Paragraph Collection for JSC/SSC/HSC Exam
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SN English Center |
1. 21st February |
The 21st February is a red letter day
in our history. It is observed as the shaheed day or mother language day.
Throughout the year of 1952 the students and general people of the then east
Pakistan protested against the adamant declaration of the Pakistani leaders
that Urdu shall be the only state language of Pakistan. The Bengal is composed
and protested this unjust imposition and denial of the status of their mother
language. They demanded for bangla to be given the status of the status
language. Their protests culminated on 21 February 1952 when the
police fired on a procession brought by the students at Dhaka university
campus. Some of valiant souls –Rafique, jabbar, Salam, barkat were killed. They
are the first martyrs in the world for the cause of language. This blood – shedding
is the historical 21st February. Since then the day is being
observed as shaheed dibash. Through their sacrifices and blood, the martyrs
brought home their demand for the status of mother language. In recognition of
the struggle and sacrifices of the heroic Bengalis , and to promote and sustain
every language in the world the UNESCO declared 21st February as
international mother language day in 1998. Since then the day is observed with
honour and solemnity thought-out the world.
2. A beggar |
A beggar is a person who begs from
door to door. There are some beggars who beg on streets. They are called street
beggars. Begging is not a profession. It is a social problem. Though beggars
earn money by begging, they do not contribute to the economy. That is why
begging is not regarded as work or profession. In fact, begging is the result
of our poor socio-economic system. Beggars do not have any social dignity or
recognition. They are the ignoble persons in the society. They live on the
mercy of others. So everybody feels pity for them or looks down upon them.
Begging creates dependency on others, idleness and self-pity in the beggar.
Deprivation, extreme want, lack of work and lack of social security are the
causes of this problem. Many people lose their everything in natural disaster
like flood, river erosion or some fatal diseases and accidents and become so
helpless that they turn to begging for survival. Breakdown of poor families and
lack of support from the family members also lead many people to begging. Have
negative effects on society and economy. It is a loss of potential human energy
and workforce. It also causes some social evils. NGO’s and micro-credit
organizations can come forward to solve the problem by developing programmes
for the destitute people so that they can earn and live well. Govt. should have
social security belt that will support the very poor-section of the society.
Recently govt. is giving monetary help to the impoverished and older people.
The amount of money and number of beneficiaries should be increased. If rich
people do their social responsibility and extend their helping, begging will
reduce to a great extent.
3. A blacksmith |
A blacksmith is a familiar figure. He
deals in making sickles, spades, rakes, hoes and all other ironic tools. His
smithy is in a bazaar. His day begins with sunrise and ends with sunset. He
looks strange as his muscles seem to be strong. The blacksmith is a mighty man.
His hands are large and heavy. His hair is Crips. His brow is wet with honest
sweat. He does owe to anybody. After a day’s work, he spends the night through
a sound sleep.
4. A blacksmith whom I know |
A blacksmith is a man who works in a
smithy. I know a blacksmith. His name is rattan. He
lives in a small village. He has a smithy in the
village market. His smithy is a hut. There he works from dawn to dusk. Rattan
is a mighty man. His hands are heavy. The muscles of his hands are strong like
iron bands. He works very hard. He is always busy. He has no tine to gossip
with others. He makes spades, hoes, rakes and other iron
tools. There is a large bellow at the back of his smithy. And there is a
forge in front of the bellows. Ratan earns whatever he can. He leads his life
through honest means. Though he is poor, he is very happy.
5. Activities of people on 21 February |
On February 21 people get up early in
the morning remembering the memory of the martyrs. They walk barefooted to
shaheed minar. Most of them put on black badges on their breast or shoulder.
They go to shaheed minar singing the most cherished song Amar bhaer rockte
rangano. They pay homage and tribute to the memory of the martyrs. They offer
flowers, prayer and sutras to the martyr’s souls. They also gather in the
mosque, temple and some other religious institution pray for the salvation of
the martyrs departed soul. People also attend meetings and seminars to get
inspiration to uphold the honour of our mother tongue.
6. A cyclone |
When a storm revolver violently rounds
a center, it is termed a cyclone. It moves at a high speed ranging from forty
to one hundred or more kilometres per hour. A cyclone may occur any time and at
any place. The violent rounded. The violent types of cyclone usually hit the
tropics. The cyclone of Bangladesh generally originates from the bay –of-
Bengal, and blows towards that land. It is often accompanied by thunders and
heavy showers. Before a cyclone commences unbearable heat is felt for a few
days. Then suddenly one day the sky becomes terribly dark with clouds and
strong winds begin to blow with flashes of lightning and the rumbling of
thunders. Thus a terrible situation is created that lasts for a few hours. It
causes a great havoc. A lot of people another animals die. Dwelling houses are
blown away. The tidal bore and the heavy showers wash away the stores of food
stuff and leave the marks of terrible damage. The cyclone is usually followed
by scarcity of food and outbreak of various diseases such as cholera,
dysentery, diarrhoea, fever and etc. which spread all over the affected areas.
