United Nations (UN) recognized our language movement and sacrifices of the martyrs. They declared that UNESCO would observe all over the world. The recognition by the UNESCO and the observance of the day by day the international community has increased our national glory and uplifted the sacrifices of our language martyrs. Through UNESCO recognition, our language day has got international status.

Significance of the recognition: 
The recognition of our language day and the proclamation of the observance of the day internationally is very significant, UNESCO’s recognition is not simply a recognition of our language movement, but it recognizes that it is the birth right of every nation of race to speak in their own language. The proclamation also said diversity of languages is importance to maintain to maintain cultural identity and distinction.

Importance of the day:
Since 1952, the 21st February is observed as the language day in our country. We remember our martyrs, their sacrifices and pay homage to the heroic souls who laid down their lives for the cause of our mother tongue. We have created monuments (known as shahid minar) in remembrance of them and of 21 February we offer flower wreaths and stand silent in honour of them.

However, the importance of 21st February and its observance lie elsewhere. It is a sow the seed of our liberation war. And importantly, the language movement teaches us that we have to rise for achieving our rights, for establishing our place of honour and dignity in the world. It teaches us not to bow down to any oppression. It also importance of international mother language day is very significant.
We are the only nation of the world to sacrifice lives for mother tongue. International mother language day is a glorious recognition of our history and our achievement. International mother language day highlights the importance of linguistic identity and variety. We are really proud that have achieved something that has got global acceptance.

52.  Jute/The golden fiber of Bangladesh
Jute is a kind of fibre. I tis the main cash crop of Bangladesh. We it from jute plants.

Where grown:
jute is mainly grown in Bangladesh. It also grows in India, Thailand and china. But Bangladesh grows the best jute.

How jute is cultivated
First of all the land is ploughed will. Seeds are sown after a heavy rainfall in the months of March and April. Small plants come out very shortly. The fields are weeded when the plants grow one feet of so high. After three of four months they grow ten to twelve feet high and get matured.

How fibre is obtained:
The farmers cut the jute pants when they become matured. The plants are tied up in bundles. Then they keep the plants under water. When they get rotten, the fibre is taken out from the stalk and washed in water. Then it is dried in the sun. Now then fibre is ready for market.

Jute is very useful to us. Gunny bags, carpets, clothes, mats, ropes, etc are made from jute. The foreign exchange by exporting jute. So it is called the golden fibre of Bangladesh.
Jute plays an important role in our economy. So the Govt. Should take more care for the increase of its production.

53.  Liberation of Bangladesh
Freedom is the birth –right of man. But freedom does not come down on a nation. A nation must rise itself to achieve it. Bangladesh experienced about 190 years of long British colonial rule that ended up in 1947 with the partition of Indian subcontinent and birth of two independent states viz, India and Pakistan. Bangladesh became a province of Pakistan named East Pakistan. However, the deprivation and exploitation of the Pakistani again rulers created grievances and resentment among the people of East Pakistan. They rose again and revolted against the Pakistan oppressors. The time they rose for complete break up with Pakistan and voiced for an independent nation. The result is a nine month – long armed struggle against Pakistani occupation forces that culminated in the birth of Bangladesh as a free and sovereign nation in the world.

Our liberation: 
Our glorious achievement: the most glorious and the greatest achievement for Bangladesh in the last century has been its birth as an independent nation. Bangladesh won a flag, an identity and occupied a place in the world’s map. Bangladesh became a free and independent nation and stood upright and with dignity and honour among the nations of the world. But Bangladesh had to bay heavy price for its independence. About three millions of lives have been sacrificed in the war of liberation. Many heroic sons of this soil fought bravely and achieved martyrdom to liberate. Many heroic sons of this soil fought bravely and achieved industry and assets were destroyed in the war.

Background of liberation war: 
The main reason for which the notion fought for liberation against Pakistan was the audacity and denial of the Pakistani rulers to recognize the electoral triumph of the Awami league under the leadership of sheikh mujibur rahman in 1970. As a result the Bengalis stood up and demanded independence.

Causes or liberation war: 
The causes of our liberation war are rooted in the social discrimination, political deprivation and economic exploitation. The people of this region had long been exploited by the Pakistani authorities like the colonial period. The Bengalis were treated like second class citizen in their own country. They were discriminated in govt. services, in business and in getting govt. right and privileges. They created anger and resentment among Bengalis.
Political manipulation and economic exploitation were other two important reasons of liberation war. Development programmes were mainly taken up for the West Pakistan and mills and factories and infrastructural development were done there for which East Pakistan provided its earning from export. Moreover, when Pakistan authorities denied handing over power to the elected Bengalis leadership, it became obvious that it was not possible then to co-exist as two provinces and it was time for liberation. These social and cultural, economic and political factors end to our liberation war.

Declaration of war: 
On 7th march 1972, sheikh mujibur rahman while addressing a huge crowd in the historic race course ground declared that the struggle of this time is struggle for freedom, the struggle of this time is struggle for independence. On 26 marches, Major Ziaur rahman, an officer in the Pakistan army declared the independence of Bangladesh on behalf of sheikh mujibur rahman from kalurghat radio centre. From then, the students, farmers, labourers, all and sundry joined the liberation war and after taking guerilla training, fought with the Pakistan occupation forces. Colonel M.A.G. Osmania was made the chief commander of liberation forces and the country was divided into eleven sectors under eleven army officers to conduct the war. The ultimate victory: the liberation forces comprised former EPR members, army personnel’s, police and freedom fighters, India provided guerilla training and other support to the freedom fighters. After nine moths bloody struggle, the Pakistani army surrendered to the allied forces at race course ground on 16 December 1971. Thus a new and free nation was born in the world map.
Thus, after a sea of blood and lots sacrifices we achieved our liberation from Pakistan. Today we are proud as an independent and sovereign nation. Our liberation war has gone down to history. Our liberation war is our living memory. Our greatest achievement and our pride.

54.  Mass media
Present age is called the age of information. And mass media are the powerful and the most effective instruments of spreading of sharing information. With the advancement of digital technology, mass media have become a powerful and quick means of communication, of broadcasting news and views, of disseminating ideas and massages, and making information available anywhere in the world.

Definition of mass media:
The means of communicating news and information is termed as mass media. Mass media is classified in two categories –print media and electronic media. Print media include newspaper, magazines, journals, and other printed materials, while electronic media include radio, television, satellite channels, internet, cinema etc.

Importance of mass media: 
Media is called the public forum –or people in times of different national need. Media do not simply provide people with information, news and ideas, but also raise various issues on socio-economy-political matters. They also form consciousness, and public opinions in different problems and issues. People express their opinions. Through media various formats of programmes like talk show, street show, and documentary. Live reporting, video articles, editorials on different local and guide people through them. Today, right to information is recognized as one of the fundamental rights of people, and media ensure this right.

Influence of mass media: 
In today’s world of globalization, the impact and influence of mass media is more than ever, and all pervasive. Media affects and influences almost all aspects of our life. Mass media a profound influence on people’s thinking, Sentiment, sensibilities and their mode of reactions. Thus media can direct people to both constructive and destructive purposes. if the power of media is used positively , It can do good to society and a country but if the power in mishandled or misused for any vested –interest by any quarter or by any propaganda party , then it can cause great harm , anarchy and confusion is society and in state . Media are so influential and powerful that people instantly believe what they hear or watch on media. That is why famous Canadian theorist and media critic marshal macluhan said that media is the message.
Mass media play an important role in today’s world of communication and information. It is up to us to draw benefit or harm from media, to evaluate and judge the messages of media. We need to be careful about dealing with mass media. Considering the far-reaching influence, concerned authorities should use them for the greater benefit of mankind.

55.  Most memorable day of my life
All the days of days our life are not equally important and memorable. Only a few of these days occupy a corner in our heart. My first day at college is such a day. I shall never forget this day. From my school days I heard a lot about college life from my college going elder brothers and sisters. I formed a very romantic impression of a college life. So, I was eagerly waiting for that happy and romantic college life.

At last the cherished day came. It was the 26th October 1992. My joys knew no bounds. I put on my new dress and started for Govt. B.L. College at 9 A.M. I was charmed to see the attractive and beautiful college building. I understood that the college life opened before me a new vision of life and I must go forward.

The whole campus was crowded by lots of young pupils both male and female. They were all unknown to me. I felt very lonely. I was moving here and there and there. I was in a fix where to go. At last I met one of my school friends. I was relieved. We exchanged greetings. We went to the notice board of the college and wrote down class routine. There were many new comers. They were also taking the routine. I found that the classes are not held in a particular room. I will have to change my class room. From the routine I also learnt that there were intervals.

First period: 
When the bell for the first period rang. We entered the room number 223, I found many students sitting. After a while, a well-dressed, handsome gentleman entered the class. He was a professor of English. All the students stood up to show him respect. He called cover the rolls. He spoke to us very softly in simple and clear English. I liked his speech very much. His speech was meaningful. I listened to him with undivided attention.

Other classes: 
Classes on Bengali and other subjects were held. All the teachers the teachers were highly qualified. They were very polite and friendly. The professor of Bengali delivered his speech in a polite way. He cut some jokes and made us laugh. Now I can realize that a college teacher is different from teacher.

The college common room: 
During off period I went to the college common room. I was glad to see the college common room. It was well furnished. There were newspapers, magazines and journals. There were also caroms, table tennis sets and chess boards etc. I found some students playing and some reading newspapers, magazines and journals.

Assembly hall: 
The college assembly hall was very attractive. It was decorated and spacious. Meeting debates and other social functions of the college are held here.

Science laboratories: 
The visited the science laboratories. It also gave me much joy and pleasure. There were many unknown and great things of the world. I found the science busy with their practical classes and experiments. I went to the college botanical garden. Biology laboratory with frogs, rats, plants and flowers delighted me much.

The college library: 
Another attraction for me at my first day at college was the college library I found thousands of books arranged in shelves and almirah. I had never seen so many books before. My heart danced with joy.

The college mosque, temple and gymnasium: 
I was also charmed to see the beautiful college mosque. There was a big pond before the mosque. The college temple for the Hindus that stands beside the river Bhairb presents a great scene. The college gymnasium is also worth mentioning. After the class hours I went to the playground. I took part in football with some of my new friends.
My first day at college is the most memorable day. My college life opened before me a world of responsibilities. It was a day of discovery of my own self indeed.

56.  My favourite poet
Kazi Nazrul Islam is the national poet of bang of Bangladesh. He is well known as the rebel poet in Bengali literature. He was born at Churulia, in Asansol.
Early life: in his early life Nazrul lost is mother. For this he had struggled hard against poverty. In his boyhood he was very precocious and naughty. He was admitted to a local parimary school. But he did not obey the hard and fast rule of the school. He troubled the villagers with his boyish wicked deeds. The villagers called him “Khepa”. After passing the primary examination he devoted himself to religion. He became a teacher in the village Maktab. There he taught the village children the holy Quran. He also became a muezzin. At this time he became well acquainted with Islamic lore which influenced his later literary works to a great extent. He also entertained the village people through theatrical party known as Letto and earned name and fame.