However, the great loss caused by cyclones can be reduced to a substantial
extent. Using modern technologies of weather forecast, prior warning can be
given to the people who are likely to be affected by the cyclone. A quick
relief, medical treatment and essential medicines should be made available to
the affected people just after a terrible cyclone.
7. A day labourer |
A day labourer is a person who depends
only on his two hands. His two hands are always active to support himself and
his family. Most of the day labourers live with their family in slum and this
slum is very unhygienic. A day labourer rises early in the morning and takes
his breakfast and then he goes out in search of work. He works hard all day
long and he is paid at evening. He buys his necessary commodities by this money
and comes back to his house. A day labourer works like an ant and he takes part
in building industries, bridges and dams. His contribution to the society is
great but he earns only a poor amount.
8. A Doctor |
Md. Hanif is doctor.
He is 45 years old. He is an M.B.B.S. he serves in Dhaka
medical college hospital. He is a specialist on child and female
diseases. He is very gentle in nature. He is very much kind and caring to his
patient’s .he treats his patients with great care. He never feels bored to hear
the patients. He is always hard –working .he is always ready to serve the
patients even at midnight. He talks less. After office hour, he sits in his
personal chamber and treats the patients. He often treats the poor patients
without any fees. He is a very responsible person .he is also very careful to his
family. He has two daughters. He leads a happy life .he is loved by all.
9. Advertisement |
Advertisement means making a thing known to the
public. It has become a fine art. Its purpose is
to draw the attention of the customers. It establishes a link between the
producers and the customers. A customer can know about the quality and price of
a thing through advertisement. Advertisement has become a quality and modern
business life. Different countries of the world are being brought closer
through advertisement. There are many ways and means
of advertisement. We see advertisement in papers, magazines, periodicals,
journals, on the screen of television and cinema. We hear advertisement in the
radio. Again some use lights and some use pictures for advertisement. Besides
there are advertising jokers firms and agencies. Some advertisements are
obscene and vulgar. Measures should be taken to stop such kind of
advertisement. However advertisement is a part of modern civilization.
10. Aesop |
Aesop is a story-teller. He lived in
Greece. He told stories and fables .He never told stories from books. He told
them from memory. He told stories to make people happy. She never received
money from the people. He was also fond of fables. Fables are those stories
with morals. People in Aesop’s time got new charms in every fable.
11. A farmer/life of a farmer |
The people who are directly to
agriculture and depend on it to earn their livings. They get are known as
farmer. The farmers of our country live in the village with their families.
They get up early in the morning and go to the field to work. They work hard
all the day in the field and produce food for the country. Most of the farmers
of our country are poor and they live from hand to mouth. This condition must
be changed and we should try to develop the fortune of the farmers. As farmers
build up the economic structure of country, they cannot be neglected. Farmers
work like machines. They do not rainy season, they plant seedlings and produce
crops. If they do not work, we have to starve. So, we should think of the
welfare of our farmers.
12. A fisherman |
A fisherman
is he who lives by catching and selling fishes. He is very laborious. Generally
a fisherman lives in a village near a river or a sea. He lives in very ordinary
house. He catches fish seas, rivers, haors, beels and ponds. He catches fish by
nets and boats. He works hard all day and night.
Most of the fisherman is poor. They have on net or boat. So they work in
groups. The life of a fisherman is very risky .he often has to go to fish at
night in the big rivers or in the seas. During the stormy night the members of
his family remain anxious for his safe return. When he catches a lot of fish,
his joy knows no bounds. After all, a fisherman does much good to us by
supplying fishes.
13. A fountain pen |
A fountain pen is a kind of pen having
a metallic nib at its point and is written with liquid ink there are different
kinds of pen and fountain pen is one of them. A fountain pen has its own
special characteristics and its flow of ink is automatic. As it maintains the
continuous flow of ink so it is called the fountain pen. There are different
parts of a fountain pen such as nib, mouth and cap. Nowadays the fountain pen
is very essential and it performs various functions. It writes well and adds
beauty to the people. At present we can see fountain pen of different colours
and sizes. It has a great appeal to the people still now.
14. A good teacher |
A good teacher is a person who keeps
all the required traits of teaching his or her pupils. The profession of all
the professions. A teacher takes part in nation building and he is an asset to
a country. Every country expects good teachers and a good teacher is he who has
merit, efficiency in teaching and who is amiable with his students. Really he
is a brilliant scholar with a sound academic qualification. A good teacher
presents his lesson to the students in an easy way. Our English teacher Mr.
Mijanur Rahman (Mijan) is a good teacher. He is a good teacher because he
deserves all qualifications of a good teacher. Every student of our school is
devoted to him. He is a philosopher, guide and ideal to me and I am pound of
15. A house on fire |
It was evening. I was preparing my
lessons. Suddenly I heard a hue and cry at a little distance. I got out of the
room and found a house of
one of my neighbors was on fire. I ran to the spot. People were rushing towards
it. I reached the spot and found everybody was busy in throwing water and sands
to the burning
house. I also
tried my level best to extinguish the fire by throwing water and plantain
trees. But the fire was too much ferocious and uncontrollable. After a few time
the fire –service forces came and controlled the fire within a short time. In
the meantime the fire caused great damages of the house and properties. Then we
left the place with a pathetic heart. This memory still haunts me.
16. Air pollution |
Air is the most important element of human environment. Man cannot live a single moment
without air. But we do not think that it is we who pollute this most vital
element. Clean air is essential for life. Air is
polluted in many ways. Smoke pollutes air. Man makes fires to cook his food, to
make bricks burns refuse, melts pitch for road construction and burns wood. All
these things produce heavy smoke and this smoke pollutes air. Railway engines,
power houses, mills and factories use coal and oil. Buses, trucks and cars use petrol and diesel oil. Again all
these things create smoke and cause air pollution. The most serious air
pollution also occurs in big cities where there are many buses, trucks and cars
plying the street every day. Sometimes men in big industrial area become so
sick by inhaling polluted air that they cannot be cured. So proper measures and
steps should be taken to prevent air pollution.
17. A journey by launch falling into a storm |
My name is Mijan. Once I was going to
Barisal from Dhaka by launch. The weather was calm and quiet and the sky was
clear. The launch was moving smoothly. All the passengers were in a jolly mind.
We were enjoying the scenery. Small waves that were dashing against our launch
thrilled us much. But suddenly the weather turned into an adverse
situation. We found black clouds in the north-west side
of the sky. We all were afraid. Within a short time a storm a rose. The
passengers were terribly upset. Heavy waves frequently dashed against our
launch. It seemed to me that the strong wind and heavy waves might cause rift
in the launch. We began to remember Allah again and again. We thought that
there would be watery graves of us. But thanks to the almighty Allah that we
all were saved for that day.
18. A journey by plane I have made |
I went to jessore from Dhaka by
Bangladesh biman. I bought a ticket from Bangladesh biman office. I arrived at
the airport about two hours before the flight and
got checked and waited in the lounge. I was given a boarding
card on which the
number of my seat was written. After sometime the departure of the fight was
announced and we were asked to board the plane. I got on board and found my
seat. The plane took off at 10 am. When the plane the plane took off, I
fastened my seat belt. I was clouds floating in the sky. Houses and trees below
looked like tiny toys.
Within a very short time we reached jessore airport, though the journey took 30
minutes, it gave me much pleasure. Even today I bear the flight in my memory.
19. A kitchen garden |
A kitchen garden is a garden where
various kinds of seasonal vegetables are grown for the consumption of a family.
Since I know that vegetables are essential to keep good health, I have made a
kitchen garden behind our house. I usually work there in the morning and in the
afternoon. I weed out the garden, water the plants, spread fertilizer etc. I
spend busy time in the afternoon. I cultivate all kinds of seasonal vegetables
like cabbage , cauliflower egg-plant , tomato , gourd, pumpkin, pepper etc. my
kitchen garden is not only a source of vegetables to my family but also a
source of income. We don’t need to buy any vegetable from the market. It supplies
fresh vegetables to my family. Thus it helps my family.
20. A little plant |
Seed is the mother of a little plant.
When the seed is buried deep into the soil, the plant comes out. Then the plant
creeps to the light. When it lies in the heart of a seed, it knows nothing
about the outside world. Because then it is in the
womb. The plant after coming out hears and sees many things. Its leaves dance
out of joy. Then the world seems to be wonderful.
21. A mango |
The mango tree is a common tree which bears mangoes
in a particular season in Bangladesh. It is found in almost every home. A mango
tree has many branches, big and small and every branch is full of green leaves.
The leaves do not fall off in winter. The mango is a favourite fruit of our
country. There are different kinds of mangoes – some are very sweet and some
are sour. Quality mango trees are grown abundantly in the northern and the
western part of our country. The mango trees are in blossoms in January and
February. These blossoms turn into little green mangoes by March or April.
Mangoes ripen in May and June. The branches and leaves of the mango tree used
as fuel. The trunk of the tree is sawed by the wood cutters to make planks
(flat and long pieces of wood).these planks are used by the carpenters for
making furniture, boat and houses. Usually, the old mango trees which do not
bear sufficient fruits are sold and cut down, a mango tree is very useful to us
many ways.
22. A marriage ceremony that I celebrated |
Few days ago I celebrated the marriage
ceremony of my elder sister. It was very enjoyable. The date of the ceremony
was the last 5 September, 2012. It was held in our house. Many guests were
invited to the ceremony. Most of the guests were our close relatives and my
friends. On the day of the function they came one after another with different
kinds of gifts. Our house and all the rooms were decorated very well.
Everything was done very nicely. The entire things were available in the
function. Various kinds of delicious items were prepared. The bridal party came
at 3:30 pm. They were accepted warmly. After taking meals ceremony was held. I
was clicking on my camera continuously. It was really very interesting and
attractive. I enjoyed the party to my heart’s content.