At twelve he fled away from home and took job of a baker boy and for that he got taka 5 per month. At his time he drew the drew the attention of a Muslim sub-inspector of police. He took Nazrul to his own village home and got him admitted into a high school. The first World War broke out. He joined the war and became a havilder.

Literary works:
He continued his writings there. He wrote several poems and prose pieces which made him famous. The regiment was banned. He returned to Calcutta. At this time he edited a magazine named dhumketu in which the poem “Agamani”. His famous creations are Agni Bina, Bandhan Hara. Rikter Bedan, Bisher Bansi, Parlay-Shika etc.

Nazrul’s writings were full of hope, energy, aspiration and result. His writings awakened the sleeping people of this subcontinent. It was Nazrul through whom the people fight for independence and break the bondage of slavery and fetters of subjugation. He has established himself in our heart and in the annals of Bengali literature.

57.  My favourite teacher
Reasons of my being favourite:
Mr. Ahmad is my favourite teacher. He is our English teacher. He is and M. A. in English. I love him, respect him and like him best. He has left a permanent impression on my mind by his conquering qualities of love and affection.  Convincing power, high personality an admirable teaching method. He is our friend. Philosopher and guied. He not only observes dutifulness and strictness but also combines in him a number of other qualities. He is endowed with scholarship, love for teaching, capacity to create interest in his subject, inherent earnestness to see his pupils really educated and improved in character. He carries out his responsibilities fully without fear of favour and strictly enforces the rules of study and conduct. For all this he disliked at first by some students but before long they change their opinion about him and make themselves diligent, attentive and regular in doing the task assigned by him.

Mr. Ahmad has many virtues of an ideal man with a high sense of humanity. So he has easily earned the genuine love and admiration of all right-thinking boys. He and his students are bound much by the ties of the same relation as between a father and his sons. He not only teacher but also tends them. That is to say, he is a tutor, a father and a friend to his students. He takes loving care of his students in all matters of importance. As for example. He looks after their education. Helps them in distress, gives them his edifying association and always keeps them on the right track. If a boy is backward in his class, he is sure to get help from  Mr. Ahmad. If any poor by cannot buy a book. He will no doubt get a book from Mr. Ahmad. Many a night he spends by the sick bed of ailing students living in the hostel. He checks and reforms a student who may have fallen in evil company. Such is his love and kindness to students. He never hesitates to borrow money to help a needy boy. But he dislikes people talking about his charities.
Method of teaching: his method of teaching is very easy and lucid. He has a strong, clear and pleasant voice. Everyday he teaches us in a new style. He can make any grammatical problem easy. He knows well how to increase the curiosity of the students. In the class room he is gust like English. His pronunciation I good and he speaks English with a foreign accent. In his class he creates an English environment. We never feel boing in his class. Rather we feel encouraged in his class. It any student fails to understand any grammatical problem, he then and there helps the student to understand it.

Mr. Ahmad I as born teacher and affectionate friend. He finds delight in working with us both in the classroom and outside. He is always ready to help us in all possible ways. So I appreciate and like him most. Such a teacher is liked not only by me but also by all sensible students.

58.  My recent visit to Dhaka
I had an opportunity to see the capital of my dream when my uncle invited me to pay a visit to Dhaka and to be his guest. I availed myself of the opportunity and paid a visit to Dhaka during the last summer vacation. During my short stay at Dhaka I moved from place to place by bus, rickshaw and baby taxi, when I passed through Nawabpur Road. I was struck with the dazzling sight of the big shops. I went to Gulistan, the D. P. O. and the bangabhaban at impressed me very much. Next morning I visited the lalbag killa. Bara katara and chhota katara. These are the remnants of the Mughal rule. At lalbag we also saw the tomb of part Bibi, the daughter of shaistha khan. On the way we saw the Dhakeswari temple built by Ballal Sen. Gulshan, baridhara, dhanmondi, uttara the sher-e-banglanagar, the latest extension of Dhaka and tejgaon industrial Area presented a different sight altogether. The medical college, the university, salimullah Muslim hall. The high court, the Engineers Institute, the secretariat, the assembly house, hotel Sheraton and Sonargaon are all designed according to modern taste. The ramna green, the Suhrawardy Udyan and the beautiful lawns attracted me much. I also visited to Zia International Airport and saw planes taking off and coming down. My first visit to Dhaka was of great interest. It has widened my knowledge and experience.

59.  Newspaper
Ours is an age of modern science modern has invented new ways and means for our comforts. Newspaper is a wonder of modern science. Newspaper is a paper which carries news and views of home and abroad to us. In the morning we wait eagerly for a newspaper. We cannot have our breakfast without a newspaper of the day. We cannot do a single day without newspaper. It is a part and parcel in our day to day life.

Newspaper was first published in England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The Indian gazette which was the first newspaper in indo-Bangladesh was published in 1774. The samachar darlpan is the first Bengali newspaper. The Christian missionaries of srerampore published it. Now those days are gone by. Man has invented printing machine. Thousands of newspapers are being printed daily all over the world. Kinds: there are many kinds of newspapers. They are dailies, biweeklies, monthlies and even quarterlies. The dailies contain news and views about the daily affairs of the whole world. There are some other papers which are known as periodicals and magazines. They contain literary articles. There are many English and Bengali dailies in our country. They are the ittefaq, The Protom Alo, the jogantar, the inquilab, the observer, the daily star etc.

global distance has been removed. The world has become smaller. One part of the world has been linked up with another through newspaper is of great use t us. It serves the purpose of people of different sections. We get all sorts of information in the newspapers. We know through them what is going on the world around us. They give us news about politics, economics, culture, literature, games and sports of the whole world.
Newspapers are very useful to us. Without a newspaper we cannot even think of our own life

60.  Night before an examination
Examination, whether a college annual or a university final, gives some fright to all students. It is, after all, an uncertainty, a venture in the dark. None, not even the most prepared examinee, can ever be sure of the best outcome expected of the examination. Questions may be exceptionally stiff and deceptive; the time may not suffice to answer all the questions. These and other possibilities keep rising and falling in the tension rises to the examine and as such. His tension goes on mounting. And falling in the mind of the peak on the night before the trial examination.

Every student is suddenly faced with the striking reality of the examination on the night before the day of commencement. As he seeks to review his progress, he finds the preparation imperfect. He tries to recapitulate in his mind some of those he has read, prepared or memorized. The memory seems to be giving way. That makes him all the more nervous. He tries to enjoy a restful sleep at the night and face the ordeal next day with a composed mind and unruffled brain.
But is it as easy sleeping as resolving. No, not for an excitable student. The brain has its own way of behaving. Even in bed, when best efforts are made to induce sleep, the brain, refusing to co-operate, keeps wandering about, often stealing into the pages of the books or calling back to mind some distant suggestion made by a professor in the class. Again and again, questions and answers, important and unimportant questions and such other anti-sleep things occur in the mind. Thus hours roll by about midnight when a nap visits the tossing student which, however, is broken shortly by a fearful dream. It, however, the student is by nature unexcitable he can have an undisturbed sleep and rise from bed next morning with a refreshed mind and renewed energy. He often gets up early in the small hours of morning and glances over the book or books with a calm attention. The last moment review is very useful and he makes the best of it by virtue of his natural sedateness.

 The mental condition varies also between a negligent and a serious student. Rather, whether a student will get nervous at the eleventh hour depends largely on how far he has neglected or minded his business throughout the months preceding the test. If he has neglected his students, he will invariably feel somewhat perturbed at the closing hours. On the other hand, good preparation will help to calm down the mental agitation.

In fact, the night before an examination is a night of anxiety and peculiar experience. To overcome the trouble of this night the exmainess should prepare their lessons much earlier and try to pass this night with a normal state of mind.

61.  Obedience to parents
Obedience is a great virtue. “Learn to obey. And you will be obeyed, “said wellington. Parents are our well –wisheres. They are our nearest and dearest we should obey them.

Sacrifices of our parents:
We have got the first impression of the world only for the mercy of our parents. They have tenderly brought us up since infancy. They have forgotten their comfort and sacrifice their lives for the sake of our welfare. They give us foods and clothes. They make us educated, they take great care of us when we are ill. We could not survive without their selfess care.
Religious instructions about the obedience to parents: Every religion advises children to obey their parents. Obedience is a part of religion the important instructions of Islam. The sanatan religion says, Mother and motherland are superior to heaven.

Our duties parents:
Duties to the parents are compulsory for the children. We must do everything to please our parents. We should not do anything that may displease them. We should not utter any words that may bring a little bit pain to them.
In their old age we must treat with love and care as they did for us in our childhood. We must buy them food, clothes and medicines. We must act according to their directions.

Curse to disobedient child:
If a child does not obey his or her parents, they will be in ment dangers at every step of life. Examples of disobedient children are many in the present world. A disobedient son or daughter can never prosper in life. He or she leads a very miserable life.
Considering the selfless services of our parents we should always be obedient to them. If we do so, we will surely be blessed. We must remember that all the great men of the world had high regards of their parents. So, they are successful in life. Barapir Hazat Abdul Kader Zilani had and unquestionable obediency to his parents.

62.  Our country
Bangladesh is a small low-lying country in the south Asia on the Bay of Bengal. It came into being in 1971 following a bloody battle. Its total area is 1, 47,570 square kilometers. The Bay of Bengal is to the south of the country. The other three sides are surrounded by India except for a small strip in the southeast by Myanmar.

Most of its lands are plain with some hilly areas in the northeast and southeast of the country. The country is crisscrossed by so many rivers and canals. The Padma, the Meghna and the Jamuna are the main big rivers of the country. The country has a tropical monsoon climate. The country has six seasons.  They are winter, spring, summer, rainy, autumn and late autumn. The population of Bangladesh is about 125 million. Majority of them are Muslims and the rest are Hindus, Buddhists and Christians. Over 98 percent of the people speak Bengali. English is also widely used. The national dress for men is pajama and Panjabi and Sari is for women. But the educated people put on pants and shirts, the educated women put on Sal war and Kamiz. The economy of the country depends on agriculture. Jute, rice, tea, sugarcane, oilseeds, fruits, vegetables, spices, wheat, potato, tobacco and cotton are the cash crops of the country. About 80 percent people live in villages and agriculture is their main occupation. Chittagong and Mongla are the two main sea ports of the country. Cox’s Bazar – a place of scenic beauty – is the longest sea beach of the world. The country has some world heritage sites such as the Sunder bans, the Shat Gumbuj Mosque of Bagerhat etc. after all, the people of Bangladesh are very much peace loving. I am proud of my country

63.  Our madrasah
The name of my madrasah is shariatpur Fazli madrasha. It is a very old madrasah .it was set-up by a local Muslim social worker.

The madrasah is in the thana of palong under the district of shariatpur. A big road runs beside the madrasha.

There are three two-storied building and two one storied in our madrasah. There are forty rooms in our madrasah. Most of them are class-rooms. The principal’s room is on the entrance of the madrasah. There is also a separate room for the teachers. There is a rich library I our madrasah. There is a playground in front of our madrasah.