23. An experience of late coming in the class |
Recently I had a bitter experience of
late coming in the class. I was late because my mother was not able to cook food in time. After taking meal I started for the
school. In the meantime I was half an hour late. My tension began to grow
rapidly. Because my class teacher is a hard and
edgy man. However I asked for entering the class in a guilty mind. But my class
teacher did not allow me to enter the class. He told me to stand outside for
the remaining time of the class. So I remained stood standing outside the
class. I began to sweat. The other teachers and students
of other classes followed me frequently. For this I got much shy. After that
period I entered the class and began to continue my other periods.
24. An export fair |
An export fair is a fair for the
display of industrial goods to the foreign buyers to make them acquainted with
the export of a country. An export fair is normally held once a year at a large
open site in the capital of a country. The government makes all necessary
arrangements to hold the fair. A high powered committee is formed for the
purpose. Wide circulation is made through advertisement in the national and
international dailies to draw the attention of the industrialists and producers
of moose and abroad. Friendly countries are formally invited to install stalls
for the exhibition for their exportable items of goods. Accordingly the stalls
are arranged, the people of the host country get an opportunity to know about
their culture, manner and custom. It is a source of joy and recreation to the
people of the host country. The businessmen and the industrialists of the host
country know their counterparts. It gives the host country a good scope to
display her products and draw the attention of the importers.
25. An interesting football match I witnessed |
Recently I enjoyed an interesting
football mach. It was held between our school and Brachikondi High
School,Shariatpur. The match started just at 4:30 pm. our game teacher was the
referee of the match. The both teams started to play in an attractive mood.
They tried to get the ball again and again but to no effect. So there was no
goal in the first half. But in the second half the game became more contested.
The spectators began to cheer the players from all corners of the field. Our
team changed their strategy and began to play by long pass. Just before the
final whistle our best player Mijan sent the ball to the net of the opponent by
his head. At once there were loud cheers of joy among the spectators. Thus we
won the match by 1-0 goal. Really it was an enjoyable match. The match is still
fresh in my memory and whenever I recall the event, my mind leaps with joy. I
will remember the day as long as I live.
26. A Nuclear family |
A nuclear family means a small family
consisting of only husband, wife and their children. It has some advantages. A
nuclear family is calm and quiet because there are only a few family members.
So, one can enjoy peace and happiness in a nuclear family. One need not think
of others. So, one enjoys much time to do a lot of work. . In a nuclear family,
one has got less duties and responsibilities than in an extended family. So one
can remain free from anxiety. He can have much free time to move in a nuclear
family; specially a student enjoys much free time. So, he can study more and
more. Again, a nuclear family is free from noise and disturbance. So, one
feels very happy there. But there is no unmixed blessing in the world. Nuclear
family is not without its disadvantages. One often feels very lonely and bored.
If any member faces any problem, there is none to come forward to extend his
help to him or her. In a nuclear family it becomes very difficult to take any
important decision because his/her decision may not be wise always.
27. A pet animal |
A pet animal
is card and loved by someone. Almost all people have a favorite hobby and are
not out of them. I have also a favorite hobby and my hobby in to pet an animal.
My animal is a dog. It is called by tome. My tomy is very nice to look and it
is red in colour is big and healthy. Tomy is ferocious to the stranger but very
mild to my family member give it food harried a
day. It is satisfied with a little food. Tomy is very devoted to me and always
tries to give me company. It also keeps watch to our house so that nothing cat
stolen. So everybody of our family loves tomy very much an exceptional one.
Tomy is for of playing with children. It is our most faithful friend. I take
much care of my pet.
28. A picnic I participated in |
Last week I participated in a picnic party. It was very interesting. The date of the
party was 7 September, 2012. Our destination was Mynamoti at Cumilla. It was
arranged by some of my friends. They were thinking for several days about it.
Then they took the decision and informed me. We went there by bus. For this we
had to hire a normal bus. We stared from Dhaka. After three hours we reached
mynamoti. After reaching there we had biryani. Then we went for visiting
various types of thing. We saw many historical things, attractive scenery and
other for natural sights. It was really very enjoyable. I enjoyed the party
highly. I would never forget it.
29. A picnic we made |
It was winter
vacation. Our college was closed. I with some of my friends arranged a
picnic. We selected sonargaon for the picnic spot; it is some twenty miles of
Dhaka. We got into the bus hired before at about 9 am with all necessary
utensils and materials. On the way we enjoyed very much. Some of us were
singing, some were clapping. I also sang a song which was appreciated by all.
After reaching sonargaon, we finished our breakfast by 9:30 am. We did not take
any cook with us. Our mathematics teacher, Mr. Anwar hossain has a reputation
as an expert in cooking. Some were singing, some were cutting jokes and others
were playing different types of games. At abort 2 pm the lunch was ready. By
this time all of us became very hungry. All of us took our lunch with full
appetite. After lunch we went out for sightseeing. Sonargaon is a place of
historical interest. It was once the capital of Bengal. The museum of sonargaon
charmed us most. We started for home at 5 pm after taking our tea. We enjoyed
the picnic most.