Madrasah hours:
The madrasah sits at 9 a. m. and breads up at 4 p. m. there is a leisure period for 30 minutes from 1. 15 pm to 1. 45.

 Students and teachers:
There about one thousand students and thirty teachers in our madrasah. All the teachers are well –qualified. Our principal is a M.A.M. Ed.

The results of dakhil and junior scholarship exams of our madrasah are always satisfactory.
Our madrasah is an ideal madrasah. We are proud of our madrasah.

64.  Paper
Paper is a thin sheet of materials. It is mainly used in writing and printing. It is a gift of modern science.

Paper was first invented in china. It came to our country during the reign of the Mughals. It was first made by hand.

 How paper is made:
Paper is made from rags, straw, bamboo, grass, wood etc. these things are cut into small pieces. They are kept in water and then boiled with soda and lime. Thus past is made is made from the paste.

Kinds of paper:
There are many kinds of paper. It differs in size, colour and quality some papers are white and some are coloured.

Paper is very useful to us. We mainly use it for writing on. Books and magazines paper is used in it. Paper is used for packing. Newsprint paper is used in printing newspapers. Coloured paper is used for decoration. Envelope and postcards are also made of paper.
Paper is and essential thing in our life. It plays an important role in human civilization. Without it we cannot think of the educational development.

65.  Peasants of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. Agriculture is the base of our economy and rural life. Agriculture still employs bulk of our population. So peasants are backbone of our agricultural output, our food production and agro-based industries. Peasants are the vital element of our country and economy.

A peasant is a farmer who owns or leases a piece of land and which he cultivates himself. In our country most of the peasants are generally small farmers. They possess a small piece of land. They have no ploughs and bullocks to cultivate their lands. Many of them do not have large areas enough food for themselves. In that case they cultivate the lands of those who have to grow large areas of lands and do not cultivate themselves. They get a stipulated share of the produce. The share is generally half or one third of the total produce.
There are some landless peasants. They till other’s land and take a share of the produce. They work hard to manage subsistence for their family. Though they work hard in the rain and sun, they miserable life.

Solvent peasants:
A minority of peasants are very rich. They are landlords because they have large acres of land. They produce more than what they need. So they can lead a prosperous and easy-going life.  The landlords are influential people in the villages. They also contribute to various development initiatives of the villages like setting up schools, Mosques, colleges, dispensaries, orphanage etc.
Though they feed the nation, the run country’s economy, the overall condition of our peasants are

 the learning methods of our peasants are relatively obsolete.  They still use bullocks and plough to till the lands. They do not have knowledge about proper seed time, Insecticide and good harvesting. As a result, they often do not get good crops. They depend on nature for good harvest instead of applying new and scientific methods in the fields. They are also often unable to buy tractors, machinery, sufficient fertilizers and insecticides and irrigate their lands. All these are responsible for poor agricultural output and poor conditions of our peasants.

Economic condition:
Though they feed the nation, and run country’s economic, the overall conditions of our peasants are very miserable. Many of our peasants cannot afford square meals. They are ill-clad and ill-treated in the society. They are poor, illiterate, and superstitious and they suffer from malnutrition and various diseases.
Govt. and wealthy persons in the society must do something effective for our unhappy peasants. Mostly, our peasants do not get due prices of their agricultural produce. So they remain poor. Govt. can take a comprehensive distribution system of country’s cultivable land and bring landless and small peasants under beneficiary projects. They should be trained about new and scientific methods of cultivation. They should be given loans without interest or on easy terms. And in must be ensured that the peasants get right price of their corps. Otherwise, their condition will remain unchanged.

66.  Physical exercise
Physical exercise means the regular movement of the limbs of our body according to rules. It is essential to keep our fit and mind sound. Physical exercise is of various kinds. Good forms of exercise are walking, swimming, riding, racing, rowing, gymnastics wrestling and playing many outdoor and indoor games.

All forms of exercise are not suitable for all men. If a weak takes part in a football game or hockey, he will get tired. It does no good to him. Those who are strong a d stout can take all forms of exercise. On the other hand those who are weak cannot take all forms of exercise. Walking is the best kind of exercise for all in all circumstances. It is of special use to the weak and the old. Walking in the morning and evening refreshes our body and mind. It also enables a man to enjoy the scenic beauty of nature. Swimming is also a good exercise. It strengthens all the limbs of our body.  Gymnastic exercises are not suited to people of all ages. The weak and the old cannot stand the strain s of gymnastic exercises. Gymnastic exercises are best suited to the young, students and members of well-organized clubs. Riding, racing, rowing, wrestling, indoor and outdoor games offer simple opportunity for the exercise of our body. Among all forms of exercise swimming and walking are the best because they cost nothing.

An off-quoted proverb goes that a sound mind lives in a sound body. Mere acquisition of knowledge without sound health is of no use to society. There lies a close connection between body and the mind. If the body is unsound, the mind must be unsound. We cannot think of a sound mind without a sound health. It is physical exercise which enables us to build a good health which is the key to success.

Effects of neglecting physical exercise:
There are many people who do not take physical exercise. They can hardly realize that they themselves are ruining their health. They fall VI Tim to many diseases. Life becomes dull to them. They are always peevish and ill tempered.
It needs no telling the importance of physical exercise. We build good health and sound mind through physical exercise. Physical exercise makes our body active and the muscles strong. It also improves our power of digestion and blood circulation. It gives strength to our brain. Many good habits are formed through outdoor games. It teaches us unity, patience, obedience, discipline and punctuality.

67.  Picnic Idea
A picnic is an outdoor excursion-a kind of outing attended by feasting and entertainments. It is organized on a voluntary basis, usually with contributions made by feasting and participants. In general, a spot of natural beauty is selected for the purpose and a full day is spent there in merriment.

In general, however, picnics are divisible into two kinds in accordance with the composition of the party. There may be a picnic party comprising exclusively of the members of one and the same family, which is not very common in our country.
There is another kind of picnic in which the party consists of a group of friends or co-students. Students of an institution or class thereof or even of a particular locality combine to organize these excursions.

There are some stages to make a picnic successful. The first stage in the preparation is planning. Someone has to originate the idea, speak it to others, whether friends or family members, and then the ball starts rolling. Several places and dates are suggested. At length the whole party sits together and finalizes details of time, date and place as also of edibles and entertainments.
The next stage is preparation. Almost every member is charged with some responsibility. Some are to arrange conveyance, some others to collect utensils and eatables, while some more have to arrange musical instruments or such others. The third stage is the picnic itself. Often many things fall short of the expectation but members make it up the surging gaiety of their and mind. A third-rate song becomes all so enchanting in the pleasant background of the site.  A joke, heard a hundred times before, may yet cause immense laughter. Half-baked meat, scorched vegetables or unsalted curry-everything is relished with palate of a glutton.

The purpose is after all to enjoy at all costs and not to find and deprecate mutual faults. The last stage of the round is the return journey. It is depressing like the end of every joyous festivity. But there is yet some compensation when all the way back the day is talked over and reflected upon. Picnics are one of the most pleasurable and exciting forms of diversion. Monotony is undeniably the worst enemy of mental and physical health. But breaking the monotony of life and introducing a touch of variety into the grim routine of existence, picnics make life worth living.
Picnics in our country are few and far between. Our aged people are either idle or work every day, every week and every month till they are down with some illness. Our students and youth have little sense of outing and excursion of little attachment to other sources of recreation. It is an unhealthy sing and reacts adversely on their health, mental and physical. Such all work and no play should be avoided by all means.

68.  Population problem of Bangladesh
Population problem, like energy crisis, is one of the most talked of topics of the world these days. It is the burning question of Bangladesh. Now the world has a population of about five hundred crores. The population of the world is increasing day by day. It is creating many problems.

Population of Bangladesh:
Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the world. It is small country of 55598 square miles. But it has a population over. 120 million people are being added to our population. The problem is now out of control.

When it becomes a problem: 
Though the population of a country is an asset, it becomes a problem when the country cannot afford to give people the basic necessaries of life like food, clothing, education, medicine and shelter etc.
There are many causes of rapid growth of population. Nowadays owing to better explosion of medical facilities and improvements of standard of living the death rate has gone down much but on the other hand the birth rate is on the constant increase. The population of our country is increasing at an alarming rate.

Its effect: 
The area of Bangladesh is too small to support her vast population. As a result it creates the following problems.

Food problem:
Population in Bangladesh is increasing by geometrical progression. But the agricultural production is increasing by arithmetical progression. The production of food cannot keep pace with our increasing people. So there is the shortage of food in our country. Every year a large quantity of food is to be imported from abroad.

Communication problem: 
It creates educational problem too. It is a herculean job to get admission in schools and colleges. For twenty seats, there may be two thousand candidates.

In the field of employment this condition is hazardous. For one single vacant post there will be thousand candidates. Thousands and thousands of people are out of work in the country.

Shelter problem: 
Health is wealth, but our people are suffering from many diseases. Many children of our country are blind because they do not get enough nutrition. Our children often suffer in diarrhoea.

Medical and medicine problem: 
The large number of population creates the treatment problems too. There is only one qualified doctor for every 25,000 village people on the average. They also do not get proper and sufficient medicine.

Environment pollution: 
The increasing people pollute our environment by making latrines on the bank of rivers and canals. Human waste pollutes our environment. The vast population also produces so much carbon dioxide which is danger for the environment.

The increasing population of our country is creating pressure to our wealth. So day by day we become poor.

How to remove it: 
We should all come forward to control it. The government Of Bangladesh is trying to control it. To remove this problem we should follow the following arrangements.

Family planning: 
Each family must not have more than two children. Then each family will be planned. They should be made aware of the gravity of the problem.

Education of the masses: 
To check the growth of population, top-most importance should be attached to education of the masses. If the entire populations are educated, there would develop a sense of national awakeness and wide outlook among them.

Stop early marriage: 
If we do not stop early marriage, the people of our country will be increasing at an alarming rate day by day.

We can export man to other countries to remove the population crisis. To remove this problem .the lesson of self-reliance is particularly needed for us.
The population problem is a great malady for Bangladesh. But this can be solved if the government and the people are firmly determined to control birth rate and grow more food at the same time. No improvement is possible unless this problem is solved. Therefore, all the people of Bangladesh and the government should join hands to meet the crisis right at this moment before it is too late.

69.  Postman
In the past people used to live at home with their kith and kin. But with the advancement of civilization man now lives far from his families and relatives. So he has to remain anxious for news from near and dear ones. This demand has been met up through the introduction of postal system. Thus, the service of the postman comes into being.

The postman is employed by the postal department to deliver postal matters like letters, parcels, money orders etc. to the addressees. In our daily life the postman is the most familiar figure. Every day at a particular time he is seen passing through the streets. He is the most eagerly awaited person. Our heart swells with expectations when we see him approaching our doors. He brings news from our near and dear ones living in home and abroad.
The postman renders invaluable service to us. He attends the office in time and performs his duties sincerely. If he fails to discharge his duties properly any day, it may cause irreparable loss to the persons concerned. In all weathers good and bad he performs his duty.

The postman stars his work in the post office. He opens the mail bag and sorts the letters and other postal articles. He hands over the outgoing mail to the runner. Then he starts for his own round.

A postman in the town: 
But in the postman maintains an official air. He moves very fast from door to door quietly drops down the letters through the doors or windows. In delivering registered parcels, money orders etc. he calls the addressees.
The service of the post man is of great importance to us, but he is very much neglected. He is ill paid and can hardly make both ends. He is not held in due respect. Proper steps should be taken so that he can maintain his family keeping his brain away from the fear of wants. He is a link all over the world.

70.  Prize day at my college
The prize day ceremony is an occasion of great joy not only to the teachers and the students but also to the guardians and the general public. The school wears a festive look. On this occasion prizes are given to the students for their good results and proficiency in different subjects. Some students get prizes for their attendance and some for their conduct. Again some students who show special skill in various games, sports and in athletic activities prizes.

Almost every college holds a prize day to distribute prizes among the students. The last prize day of our college was held on 2nd April last year in the college compound. We decorated the college building very tastefully. Green leaves, flags and festoons were freely used to enhance the beauty of the school. A big pandal was erected to hold the function. There were two tables decorated on which the prizes and medals were arranged in proper order. On one side was a platform nicely carpeted from where the speeches were delivered. There was also a victory stand from where the recipients received their prizes medals. The president’s chair and table were placed in the middle with flower post and bouquets of roses. The function began just at 10 a. m. the invited guests began to come in. the volunteers received them cordially.

Arrival the cheap guest: 
The D. C. was in the chair. He arrived at gate just a few minutes before the ceremony was due to commence. The students offered him the guard of honour. The principal, some teachers and some distinguished persons gave him a rousing ovation and conducted him to the seat of honour,

The programme: 
The formal ceremony now began with the recitation from the holy Quran. Then the principal read our report which showed all round improvement of the school. Then the main ceremony began. The principal called each recipient by name and the president gave away the prizes. Finally the president rose to speak. He delivered his speech. He congratulated the institution, the teachers and the students. He gave the students valuable advice.
The function then came to a close with the customary vote of thanks. The memory of the day is still fresh in my mind.

71.  Rainy season in Bangladesh
There are six seasons in Bangladesh. Each season consists of two months. We hear new sounds and enjoy new scenes in each season. We forget monotony of life and start our daily work anew. The rainy season is one of the six seasons. The season comes after the summer.

ashar and shraban are the months of rainy season. In fact rain sets in our country in the middle of June and lasts up to the middle of September.

A welcoming season:
people welcome the rainy season hearty. The sun shines hotly in the summer. Ponds, lakes and canals get dried. There is scarcity of water. People want to get rains, and the rain sets in at last. People heave a sing of relief.

in the rainy season the sky is overcast with deep black clouds. The sun can hardly be seen. The rivers are full to the brim. The earth and the roads are wet and muddy. People cannot move easily.

Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. Her economy and prosperity depend on agriculture. Again our agriculture depends on the mercy of nature that is rain. If there is sufficient rain, the joys of the farmers know no bound. They plough their lands and sow seeds in time. Our farmers cannot grow. Without rain water our agriculture is lifeless. Rain water washes away the filth and clears the atmosphere. Our poets are found of the season.

there is no unmixed blessing on earth. The rainy season has some demerits too. Sometimes it rains heavily for days together. As a result the rivers overflow their banks and cause flood which brings about untold sorrows, sufferings and miseries. There is water everywhere .roads become muddy .due to incessant rains people cannot go out. Normal course of life is a stopped. People are to use umbrellas and move by boats. Students cannot go to schools and colleges. Different diseases like malaria diarrhoea, dysentery break out in an epidemic form and carry away heavy falls of human life for occasional flood. The life of the poor and the working class become difficult. Snakes also come out in this season, bite people and cause death.
 The rainy season is the most important and useful of all the seasons in our country. Agriculture which is the life blood of our economy depends on this rain.

72.  Rice
Rice is a kind of corn. It is our main food. We get it from rice plants. Rice plant is a kind of grass.
Where grown: Rice grows well in moist climate. It grows well in Bangladesh. It also grows in India, Pakistan, china, Burma japan and some other countries of the world.

Kinds of rice:
In Bangladesh there are mainly three kinds of rice called Aus., amen and boro. There is another kind of rice called Irri.
Time of sowing and harvesting: Aus is sown in baishakh and harvested in shravan. Aman is sown in the rainy season and harvested in winter. Boro is cultivated in Pous and harvested I chaitra and baishakh. Irri is grown all the year round.

How grown:
At first the farmers plough the lands several times and harrow them well. Then they sow seeds. Soon little plants come out. The field is weeded and manured several times. Paddy ripens in about four months. Then it is harvested.

How rice is obtained:
After harvesting the paddy, the grains are separated from the stalks. The grains are then boiled and dried in the sun. The dried paddy is then husked. Thus we get rice.
Rice is a kind of corn. It is our main food. We get it from rice plants. Rice plant is a kind of grass.

Where grown:
Rice grows well in moist climate. It grows well in Bangladesh. It also grows in India, Pakistan, china, Burma japan and some other countries of the world.

Kinds of rice:
In Bangladesh there are mainly three kinds of rice called Aus., amen and boro. There is another kind of rice called Irri.
Time of sowing and harvesting: Aus is sown in baishakh and harvested in shravan. Aman is sown in the rainy season and harvested in winter. Boro is cultivated in Pous and harvested I chaitra and baishakh. Irri is grown all the year round.

How grown:
At first the farmers plough the lands several times and harrow them well. Then they sow seeds. Soon little plants come out. The field is weeded and manured several times. Paddy ripens in about four months. Then it is harvested.
How rice is obtained: After harvesting the paddy, the grains are separated from the stalks. The grains are then boiled and dried in the sun. The dried paddy is then husked. Thus we get rice.

Rice is our staple food. Many kinds of cakes are made from it. Chira, Muri, Khai etc. are prepared from it.
Rice is our main food. But the production if rice in our country is not sufficient to meet our demand. So should try to increase the production of rice.

73.  Rivers of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a land of rivers. The health, wealth and happiness of Bangladesh depend on her rivers. There are many big and small rivers. The Padma, the Meghan, the Jamuna are the big and wide rivers. The Buriganga, the Sitalakshya, the Dhaleswari, the Teesta, the Madhumati, the Gumati and the Karnafulli are small rivers. Most of the rivers of our country rise from the Himalayas and fall into the Bay of Bengal.

Importance to our agriculture:
The Rivers are the source of our wealth. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. The prosperity of agriculture depends on the rivers. These rivers have made the soil fertile. So rice, jute, tea and other crops grow in plenty here.

Source of fish:
Our Rivers abound with fish. Fish is an important wealth. Our fisherman catches a huge quantity of fish and export to foreign country. Thus they earn a lot of foreign exchange. Fish is our main item of food.

Important channels of Communication:
The Rivers of our country are the main ways of communication. Boats, Launches and Steamers

74.  Rural development
Rural development means development of village. Bangladesh is a land of villages. More than 80 percent of her people live in villages. So the importance of villages in our body politic is great. The development of the entire country depends on the welfare of these villages. So it is essential to keep the villages in a flourishing condition.

Various aspects:
In our country rural development has various aspects. The most important of them are agriculture, education, communication, sanitary and health, cottage industries, fishery, co-operative society’s community life etc.

Improvement of communication:  
A good communication is essential for the development of the villages. With this end in view our government has taken some practical measures. Many new roads have been constructed and many old roads and culverts have been repaired. There are also some pucca roads in the. Now-a-days we see that buses, auto rickshaws, trucks, rickshaws etc. move on the pucca roads in the rural areas. Today farmers are sending their products to town’s cities.

Education is the backbone of a nation. Without education a nation cannot is education which illumines the soul, broadens the outlooks on life and dispels the darkness of ignorance. Bangladesh is a poor country. About 85% percent of her population lives in village. They do not know how to read and write. We cannot reach the peak of prosperity and progress until and unless we can remove the curse of illiteracy from the lot of our people. Our government is determined to free the nation from the curse of illiteracy within a very short time.

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Agriculture is the life blood of her economy. Again about eighty percent of our people are engaged in agriculture that lives in villages. Even in this modern scientific age our agriculture is very backward. But at present in is very happy news that our government has taken active sleeps and necessary measures for the progress of agriculture, such as supplying the farmers with modern scientific tools for cultivation, goods seeds, fertilizer at a cheaper rate, agricultural loans on easy terms and many other things. Irrigation system has been improved.

Health and sanitation:
As most of the villagers are illiterate, they have no knowledge of health and sanitation. Most of the villagers suffer from various diseases. But this miserable condition is changing slowly. Many hospitals, health centres, clinics and charitable dispensaries have been set up in rural areas to ensure health facilities to the poor rural people.

Water supply:
Pure drinking water was very scarce in the past. People used drink water from ponds. As a result they suffered from many water borne diseases. Now-a-days every village has at least one or more tube wells.

Cottage industry:
Though eighty percent of our villagers are engaged in agriculture, a large number of them remain idle for the greater part of the year. They can be employed if the cottage industries are revived and developed. They can earn a decent living from them. The cottage industries can provide employment to a large number of people and in this way unemployment problem can be problem can be solved to some extent.

Poultry, Fishery:
By raising more poultry and cultivating fish more, we can develop our villages. Our government has paid much attention to these things. The poor villagers are given loan on easy terms. Many unused marshy lands have been brought under fish cultivation.
Through the development of the villages our country will reach the peak of progress and prosperity. Let us all come forward and work with concerted efforts to develop our villages.

75.  SAARC
The present age of co-operation and developing international relations. With the process of globalization, countries of the world are coming closer to one another and forming different organizations or alliances for mutual benefit. Different nations of a particular global region unite in a common platform, and share and co-operate among themselves, discuss their problems and work together to achieve their goals. SAARC is such an organization.

SAARC- its meaning:
SAARC is an acronym which stands for south Asian Association for Regional Co-operation. As is clear from the name, SAARC is a regional platform for co-operation. SAARC member countries are Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Maldives, Nepal, and Sir Lanka. Recently Afghanistan has been recognized as the eighth member of SAARC nations. Besides, UN, OIC, EU, China have got the observer status of SAARC.

Formation & history:
SAARC is the brain child of late president of Bangladesh, ziaur rahman. In order to form a co-operative family of Bangladesh neighbours countries, he toured the seven countries in 1980 and tried to convince the head of the states to come under the same umbrella where they work to solve their common problems. His dreams finally came into being in 1980 when the foreign secretaries of seven countries met in Colombo to decide the fields of co-operation. An agriculture, rural developments, tele-communication weather, health and family planning, poverty alleviation and scientific development were set as the fields of co-operation. But it was not until 1985 that SAARC started its marching steps ahead.