30. A postman Life |
A postman is a person who delivers
letters and documents to the payee in due time. The postman is a very common
figure to the people of our country. He is seen both in town and village. He
has a different kind of dress and it is called khaki
dress. The postman goes door to door and
delivers letter, parcel money order, telegraphs etc. he has an office but he
has no time to sit on the office. The work of a postman is very important and
responsible. He must be punctual, regular and honest in his duties. His negligence
to duties may cause problems to the people. He is a much awaited person to
everyone. He brings happy news to someone and bad news to some other. Though
the postman performs a great work, he is paid a poor salary. So his life is
miserable. He is a good friend to all of us.
31. A prize giving ceremony of my school |
Our School name is Brachikondi High School beside Shariatpur district. Annual
prize-giving ceremony is held in our school at the end of December every year.
The last prize giving ceremony of my school was held few days ago. I was
present at it. All the teachers together with the students arranged it nicely.
From few days ago the preparation was going on. Some famous guests were
invited. Student of the school, teachers, guardians and other persons were
present in the ceremony. Than an education officer was the chief guest. Before
starting the ceremony our headmaster gave a warming speech. Then the ceremony
began. The chief guest gave ceremony with satisfaction. It was very attractive.
The whole function was full of pleasure. The long lasting effect of the
function gives me joy and inspiration till today.
32. A rainy day I faced |
On that I was returning home from
school. I had few friends with me. Suddenly I found black clouds to the north-west side of the sky. I thought it will rain soon. So
I started to walk fast. After a few time it began to rain cats and dogs. I took shelter in a wayside house. I
got drenched thoroughly. I pulled of my shoes and shirt and waited in the hope
that the rains would soon cease. But there was no sign of abating it. Besides I
had no umbrella with me. Finding no other alternative I started for home again.
I put my books in a polybag. I found the path too much muddy and slippery.
However I reached home two hours late. I was wet from head to foot and was
shivering with cold. My parents and other family members were astonished to see
my condition. They took necessary steps to make fresh instantly. Really it is a
bitter experience in my life.
33. Arsenic |
In our day to day
life we are experiencing new kind of problem. Our environment is facing
new pollution. Arsenic pollution is one of them.
It is one of the biggest problems of our country. Arsenic pollution is causing
much harm to human life. It is found in water especially in tube-well water. By
drinking this water people are suffering a lot. It causes sore in the fingers
or in any other part of the body. By drinking water polluted by arsenic people
get diseased in various ways. Sometimes the sore turns into gangrene and then
to cancer. So arsenic pollution is a great threat to human life. At present
there is no medical treatment or medicine that can prevent arsenic pollution.
The bad effect of arsenic cannot be described in words. It is a poison. If it
gets mixed in our body this or that way, we are sure to suffer in life. So we
should take utmost care and guard against this poison. We should find out the
remedy to this problem. First we should drink water from a source that contains
no arsenic. Tube wells need to be tested to separate the safe from the unsafe.
Safe tube wells should be painted green and unsafe ones should be painted red.
More tube wells should be set up which are free from arsenic and bacteria.
Surface water in pond and river is free from arsenic and so it can be used
after a process of treatment. Rain water should be collected for drinking in a
bacteria free container. Water should not be boiled to remove
arsenic. Healthy balanced diet containing
fish and vegetables should be eaten. Food containing vitamins A, C and E should
be eaten.
34. A school magazine |
A school magazine is a publication of
a school which contains the writings of the teachers and student. It is usually
published every year. It aims developing the literary and cultural skills. Of
the students. It contains poems, articles, short – stories and short dramas
written by the young learners. To publish a school magazine, a magazine
committee is formed. The headmaster remains the chief of the committee. An
editor is selected from among the students. A teacher helps as
an adviser Some student is also included in the committee. The
committee has to work hard for publishing a magazine. The editor invites
writings from the teachers and the students among all the writings the best
ones are selected for printing in the in the magazine. A school magazine has
great importance. It brings out the latent talent of the young students. It
also helps to develop the power of their feelings and thought. It is the first
step for the young learners to be great writers in future life. The students
who find their writings in the magazine become much delighted. Other students
also get benefits from the magazine. Finally a school magazine provides scope
for the student to reveal their creative faculties.
35. A stormy night |
A stormy night is frightening and horrible. It
happens usually in the summer season. Storm often visits us but sometimes a
stormy night is dreadful. The sky remains dark with black clouds. The strong
wind blows violently. The speed of the wind remains very high. It begins to
rain and there is lightening. Sometimes thunders roar with intolerable sound.
People stay at home and dare not go out. The situation
creates fear. The outside appearance looks terrible. Strong wind uproots trees
and blows away the roofs of small cottages and tin-shed houses. Sometimes
branches of trees fall on houses and cause death to people. The poor people are
in fear of getting their shelter damaged. In a stormy night, nature becomes
furious and causes damage of our life and property. It sometimes damages our
crops. It causes our economic losses. A stormy night is really dreadful to us.
36. A street accident |
In a populous city
like Dhaka a street accident is a daily
incident. But last afternoon I saw is accident which really shocked me much.