SAARC summits:
SAARC summit is the regular meeting of the heads of the SAARC states. The first summit of SAARC was held in Dhaka on 7 December 1985. The next summit was held in Bangalore at the end of the year1986. In this summit, it was decided that a permanent secretariat would be set up in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. The third summit was held in Kathmandu, Nepal in 1987, the fourth in Islamabad in 1988, the fifth in Maldives in 1990. The sixth summit was held in Colombo, Sir Lanka in 1991. The subsequent summits were held by rotation of the SAARC states excluding Bhutan. Bangladesh hosted second SAARC summit in 1993 and the third in 2005. The coming 14th summit is set to be held in India in 2007. In the Dhaka summit in 2005 Afghanistan has been given the membership status and japan and china have been given the status of observer states.

Its importance: All the SAARC countries have a common and shared history. Apart from history, SAARC countries have some other shared interests and problems. It is the world’s most densely populated region and one of the most fertile areas. Besides SAARC countries have common religions, tradition, dress, food, and cultural and political aspects. And most important of all, all the SAARC countries have common problems and issues like poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition natural disasters, internal conflicts, industrial and technological backwardness, law GDP and poor socio- economic conditions. If only SAARC countries can remove the prevalent mood of fear and disbelief, increase their internal trades, increase their co-operation and friendship, develop their mutual relations, and solve existent conflicts, they can greatly improve their socio-economic condition and uplift their living standard.

Achievements and failures:   SAARC is comparatively new organization in the global area. Its achievements are many, but its failures are more. However, SAARC countries have started working to establish a free trade area (FTA) which will increase their internal have trade and lessen the trade gap of some states considerable. They have also agreed to establish a SAARC university in India, a food Bank in Pakistan and also an Energy reserve. However, its failures are that it has not yet been able to solve internal regional conflicts, ensure regional security, reduce poverty, and develop a pre-warning system of natural disasters by sharing information. It has also failed to increase trade among SAARC nations and co-operate in other areas.
Whatever the gains of SAARC so far may be it is the only platform where the state leaders meet and discuss issues. SAARC is an organization of about 150 crore of people. It is their hope and aspiration. It is up to the SAARC leaders to work together for a developed, peaceful and prosperous South Asia. Bangladesh as a pioneering nation of
SAARC should play the leading role in this regard.

76.  Season in Bangladesh
There are six seasons in Bangladesh. Each season has its own features. We hear new sounds and enjoy new scenes in each season. Nowhere in the world are the six seasons so sharply felt as in Bangladesh. Everything changes. The people also feel different in each season. They forget the monotony of life and start their daily work anew.

Summer-its feature:
The first season in Bengali calendar is the summer. Baisakh and Jaistha constitute summer. During summer the sun shines hotly. The heat is terrible. Water goes dry, ponds, canals, lakes and small rivers go dry. There is scarcity of water everywhere. The earth gets parched. People sweat at the slightest work and become tired and thirsty. There is sultry hot. People cannot work at ease. Summer is also the season of various fruits. Various seasonal fruits ripe then. Sometimes, Kalbaishakhi sweeps over the country and causes harm and make many people homeless.

The Rains:
After summer comes the rainy season. It is most welcome to people because people heave sigh of relief from excessive heat. The sky is overcast with clouds and the sun cannot be seen for hours even for days. It rains heavily now and then, sometimes cats and dogs and in small ropes, pond, canals, lakes and rivers are full to the brim. The earth and roads are wet and muddy. Rain is a great blessing for our country. Our agriculture depends on this rain. If the rain does not come in time, our farmers cannot reap a good harvest. Rain carries away the filths and dirt’s. Everything in nature looks fresh. At this time people move by boats. Sometimes it rains so heavily that is causes flood and bring untold miseries to people.

The autumn:
 after the rain comes the autumn. Bhadra and Aswin are the months of this season. Rain is not so copious. The sky is clear. While clouds float in the sky. People especially the farmers look happy because they go to the market with loads of jute and earn money. The Hindus perform their Durga Puja in this season.

The late autumn:
the autumn rolls into the late autumn. It is the season of dew and farmers look happy. They are busy in harvesting. They perform the Nobanna. It also hints the arrival of winter.

The late autumn is followed by the winter. Winter likes gloomy. Trees become bare of leaves. Days are very short and the nights are very long. People shiver inn cold. Winter is welcome to the rich because they can wear their warm clothes but the poor suffer much from cold. They burn dry leases and straw to warm them. Birds and other animals also suffer from cold. People wrap themselves with quilt and blanket when they go to bed at night. Various delicious vegetables grow in this season and people eat them. It is the season of fog.

Spring is the best of all seasons. It is neither too cold nor too hot. Trees get new leaves and flowers. A gentle breeze blows and makes everyone happy. The sweet song of the cuckoo is heard.
Thus moves the cycle of six seasons. Each season has its own influence of the people of Bangladesh.

77.  Service rendered by the students
Man has three duties, duties, duty towards God, duty towards parents and duty towards mankind. So students have certain duties to the society in whice they live in.

Students in our people of our country are illiterate. Students can open night schools and teach the illiterate people. They can remove illiteracy from our country. During the vacation they can go to villages and teach the village people. Students service is necessary in the field of our national health. Female students can teach the uneducated women how to keep their houses neat and clean. How to bring up children and look after their health. The village people and the people living in the slums suffer from many diseases. They have no knowledge about health and environment. Students can teach them about the basic rules of health and environment.

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Her prosperity depends on agriculture. But the farmers of our country are illiterate. They have no knowledge about scientific method of cultivation. In this case students can teach the illiterate famers.

Bangladesh is an over populated country. Most of the village people of our country are illiterate. They are also superstitious. They have knowledge about family planning. They are unwilling to accept family planning. In this regard students can render a good social service. They can explain to the illiterate village people the need for adopting family planning.

During floods and cyclones and famine students stand by the affected people. Students beg money from the rich, raise funds, save the affected people, feed the hungry, nurse the sick and cloth the naked. During epidemics medical students and other students may serve the sick with proper food, cloth, medicine and other necessary things.

Students are the servants of society. They are the makers of society. They are the soldiers of social peace. They should serve society without any selfish motive.

78.  Student and politics
One of the most widely-discussed controversies of the day is whether students should take part in politics or not. The root cause of this extraordinary state of things lays the historical background of our struggle for freedom. Both in Bangladesh and India, students inherited a tradition of political activity by virtue of having borne the brunt of this sub-continent’s fight for independence.

Those who favour the participation of students in politics base their stand mainly on four arguments. Firstly, students of to-day being the citizens of tomorrow, it is necessary to give them some training in active politics alongside their pursuit of study. This would go to make their education realistic and practical, secondly, student have both a duty and a right to see that the country is governed well.

Thirdly, students have both a duty and a right to see that the country is governed well. Thirdly, students being the most selfless section of the population, their participation in politics ensure a better service of national interests. It is they alone who can act as the unfailing friend of the people against corrupt and selfish politicians who otherwise are apt to realize their own end at the expense of the nation. Taking all these factors into consideration, they argue that students should be encouraged those who disfavor students-politics advance two arguments in the main. Firstly, politics being serious and exciting occupation is antithetic to the pursuit of study which requires coolness of mind. The two can never be done together without the former gradually absorbing the latter entirely. Secondly, to do politics in modern society, faced with complex national and international problems, is hard job and calls for enough of experience and national and international problems, is a hard job and calls for enough of experience and sagacity, tolerance and patience. It needs cool judgment, dispassionate approach to problems and tactful handing of complicated situations. All these and other virtues that make a true politician come with age and are hardly to be found in the youth, much less teen-aged students.

Both the views are vitiated by extremism. While there is not denial that the participation of students in politics may bear some good to them and the society, the possibility of ultimate loss to both cannot be overlooked. It is. Also important to note that students may hardly remain impartial enough to check corrupt politicians and protect popular interest. More often than not, they have been found to be swept off by the tide of catchy slogans raised by political parties. In that case, they only strengthen the hands of politicians for exploiting the masses with greater success. On the other hand, students are a great organized force and have both time and education to take interest in the affairs of the country in countries like ours, where the bulk of the rest are too busy with their day-to-day struggle; the students are the only section who can save politics from utter stagnation. Hence participation in politics is contributory to larger social interest. But it must be qualified and strictly confined within reasonable limits. That is to say, they should study politics, go into political and economic problems, discuss about their solutions and express their views in an organized form but with and unbiased attitude.

In fine, the primary root of student-politics lies in the conditions of society. If the students of Europe or America live in academic seclusion, it is mainly because social conditions there are favorable to that. It, therefore, we want the elimination of student –politics from our society after the model of the west. It is necessary first of all to remedy those social ills which encourage, at times, force our students to step out of their own arena into the realm of politics for which most them are unfit.

79.  Student life
Student life is a period of preparation for all the problems that face the individual and the community. It is a period when a man fills his mind with the fuel of ideas to set sail on the voyage of life. It is rightly called the seed time of human life.

Duties of a student: 
There is no rose without thorn, on rights without duties and no pleasures without pains. No wonder then that a student has certain duties to perform. He has to discharge duties to his own self. To his parents, to his family, to his country, to the wide world and what is more to god –
The first and foremost duty of a student is to acquire knowledge. But he must not confine himself to the prescribed books only. He must read newspapers, magazines, novels, dramas and poetry during his leisure. This kind of reading will widen their mental horizon and enable them to be acquainted with many things of the world. A student must take care of his health because sound mind lives in a sound body. Good health is the key to success. In order to enjoy a good health a student must observe the rules of health.

A student can go on excursion and picnic with his fellow students. All these things will bear good effect on him. They will drive his monotony. Excursion will increase his knowledge. His mental outlook will be broad.

School and college arrange debate, discussion, seminars and symposium. A student can take part in all these things and widen his knowledge. As a result he may be something great in future.
A student can render many social and benevolent activities. He can teach the unlettered the importance of family planning , malnutrition, sanitation, population explosion etc. during the time of natural calamities he can distribute food, medicine pure drinking water and clothes to the victim. These activities enable a student to gain practical training in humanitarian work.

80.  Students and social service
Man has three duties:
Duty towards God, duty towards parents and duty towards mankind.  Students are born to read, to study books to prepare themselves for examinations. The hue and cry of the world and the heat and dust of life generally do not move them. But there are occasions in a nation ‘life when normal duties suspend and normal life does not function. Then the services of students they are essential. Students are not separated /isolated from society. They are also social beings like other classes of people. They enjoy the same social benefits, rights and privileges. There is no rose without a thorn and no right without duties. No wonder then that students have certain duties to the society in which they live in.

In education: 
Ours is an undeveloped country. So the students in our country have many things to do for the welfare and good of the country. They can render free services in different spheres of our national life. Most of the people of our country are illiterate. The student can open night schools and teach the country. They can render free services in different can open night schools and teach the illiterate people. They can remove illiteracy from our country. During the vacation they can go to villages and teach the rural folk.

National health:
Student’s services are necessary in the field of our national health. They can play an important role. Female students can teach the uneducated women how to keep their houses neat and clean how to bring up children and look after their health. The village people and the people living in the slums suffer from many diseases. They have no knowledge about health and environment. The students can teach them about the basic rules of health and environment.

In agriculture:
Bangladesh in an agricultural country. Her prosperity depends on agriculture. But the farmers of our country are illiterate. They have no knowledge about scientific method of cultivation. In this ease students can teach the illiterate farmers.

In population control:
Bangladesh is an over populated country. Most of the villages of our country are illiterate. They ate also superstitious. They have no knowledge about family planning. They are unwilling to accept family planning. In this regard students can render a good social service. They can explain to the illiterate village people the need for adopting family planning.

In natural calamities: 
During natural calamities students can render better services. During floods and cyclones, famine students stand by the affected people. Students beg money from the rich, raise funds, rescue people, feed the hungry, and nurse the sick and cloth the naked. During epidemics medical students and other students may serve the sick with proper food, Cloth, medicine and other necessary things.

Students are the servants of society. They are the makers of society. They are the soldiers of social peace. They should serve the society without any selfish motive.

81.  Tea
Tea is a kind of drink. We get it from tea leaves. New –a-days it is most popular drink in the world.

Where grown:
Tea grows well in the hilly places where rain water cannot stand at all. It grows in china, japan, India and Bangladesh. In Bangladesh it grows well in the hilly areas of Sylhet and Chittagong.

How grown:
Tea plants grow seeds. Seeds are sown in March; seedlings are planted in rows five feet apart. They are regularly prunced and allowed to grow only four to five feet high.

How gathered:
When tea plants are four years of age, leaves are plucked three or four times a year. The leaves are first dried in the sun and roasted in fire. Thus the leaves are ready for use and sale.

How prepared:
At first water is boiled in a pot. Tea leaves are put into boiling water. After three or four minutes it is poured into cups through a sieve. The sugar and milk is mixed with it. Thus it becomes a good drink.

Tea is a useful drink to us. Refreshes body and mind and gives energy for work. It also helps us to keep awake. In our country it is an important crop. demerits: tea is not always good for health. Too much of it is bad for health. It kills hunger.
The importance of tea in our national economy is very brings a good deal of foreign money every year. So we should take care of better production of tea

82.  The college I study
The name of my college is matbari serajia x college. A rich man named Elem Boksh Sardar founded the college. It is one of the best college in the district of Khulna.
The college is situated at a suitable place. The college stands at the junction of four roads. Boys and girls of the neighbouring villages can come to the college easily. The river Koyra flows by the eastern side of the college. Boys and girls also come from other side of the river.

The college is housed in a nice four storeyed building. It has fifty rooms. The rooms are spacious with a wide verandah and well ventilated. The principal has a separate room to sit in. there is an office room adjacent to the principal’s common room where the and maintain the records of the college. There is also teacher’s common room where the other teachers take their seat. There are also science laboratories. Students’common room, scouts ‘room. Cadets ‘room, library and gymnasium rooms. Students go to the common room, play indoor games and read the newspapers, magazines and the library. Students read there. They are issued books. The college has two big hostels and two teachers are in charge of the hostels. They supervise the students.
Generally our college starts at 9 am and breaks up at 4 pm. We get a recess of half an hour, take our tiffin. At this time the Muslim students say their Zohar prayers.

There are 1200 students and well trained teachers in our school. They are kind, sympathetic to us. They solve our problem.

The college has a big play ground. Our physical instructor himself is a good player. He trains us in various games and sports. students play football, volley ball and cricket there. The college has a good reputation for results. The results of the H. S.C examination are quite satisfactory.
Our college is one of the best college’s in the Khulna district. Its name and fame has spread far and wide. I am proud of bering a student of the college.

83.  The cow
The cow is a domestic animal. It is one of the most useful animals in the world. Description The cow has four legs. Its body is covered with short hair. It has a pair of horns on its head. It has two ears and eyes. Ty has a long tail with a tuft of hair. It drives flies with the tail. Its hoofs are divided into two parts. It has teeth in lower jaw only.

The cow lives on grass, straw, green leaves, oilcake etc. it also takes gruel and husk. It chews the cud.
Nature: The cow gentle in nature. Some cows are wild in nature. The cow gives birth to one calf at a time. It loves its calf very much.

The cow is very useful to us. We get milk and beef from the cows. Many kinds of delicious food are made from milk. Babies live on milk, shoes bags and essential things are made from the skin of the cow. Cowdung is a good manure. Buttons and combs are made from its bones and horns. Even today farmers cannot think of their cultivation without cows.
The cow helps us in many ways. It should not be ignored at all. We should take proper care of it.

84.  The game I like most
Reason of being favourite:
My favourite game is football. It gives me great joy. It is not expensive, too. Football thrills not only the players but also the spectators. Football is not a game of our country. It is a foreign game. It came from England. But it is popular all over the world. I think the spectators derive much pleasure from football than any other game.

How played:
Football is played in and open large field. The ground is 110 to 120 yards long and 70 to 80 yards wide. There are two goal posts at each of the two opposite ends of the field. A bar is tied on the goal posts which is eight feet above from the ground. There are also centre and penalty box.
The game is played between two teams. Each team has eleven players. There are a goal keeper, two bakcs, play on the defensive while the five others lead the attack towards the opposite goal. The half backs play on the defensive and lead the attack also. A ball is placed at the centre. A referee conducts the game. As soon as he whistles. The game starts. Each team attacks the opponent and defends its own. Each team tries heart and soul to net the ball. The whole game is divided into two equal halves with an interval of ten minutes. At the end of the first half each team changes its side. When a tem nets a ball to the opponent’s goal, the players and supporters of that team are beside themselves with joy.
The party that scores more goal than the other wins the game.
There are so hard and fast rules for conducting the game. According to the rules the game is played. The players abide by these rules and show respect to the decision of to referee.

Merits of football game are too many to be described. First of all it makes a man strong, healthy and wealthy. It teaches many moral qualities and virtues like l obedience, co-operation, discipline, tolerance punctuality etc.

There is no unmixed good no earth. Football has demerits too. Sometimes the game leads to bitter quarrel. Many students spoil their future career by attaching much importance to football.
In spite of the little demerits, football is my favourite game. Through this game one can learn and acquire many good qualities and virtues of head and heart. A man can also earn a lot through the game.

85.  The library and its uses
Library is a room or building containing books for reading of reference. In general sense, however, the emphasis is on the collection of books, whether stationed under a roof or not. Libraries are divisible into three kinds-personal, public and institutional. The first type implies individual into three kinds-personal, public and institutional. The first type implies individual ownership and exclusive right of access. A private person of sufficient means, both out of thirsts for reading and fashion, may collect a series of books on different subjects and place them in a corner of his residence or office. Such a collection is called hi library, private libraries of real quality and use were owned in the past by British lords and Zemmindars and maharajas of this sub-continent. In our country small-scale private libraries are possessed by solvent middle-class people, particularly lawyers, officers and educationists.

The second type, that is, public library is the order of the day. It is to be seen in large number in every country. A public library, by its nature, is open to the public in general. Accordingly, it contains books of different varieties and subjects with a view to responding to the varying need and taste of its readers. The primary function of a public library is to lend books but in any library worth the name there is spacious reading accommodation where readers may satin solitude and study for hours together. The third of the kind is the institutional library, as it may be called, because it is maintained by some institution –a college, a university, a trade union, a chambers of  commerce a government department. Such a library is open to the members of the institution concerned.

It is never possible to describe the uses of library in full. Man needs to read as direly as he needs to eat. Reading not only strengthens his knowledge but also preserves his mental health to eat. Reading not only strengthens his knowledge but also preserves his mental health and thus keeps him fit for the struggle of life. But none except a few can buy all the books he must read. As for the students and teachers, the occupational pursuits would be badly affected without the library maintained by their respective institutions. Gradually, with the growth of the habit of reading, the reader develops the instinct of possessing at least some of the worthy books which leads him to the book-shop.

Library has also other important uses. Without well-equipped library, whether public, private or institutional, research work is next to impossible. Because the entire valuable books of all ages and the rare manuscripts and old records of the past can be maintained only by a library.
In consideration of these and other uses of the library, every nation aiming at the enrichment of its civilization should treat the organization of libraries with a high degree of attention. In short, an all-out drive should be launched upon to build up in the country a net-work of libraries and make arrangement of financial assistance that they may not be closed down in future for want of funds.

86.  The life of Hazrat Muhammad (SM.)
Hazrat Muhammad (SM.) is the last prophet of Allah and the leader of all prophets. He is the greatest of men and teachers ever born on earth. There is none like him. He is the embodiment of all that is good, pure and noble.

Before his birth Arabia was steeped in darkness, ignorance and superstition. The Arabs were ignorant and wicked and they led beastly lives. They were worshippers of many gods and goddesses and had fallen on evil ways of life by that time. Hazrat Muhammad (SM.) was therefore, sent by Allah to correct the Arabs and to show the people of the world the night path.
Hazrat Muhammad (SM.) was born the famous Quash tribe of mecca in 570 A. D.  His father Abdullah died before his birth, and his mother Amena died when he was only six. So be became an orphan when he was still an infant. He was brought up by a nurse named Halima. His grandfather. Abdul Muttalib and his uncle Abu taleb took care of the boy.

Early in life Hazrat Muhammad passed through many trials and sufferings. He got no opportunity for learning. But he was taught much higher things than book-knowledge by nature and the unseen hand of Allah. He was sent down by Allah for the good of mankind. From his boyhood he was thoughtful honest and truthful. He was called Al-Amin or the trusty one. He always thought about the evils of Arab life and how to save the Arabs from those evils. He was a man of word also and knew how to manage business and other affairs. He carried on trade under his uncle and went to Syria several times on commercial visits.

Hazrat Muhammad (SM.) served for some time under a beautiful rich and accomplished widow named Khadija; he managed her large business and won her confidence. At last at the age of 25 he married her and became the master of her vast wealth. But wife and riches had on effect on his character. He retired to the cave of Mount Hire and meditated on the problems of life and death. At last at the age of forty light dawned upon him and he got the new truth. He preached : there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is he messenger of Allah to preach this great truth to the world. This is the religion of Islam. The new faith was first accepted by his wife Khadija. A few others also accepted it and became his disciples.

But a great many of the fierce Arabs were furious when they heard of the new religion of Islam. They at first tried to persuade him to refrain from preaching it and promised of hive him whatever he wanted. Then they put every difficult in his path, subjected his followers to severe tortures and tried to kill him. So for the sake of religion he sent man of his followers to Medina and then in 622 A. D. he himself went there. This is called the Hijrat. From this date the Islamic era Hijri began.

The people of Medina warmly welcomed him. Many of them accepted his faith. But the people of Mecca attacked Medina several times to kill the prophet and to wipe out Islam. Thus the prophet and his followers were forced to fight a number of battles like Bandar. Ohud and Khandak. But every time the evil designs of the oppressors mecca were foiled. At last the prophet conquered mecca in 630 A.D. and succeeded in bringing all Arabia to his faith.
The prophet did not take any retaliation. He taught the people the virtue of forgiveness. He asked them to do good to others and worship Allah. The Quran was revealed to him by Allah and the Hadith which contains his sayings taught the Muslims many noble virtues to make them a great world force later on.