There was a good number of traffic on the road. I was on my way home from
school and looking for a chance to cross the Sadarghat crossing. A young boy
was to cross the road. He suddenly stepped on the street and a bus running at a
high speed from Patuatuly ran over him. The driver tried earnestly to stop the
bus but failed. I along with other people ran to the spot at once and saw that
the boy was smashed. The traffic police arrested the bus driver. Soon an
ambulance came and took away the dead body of the boy.
37. A tea stall |
A tea stall
is a place of miniature scale where tea is sold with snacks. A tea stall is a
common place to all kinds of people. It is a small shop
where tea is prepared and sold. Besides tea there are biscuits, bread, banana,
cigarette etc. in a tea stall. A tea stall is found both in town and village.
It is opened early in the morning and closed at the dead of night. A tea stall
is a place gossip and recreation. Different kinds of people gossip in a tea
stall various subjects. Sometimes they become very excited and exchange harsh
word to each other. Sometimes I also go to a tea stall with my friend, and take
38. A trade fair |
A trade fair is a fair where different
kinds of goods of home and abroad are brought for state and show. It is an
annual affair. It sits in a big open field at a convenient place where people
can go easily. Preparation begins before the fair. First the ground is cleared
and the whole area is fenced or walled. Many brick built stalls are raised.
There is open space between the rows of stalls for the free movement of people.
The stalls are arranged according to the articles sold. A trade fair service as
a sort of exhibition of goods of home and abroad. It is also a source of great
joy for people. There are also food and drink stalls. The customers halt, rest
and take refreshment. A trade fair becomes crowdy especially in the evening.
Both male and female customers visit the fair in the evening. People buy goods
from a trade fair at a cheap rate. It is fog rat importance. It helps the
economy of a country to develop.
39. A traffic police |
A traffic police is a person who is responsible to
regulate traffic rules and to control the traffics on the streets. A traffic
police is a very common figure to all people of town and city. Traffics police
performs their duties standing on the island. Their duties begin early in the
morning and end at whit helmet. A traffic police wears khaki trouser, blue
shirt with white sleeves and a white helmet. A traffic police has an umbrella
which protects him from the sun and rain. The main duty of a traffic police is
to control the movement of people and vehicles on the road. Sometimes they help the
children, women
and old people to cross the road. But their salary is not satisfactory.
40. A train journey |
I had a great fascination for a train
journey. I had
been planning for a train journey for many days. I was requesting my parents
and I was eagerly waiting for the opportunity. At last this opportunity came to
me. They decided that they would go to my uncle’s houses at Rajshahi by
train. They were agreed to take me with them. I was very happy. Anyway, on the
day of journey I got up very early in the morning. We left our house before. 7.
Am. because we had to catch the train at 8.00 is. We reached the Kamalapur
station in time and got into the train. Before starting the train blew its
whistle. Then it began to move. I was thrilled. I began to see the crops field,
green sights of the villages, different types of people through window. It was
my first
train journey. So
I enjoyed it much. I would never forget it.
41. A village doctor |
A village doctor is a person who is at
beck and call of the village people in time of medical treatment on urgent
basis. A village doctor lives in the village and he is a very familiar figure
to the villagers. He knows only little about medicine and disease. So he is
called a quack. On the basis of his experience, he treats the patients. A
village doctor gets up early in the morning and then attends his dispensary. He
gives advice and prescribes for the patients. He visits the houses of the
patients of the villages very often on call. He takes very small fees from the
villagers. Sometimes he renders service cost free to the poor patients. At
times he prescribes wrong medicine causes trouble to the patients. He is very
sincere even on foot. Really he is an important person of the village.
42. A village market |
A village market is a very common place for the people of the
village. It is a place where different things are bought
and sold by the
villagers. It sits once or twice a week. Generally it is found by the road-side
or on the bank of a river so that the villagers can easily come and go. Various
necessary goods like rice, vegetables, sugar, jute, paddy, spice, oil, salt and
other things are sold here. Some temporary shops are found in the hat day. Fish
market is the main attraction for people and it always remains crowd. It is a
necessary place for the villagers because they buy and sell the daily
necessaries in the village market. It usually sits in the afternoon and breaks
up at midnight. It is great importance to the villagers.
43. A visit to a village home |
In the last summer vacation I visited
one of my friend’s villages home. I went there by
bus. After getting down from bus I had to walk through the village Sujandual
path for about half an hour. My friend and his family members received me cordially. They were very
pleased to have me with them. Every afternoon I visited around the village with
my friends. Green fields and trees, rivers and canals etc. enchanted me much. I
lost myself in the midst of nature. They have a big pond abounds with fishes.
Sometimes I used to catch fish in the pond. I also used to swim in the river every
day. They used to entertain me with fresh vegetables,
fruits, fish and meat. I was amused to see the simple and normal lifestyle of
the villagers. I stayed there for more than one week. Really it was a new
experience in my life.