This great and noble soul passed away in 632 A. D. at the age of 63. But his work and teachings remain and will be followed as long as the world lasts. He made Muslims brothers of one another, built a great nation and a powerful state. At present on fifth of the people of the world are the followers of this great and noble prophet.

87.  The season I like most
There are six seasons in Bangladesh. I like all the seasons but I like spring most. Spring is my favourite season and perhaps and it is favourite to all. Spring comes to us with many pleasant thing and beautiful scenes and sounds.

Reasons of my liking:
I like this season for many reasons. The summer is a season of terrible heat. Everybody feels uneasy. During the rainy season the roads becomes muddy. There is water everywhere. People cannot move easily. They face many difficulties. During the early autumn and late autumn these disadvantages do not wholly disappear. Winter also brings troubles. People shiver in cold. There is dense disadvantages. It has many attractive scenes and pleasant things. So I like the season most.

After winter the spring season comes with lovely appearance. Spring I called the queen of seasons. It comes with pleasant sights and sounds. Fields and meadows become green. Flowers bloom in different trees. Birds sing from behind the new leaves. We hear the cuckoo singing sweetly. There are village fairs on various occasions. During spring bees are busy in gathering honey. A gentle breeze blows. Everything looks gay and cheerful. It is also a season of fruits. Mango, black-berry, jack fruit, lichies have buds on them. Farmers also sow the seeds of jute and paddy.
Spring is the best of all seasons for its attractive sounds and sights. Our poets have praised this season.

88.  The village I live in
The name of my village is Deara. It is a big and famous village. It is about two miles long and one mile wide.

It is in the destrict of Khulna under koyra Thana. It is not far from the Thana. The village has a well net of communication with the district also.
About ten thousand people live in the village. They are mostly Muslims. They are very simple and honest. They want to live in peace and harmony. They help each other. They share others sorrow and sufferings.
The main occupation of the villagers is agriculture. There are also people of other occupations.
There are a boys high school, girls school, a primary school, three mosques and a madrasha. Village boys and girls receive education in these schools. Boys and girls from other village come to receive education. There is also a post office and a bank. There is also a market place in the village. The daily market sits everyday and the hat sits twice a week. People buy their daily necessaries from the market.

The communication of the village is very easy. A wide good road runs through the village to the Thana. People can go to the Thana by vans, rickshaws etc. a good road runs from our village to the nearest steamer station.

The village is neat and clean. There is a small health centre. Villagers get medical care here. There is an M.B.B.S.  There are also some quakes.

Natural beauty:
The natural scenery of my village is worth mentioning. Rows of coconut trees, betel nut trees, clumps of bamboos and the fields with green crops increase the beauty of the village.
My village is an ideal village. I love my village. I am proud of it.

89.  Travelling
Travelling as a part of education about is rooted in man’s nature. Travelling has, therefore, been popular with him from time immemorial. It is the romance of seeing the unseen, knowing the unknown and unveiling the shrouds of mystery.
But it is no entirely driven by a blind urge that man has been travelling year after year. He has also found it useful-immensely benefical. One of its leading benefits is that it serves as a great teacher. It educates all-the ignorant and the erudite alike, even those who may have the pride to think that they have nothing more to learn.

The knowledge we acquire in the colleges and universities is mainly bookish in nature. It may add to our learning without enhancing our real sagacity. The bulk of theoretical studies that have no practical application in our day-to-day life may as well be regarded as a sterile piece of earth, unproductive and useless. The essential link between scholastic knowledge and such other vices are cured and complexes removed when a man comes in to contact with people from different places. Books only conveys theoretical informations on these things. It is travelling that effects real exchange between nation and nation, to the benefit of the whole world.

In these days of international tension, travelling can help to bring about cordiality and harmony between hostile nations. When we travel through countries, we come to know that people I general all over the world want peace and amity. That strengthens our own hope of peace and removes the fear of a third. World war. Likewise, travelling can bring different countries closer and closer and establish better economic co-operation among them for their mututal benefit.
A long stay at one place brings monotony and stagnation to our life. Change and variety is the spice of life. This is no mere platitude bur moat palpably true. A change of atmosphere  from the plaints to the hills , from moist to dry climate, brings about such a perceptible improvement in the state of our mental and physical health that doctors prescribe change of place when other remedies fail to restore health and spirits to ailing persons. When our eyes feast on the gorgeous beauties of nature, the rolling waves of the blue oceans, the proud pinnacles of mountains. The mysterious wilderness of the flambuoyant flower –decked valleys, our hearts swell with ecstasy. Our minds shed all the narrowness and unwholesome tendencies at the sight of nature’s magnificence. Our soul breaks its bondage and soars high in quest of the real values of life.

A man never knows his own native land completely till he has gone out of it to some other country. Only a notional comparison with other countries can specify vividly the true true character, the merits and drawbacks of our own motherland. An awareness of our defects inspires us to work hard and improve the unhappy condition of our country. We, the people of the East, have learnt from travelling in the western countries how they enjoy their liberties and discharge their responsibilities. This has been a greater teacher than hundreds of sermons of civic rights and duties.

90.  Typical day of mine
Activities in the morning: 
Daily life means a routine life. So I try my best to follow my daily routine. It is my habit to get up early in the morning. I brush my teeth, wash my hands, face and take my ablution and say my fazar prayer. Then I go out for a walk in the open air for about half an hour and come back home again. Once again I wash my hands, feet and face. After that I take my breakfast and sit at my reading table. I read for three hours at a stretch. Nobody is allowed to enter my room during this time. I make my lessons attentively.

Activities in the college:
After finishing my regular lessons, I take my bath and meal. Then I start for my college at 10 a. m. because our college sits at 10-30 a. m. I always sit in the period I do not move here and there. Rather I go to the common room and refresh myself by taking part in indoor and outdoor games. At tiffin period I take tiffin and say my zohor prayer.

In the afternoon:
Our college breaks up at 4 p. m. then I come back to my home straight. I do not spend time with bad boys on the way. Returning home, I wash my face, teeth, hands the playground. I play football or other outdoor games with my class mates. Before the sun set I return to my home.

In the evening:
Returning home. I take my ablution land say my magrib prayer. Then I sit at my reading table and prepare my lessons till to p.m. after that I say my esha prayer, I take my supper. Normally I go to bed at 11 p.m. besides this I read the daily newspapers and weeklies. I enjoy television. I maintain my dairy. This is my daily routine. But there are minor changes. On Friday I go to different places to remove the monotony. So during long vacation and holidays I go to the house of my relatives. I also take part in social work.
A routine life is a must for everybody to reach the goal of life. Without following a routine life none can hope to march in in life. So everyone should have a daily life and follow it strictly.

91.  Unemployment problem in Bangladesh
Unemployment means the state of being without any work both for the education and the uneducated for earning one’s livelihood. This problem has become a great concern all over the world .but nowhere in the world this problem is as acute as in Bangladesh. Thousands of people in our country are without any job. At present the toughest task for any young man is to manage a job. Hundreds of candidates alarm over a single post. The bad effect of unemployment is not only confined to the economic field but also destroys the sense of moral values for want of employment. Many young people become frustrated. When there is no dim ray of hope, they resort to commit different types of crimes like hijacking, plundering, robbery, murder, terrorism, drug addicting etc.

Causes of unemployment: 
There are many reasons behind unemployment problem

Population growth: 
Our country is over populated. The rapid growth of population is the main reason of unemployment problem. Job facilities are very small in proportion to the growth of propagation. And this increasing number of population outpaces all development to the country.

Industrial backwardness: 
Our country is industrially very much backward. In fact the development in this field is very slow. Cottage industries have almost decayed .the few mills, factories and industries that we have can only absorb a limited number of people.

Limited cultivable land: 
Most of the people of our country depend on agriculture. But our cultivable land is very limited. So, it cannot engage a huge number of people. Moreover, this profession is seasonal. So, the farmers have to sit idle for a few months in a year.
Faulty education system: our present system of education instead of giving any solution. Creates education unemployed Youngman. In our education system there is no much scope of giving vocational training and technical education to a student. So after taking the highest degree even from the highest seat of learning, they remain unemployed.

Attitude of our educated Youngman: 
Our educated Youngman generally think it to be disgraceful to do any manual work. They prefer service to any kind of business. This false sense of dignity and prestige is one of the reasons of their being unemployed.

in order to eradicate this problem we have to mobilize all our energies to this great purpose without wasting time. The most essential measure is the industrialization of our country. A large number of mills, factories and industries should be set up where many of our unemployed youths will get the opportunity to work.

A great change should be brought in our education system. More importance should be given on professional, vocational and technical education. This will make an opening to work in different industrial sectors both home and abroad.

The education youth should change their attitude to life. They must learn to choose independent career. They can work in agriculture field. Cultivate fish, grow vegetables. They can start small business. In fact self-employment is a possible solution to this great problem.
Steps should be taken to set co-operative farming, cottage industries and to open new system of public work in the rural areas to create fob for the village people.
Bangladesh earns a handsome amount of foreign currencies by exporting manpower. This has solved this problem to a little extent. If proper measure is taken, their number can easily be increased. But no attempt will bear any fruit unless effective measures are taken to keep the population growth under control.

Unemployment is a great curse to a nation. We cannot expect the development of our country leaving its millions of people unemployed to survive as a boastful nation. We should make all out efforts to get rid of this curse.

92.  Victory day
December 16 is our victory day. Our day, we achieved our ultimate victory over Pakistani occupation forces and achieved our independence. On this day, a now, sovereign and independent country named Bangladesh with its own identity, own flag and own status came into being. Bangladesh stood upright among the nations, of the world after a ninth-month long bloody struggle and sacrifices of millions of people. So this day is a red letter day in our national history.

Historical background:
Long-standing exploitation, in justice and deprivation from due political, economic and administrative rights and privileges were the root causes of discontentment and resentment of the Bangladeshis against the ruling west Pakistani leaders. Matters grew worse when in the general election of 1970, the Awami league came out victorious defeating the ruling Muslim league, and achieved absolute majority in the parliament. But the then authorities of West Pakistan ware dilly-dallying to hand over power to the elected east-Pakistan leaders. They were plotting a blue-print to massacre the Bengalis. On the night of December 25, the Pakistani forces launched and atrocious and barbarous attack on the innocent and sleeping Bengalis under launched and atrocious and by killing the innocent people of Bangladesh they were trying to subdue the spirit of independence of the Bengali , their voice for justice and rights. But the heroic sons of this soil stood against the pak-army with valour and indomitable spirit for liberty. They fought against the pak-appealed to international community to recognize Bangladesh. In the meantime, people of all walks of life joined the liberation on December 16, 1971. On that day, the park –army surrendered to the liberation army at the race-course ground. Thus we achieved our glorious victory.

The observance of victory day: 
Since then December 16 is being celebrated as our victory day. We observe the day with great excitement and jubilation, with colourful festivity and patriotic zeal. This day is a public holiday. Our national flag is kept flying on top of every private and public houses and offices, school, colleges and universities. We offer wreaths to the victory monuments. Govt. offices and festivals are held thought out the country n. people from every walk of life attend those programmes with great excitement and enthusiasm.

Our victory day is a landmark event in our national political history. The day is the perpetual source of our inspiration and energy.  The day reminds us of the heroic sacrifices of our sons for the noble cause and also inspires us to scarify ourselves for our beloved country. The day is a clear warning for the oppressors that people’s right can never be neglected for long, and that oppressors will always be defeated.
Bangladesh is our pride, and our victory day is our greatest achievement as an invaluable treasure of our own. However, though we have got political freedom, we have not yet got economic freedom. And so, we must take the oath on victory day that we will make our country independent in all respects. Only then, our victory will be achieved in the true sense of the term.

93.  Village fair
A village fair is an annual affair in rural Bangladesh. It is generally held on the occasion of some religious festival or some local important events. It is an occasion for show, sale of various goods and entertainments. Some fairs last for a day or two and some for days together. Men, women and children eagerly wait for the day. Where held: A village fair generally sits of the bank of a river, or a big canal or tank. Some fair also sits in an open field under a big ancient tree, or in the market place, or the yard of a temple or by the side of a big road.

Preparation begins before the fair. First the ground is cleared and the whole area is fenced. Then rows of sheds made of bamboo and thatched roofs are built. In between the rows there is wide space for the people to about. The stalls are arranged accordingly to the articles sold.

Things bought and sold: 
A village fair serves as a sort of exhibition of village products. Things of many kinds and tastes and brought here for show and sale. Potters, carpenters, Blacksmiths and weavers sell their hand made goods.  Potters make various types of earthen pots, dolls and some fashionable goods and sell them at a high price. Carpenters sell horses, elephants boats, carriages made of wood and many other beautiful things painted in an attractive way. Blacksmiths come with their things and sill them in the fair. Weavers come with their beat fine cloths and series. Generally children gather around the stalls that sell sweets, toys and balloons and women are attracted mainly by those stalls that sell artificial jewellery , earthenware’s, brassware , iron ware shares etc.

Special attraction: 
A village fair is an occasion of great joy and excitement among the villagers. Circus, magic shows, merry go rounds mock fights, jarigan, jatra etc. are arranged in the fair. Circus parties often bring their trained small tigers, elephants, monkeys, horses, and bears to show funny feats. However the largest crowd gathers in the jatra pandal.

The village fair has demerits too. Gambling parties come here and entice innocent people to take part in gambling cheats, pick-pockets, criminals and village mastans come to the fair and commit various kinds of evil deeds. Sometimes children are lost and this causes great anxiety for the parents. A village fair also creates insanitary conditions. Sweet stalls are open. There is no shed over them. Flies sit on the sweet and dust falls on them. People buy these is no shed over them. As a result there is every chance of the outbreak of cholera and dysentery.
A village fair is very useful and important. It removes the monotony of life and brings joys to the villagers. It helps a man to forget his sorrows and sufferings for the time being. People meet their kith and kin and mix with a variety of people. It enables the village people to show and sell their hand made things. It is of great importance to all.

94.  Village market
Every big village in Bangladesh has got a market. It is an important place to the villages. The villages buy and sell the daily necessaries of their life in a village market.

Where held : 
A village market sits in an open place of the village. It generally sits by the side of a road or on the bank of a river of a canal so that the villages can come and go.

Village markets are of two kinds-hats and bazars. Bazars sit everyday in the morning and breaks at noon. Hats sits in the afternoon once or twice a week and continues from mid day to the early part of the night.

Things bought and sold: 
Usually a village market is divided into three sections-open space, temporary shops and permanent shops. Vegetables, milk, fish, fruit, betel nut etc are sold in the open space. This is always crowded. People buy their daily necessaries here. The grocers sit in the temporary shops. From the grocers people can buy oil  salt, onion, garlic, ginger, pulse  etc. in the permanent shops cloth, shoes, wheat, rice, flour, ghee, spices and different stationary items are sold. There are also sweetmeat sellers. They do not cover the sweetmeats properly. There are the tailors shops and the tailors are busy in cutting and sewing. On hat days one or two cows and goats are slaughtered and people buy meat. People can also have fowls , hens,ducks, etc. cattle are sold in some big markets. There are also tea-stalls and the shops of barbers.

A village market has demerits also. There is no fixed price for any of the items. A customer may be cheated at any time. A village market is not clean. There is no public sweeper to clean the rubbish and filth. Besides, sometimes haggling leads to quarrel. Sometimes, shopkeepers are also oppressed by the local mustangs and criminals.
In spite of the demerits a village market is very useful and important in the life of the villagers. Here they meet their kith and variety of people. The villagers sell their surplus products and buy their daily necessaries. It saves time and money of the villagers.

95.  Wonders of modern science
We live in an age of science. We can see the wonders of science around us. Science has made our life easy and comfortable. We cannot think of our modern life without science.

The first wonder of modern science is the discovery of electricity. It has changed our life, society and culture. It is a great source of power and energy. It works like magic. The radio, television, lights, fans, electric irons, mills, factories. in fact In fact we cannot think of our modern life civilization without science.

Science has linked up the distant parts of the world. Science has done wonders in the field of communication. Telephone, telex, fax, wireless, telegrams are great wonders. They have brought the world closer to us. We can send news from one corner of the world to other within a moment. They have conquered space, distance and time. Radio and television are also great media for communication.

Science has discovered many wonders for our recreation. We have cinema, television, radio, tape recorder, gramophone and VCR. Etc. for our recreation. Television is one of the screens of television. We can hear song and music, enjoy drama, dance, debate etc. we can see the world figures and listen to their speeches through television. The radio is one of the wonders of modern science. It gives us news, song, dance etc.

Medical science: 
Science has lessened human suffering. It has given eyes to the blind, hearing to the deaf, Legs to the lame. It has found out the new ways of health and life .it has increased the joys of life. Penicillin, x-ray, biopsy and ultra-sonography, E.C.G are some of the wonders of modern science in the field of medical science. Hospitals, private clinics and doctors cannot go even a single day without these.

In education: 
Science has spread education among people. Printing press has made books cheap and available. Thousands of books, magazines, newspapers are printed every hour.

In agriculture: 
Science has done wonders in the field of agriculture. Famers use scientific tools for cultivation and grow more foods, crops, fruits etc.

In construction:
In the past it takes long time to complete a huge complex. But now a day it takes only a few days. It has been possible only for scientific inventions.

Science has removed the distance of place. It has saved time. We can travel hundreds of miles within a short time by cars, buses, trains, launches, and steamers. Aero plane can carry us to the different parts of the world. We also carry goods easily through these transports.

The radar: 
The radar is another wonderful invention. It gives us signal about weather forecast. It also warns us by detecting the enemy planes.

Nuclear weapons: 
Nuclear energy is another wonder of modern science. Atom and hydrogen bombs are invented with the use of nuclear energy.

The space crafts: 
The rocket is another wonder of science. It has made space travel easy. Man has landed on the moon successfully.

Computer and calculators: 
Nowadays computer and calculators have brought a great change in the history of human civilization. Modern world cannot go even a single day without computer.
Science is the greatest of all conquerors-both past and present. It knows on defeat. It has established itself firmly in our hearts.

96.  Your Hobby
Hobby means one’s favourite occupation but not one’s main business. It may not bring him money but it gives him joy and pleasure. A man must have a hobby for a sound mind and sound health. A man cannot enjoy his leisure without a hobby. So it is necessary to enjoy life.

My hobby:
I am a student. A have a hobby. My favourite hobby is gardening. It gives me it. I lose the soil with the spade and weed out the grass. I water the plants regularly. I also put a fence around my garden so that cattle or naughty children cannot do any harm to my garden. In the morning my heart leaps up with joy to see my garden full of various flowers. They spread a sweet smell. The garden also looks very charming.

Good sides: 
It has improved my body and mind. Before making this garden I was a boy of ill health. I did not feel hungry. I lost my taste for food. Day by day I became weak. I started the garden to have a sound health, in fact, improved.

My activities: 
Every day I work in the garden at least for two hours. As a result of it my blood runs well. The beauty and sweet smell of different flowers make me jolly. On holidays I work more in my garden. When my friends come to our home, I take them into my garden and show them various flowers. They become very glad to see my garden and thank me. I also grow various kinds of vegetables in one corner of my garden. My mother becomes very happy to have the vegetables. She prepares dishes and serves to our family. This also gives me much pleasure.
Thus mu hobby is a great source of joy and pleasure. It relieves me from my routine bound work. It helps me forget sorrows and sufferings. It makes my body strong and mind jolly.

97.  Your visit to a place of historical interest
Man is not satisfied with what he has seen and known. He wants to see more and know more. He wants to get flavor of the historical places of his country. Whenever I get and opportunity, I visit a place of historical interest. During the last autumn vacation. I got such an opportunity to visit Bagerhat, a great historical place.

History of Bagerhat :
Bagerhat is a great historical place. Hazrat khan jahan Ali founded this town. He was a just and a great saint of the fifteen century. At the time of his reign Bagerhat was a part of the sunderbans. He cleared the forest and made it habitable. He named it Khalilabad. He erected many official buildings to run his administration. He also built many mosquse and dug tanks. The buildings erected by him are now all in ruins. When I saw these historical buildings. My joys knew no bounds.

The mazar of khan jahan Ali :
The mazar of khan jahan Ali is a fine one storeyed building. It has a beautiful dome. Hazrat khan jahan Ali was buried there. The tomb is made of cut out stones. It cannot be accurately said where from these were brought. It is said that pir khan jahan Ali brought these from Chittagong by floating on water. On the tomb there are inscriptions in Arabic. An inscription says that he died on 25th October. 1459. There is a small mosque nearby. A close associate of khan jahan Ali was buried outside the tomb. On the night of the full moon of the month of chaitra a big fair is held beside that mazar. Many people attend the fair.

The Dight of khan Jahan Ali:
There is a big tank in front of the mazar. The local people call it the dight of khan jahan Ali. There are some crocodiles in this big tank. They come near when the fakirs call them and give them something to eat. I saw the dighi whit my own eyes and derived much pleasure.

The satgambuz:
I also visited the satgambuj mosque. It is a big and and beautifully building. It is still in good condition. It stands on sixty stone pillars with its seventy seven domes. They are made of stones. The mospue is beautifully decorated. It is said that it was used as a mosque by pir khan jahan. The mosque has great attraction for the tourists and the visitors.

The ghora dighi:
There is a big dighi near the satgambuz mosque. This dighi is called the Ghora Dighi. It is said that a horse was made to run before digging the dight. The horse ran straight and stood covering a certain distance. That distance was accepted as the length of the dighi. That is why the dighi is called ghora dighi. I visited this dighi and came to know many things about the social work of khan jahan Ali.
Bagerhat is really a place of historical interest. I spent eight hours there and saw many historical things and enjoyed myself. I left Bagerhat but the memory still haunts my mind.

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