44. A visit to cox’s bazar |
During the last autumn vacation. We
some friends went to a visit to cox’s bazar. We reached there in the afternoon
and put up in a hotel near the sea beach. I had never seen the sea before. So I
had a curiosity to see the sea. In the next morning when we got up from bed, we
went to take a walk on the sea beach. The sea was rising and breaking upon the
shores. We enjoyed ourselves by seeing the gin waves splashing endlessly along
the shore we were amazed at the frequent change of colour of the sea. We passed
a few happy hours by the sea beach. Some of us also took bath in the sea. It
was at about 5.30 pm. We again went out of the hotel to have a walk on the sea
beach. This time our main intention was to enjoy ourselves by observing the sun
set scene at cox’s bazar. Really it was such a wonderful scene which was rally
impossible to describe. In fact, the short walk on the sea beach of cox’s bazar
was a memorable incident in our life.
45. A visit to the national zoo |
On last Friday I went to the nation
zoo at Mirpur. I went there by bus. Friend Mijan was with me. At first I went to see
crocodiles kept in a small pond.
It was then swimming in water. I also saw a gorilla. The beck of the gorilla is
too long. I then went or see the deer. The eyes of the deer attracted me. I
then went the cages of tigers. They were very ferocious. Beside the cages of
the tiger there were the cages of lions. The mane of the lion looked beautiful.
Then I went to the cage of bear. I got little frightened to see it. I got much
pleasure to see the monkeys. They were chattering and jumping from one bar to
another. My attention was next drawn to the cages of snakes. The snakes seemed
to be asleep. I also saw donkey, Ziraf, zebra, elephant, different kinds of
birds, panda, jungle man etc. I spent there for more than two hours. The
environment was calm and quiet. I enjoyed the day much.
46. A winter morning |
A winter morning is usually foggy. Grass and leaves of trees are
wet with drops. Things at a distance cannot be seen clearly. The sun rises late.
People do not get out very early being afraid of shivering cold the old man and the children remain inside their
houses. They gather straw or dried leaves and make fire to keep themselves
warm. The poor people bask in the sun. Winter is distressing to the poor and
the old. In the winter morning, people enjoy eating native cakes or pit has and
drinking date –juice. Nature looks very dull in the winter morning. When the
morning is very much foggy and misty, there is very chance of fatal
road accidents if
the drivers are not very careful to move. When the sun goes up, fog melts away
and people feel very refres
47. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman |
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was born in 1920 at Tungipara in
Gopalgonj. His father’s name was sheikh Lutfur
Rahman and mother’s name was Sayara Begum. He passed the matriculation
examination from the Gopalgonj mission school. He obtained B.A. degree in 1947 from
the Calcutta Islamic college. Afterwards, he joined the politics and did his
best for the Bengali nation to make us free from the misrule
and oppression of the park rulers. He put his utmost efforts. He was
arrested at 25th march, 1971 and was taken to Pakistan. He was sent back home after liberation. He was the prime
minister and sometime president of Bangladesh. He was assassinated by some
misguided army officers on 15th august, 1975. He was engraved at
48. Bangladesh |
Bangladesh is a small low-lying country in the south
Asia on the bay of
Bangla. She got her freedom in 1971. The country has a tropical monsoon
climate. The country is crisscrossed by so many rivers and canals. The Padma,
the Meghna and the Jamuna are the main big rivers of the country. Jute, rice,
teak, sugarcane, oil seeds fruit, vegetables, spices, wheat, potato,
tobacco and cotton are the main crops of the country. Agriculture is the main
occupation of the people here Chittagong and Mongla are the two main sea ports
of the country. Cox’s bazar –a place of scenic beauty – is the longest sea
beach of the
world. The country has some word heritage sites such as the sunderbans. The
shat Gumbuj mosque of Bagerhat etc. after all, the people of Bangladesh are
very much peace loving.
49. Bangladeshi culture |
Every nation has a culture of its own. Similarly we have an age
old and traditional culture of our own. We have our own. Language, dress, food
habit , manner of eating , manner of speaking , mode of behavior, games and
sports , social values and customs , religion, profession , music , art , literature etc. which are part and
parcel of our culture. Though we have a rich culture of our own, we are going
to lose some of our culture. Today we are we don’t like folk songs, Zari, Sari,
Bhatiali etc. these songs are going to lose their appeal. Today we are fond of band music, Hindi and English song and music. Western culture has both good and bad effect on our
society. Western culture has introduced us with the people, society, education,
history and culture of the western word. It helps us to make a comparative
study between western civilization and ours and to judge the standard of our
culture. It also helps to enrich our civilization by accepting the good things
of western civilization. The disadvantages of western culture for the society
of good Bangladesh are trying to imitate western gross and vulgar abolished
soon. As this is the age of globalization, we will not be able to discard
western civilization. Rather we should try to imitate what is good in western
civilization and give up what is bad in there.
50. Beautiful things and dirty work |
There is darkness behind every light.
Hence man, the rational being, makes beautiful things by dint of dirty work. According to
the textbook Mrs. Amin once talked about it in the class. Rima supported this
comment, Jamal also told something positive. He repaired his beautiful straw
room. The roofing work was beautiful indeed. They all got dirty. Taking care of
the chickens is beautiful. But the supply of food to them is not beautiful. Mariam
also painted her house. But the work of painting is dirty. In fact, dirty work
lies behind any beautiful thing.
51. Benefit of using the school library |
My name is Mijanur Rahman ( Mijan ). I
am a student of class eight in Brachikondi High School.
Our school has a library. I use it regularly because it is my hobby. It is a
large library in Shariatpur It is also a comfortable place for every
students. There are many books in the library. The books are different in
kinds. Text books, books of science, novel story, poem etc. are available in
our library I solve my various problems, make my learnt
thing benefited highly. Actually, the benefit of using library is
various. For this all the students should use the school
52. Bird flue |
Bird flue is a serious illness that affects
that affects birds, especially chickens, that can be spread from birds to
humans and that can cause death. Recently the breaking out of bird flue has
taken us aback. We could never think of such kind of problem in our country.
However thanks to the almighty that it could not break out in an epidemic form
because of the timely intervention of the government and people’s consciousness
about the matter. The cause of bird flue in our country could not be detected.
It was thought that it might have been carried and spread by the imported
chickens from our neighboring countries like Thailand and china-because the
breaking out of bird flue in an epidemic form has been seen in china and
Thailand. Poultry farming has had a positive effect on the socio-economic
condition in our country. It helped many rural poor women to break the chain of
poverty and fee better days in their lives. But the recent breaking out of bird
flue has shadowed their smiling faces into gloomy ones and clouded their
foreheads. It has emptied their fertile farms and turned the firms into barren
lands. We have seen the heart-rending cries of the people both male and female.
Their caries have pierced our hearts. However, it is heartening that our
government has taken all-out efforts to give loans to the people engaged in
poultry farming on easy terms to keep their income generating industry on and
to bring about better days and see the gloomy faces glowing with beatific smile
and keep their heads above all consuming poverty.
53. Celebration |
Celebration means making arrangements
of a function. Rina’s grandmother, after being recovered, arranged a feast for
the young heroes. She became very pleased with them. So she invited their
parents and them to attend the function. She told them about her accident, the
two young heroes rendered their direct services for the victim, that’s why, and
she has arranged this feast out of gratitude. Mrs. Shahanara on the very day
came to her mother’s celebration with her daughter to enjoy the celebration.
54. Celebration of the eid-ul-fitr |
This year I celebrated the eid-ul-fitr
with due religious solemnity and purity. In the morning of the Eid I found my
mother and sisters preparing solemnity and purity. In the morning of the Eid
day I found my morning I woke up and said my fazar prayers. I went to the pond
and took my bath with sweet smelling soap. Then I came to our house. I ate some
sweets. Then I put on new dress and started for the Eidgah. I found people
coming to the maidan. I saw the imam speaking about the significance if month
long fasting and the eid-ul-fitr. Biryani was cooked at our house on the
occasion. In the afternoon I went to the house of near and dear ones and
exchanged greetings with them. I got much pleasure. Thus I spent the afternoon.
55. Change in entertainment |
Change is the order of nature because
we know the proverb that old order change the yielding the new. Today what is
new grows old tomorrow. So, nothing remains new forever. Superseded by new,
modified and modern forms of entertainment. Many of them of don’t exist any
longer. Today TV channels and satellite have superseded radio. Football is
losing its appeal day by day and cricket and other games are becoming popular
more and more. Our ideas about the forms of entertainment have also changed.
We’ve started to look upon our way of life in a new way. Man’s life is full of
cares and anxieties. Life becomes dull because of monotonous work. So, he wants
to enjoy life and get relief from monotonous work. For this reason, there are
various forms of entertainment. These forms of entertainment help man to be
jolly. But at present, it’s a matter of great regret that our time honoured
forms of entertainment are on the wane. Our old culture and tradition are going
to be replaced by foreign entertainment. One day, time will come when we will
lose our age old forms of entertainment and we won’t have any culture of our
own. As a result, we won’t have our own national identity. So, we all should
come forward to save our culture and at the same time develop them.
56. Changing people’s traditional attitude in reducing gender disparity |
The contribution of women to the
society is in no way less than that of men. But women in our society have
become victims of gender disparity. They are being tortured in different are
the working class of women. Women, generally work longer hours than men, but
they are paid less than men. It is high time we recognized women as equal
partners of men. Everybody especially, the young people should come forward to remove
this disparity. The first thing what young people can do is that they should
have a clear idea about the gender disparity. They should raise such
consciousness among the girls that they can participate in the socio –economic
development of the country. They should be made self-sufficient by giving them
proper education and employment. They would also make the people realize that
the role of women does not come to an end as a mother and a wife. A number of
avenues are open before them. In this way the young people can change the
traditional attitude of people regarding women.
57. Charities |
Charity is a noble human quality. It
is a quality that makes a man to think for others. It leads man to have
sympathy for the fellowmen and do them good. It ennobles a man. It makes a man
generous. This quality brings happiness on earth, strengthens the ties of
relationship among men, removes enmity and creates fellow-felling. Charity
should not be measured in terms of money. It should be measured by the
sacrifice that one makes. Charity should be extended to all, friends and foes,
kith and kin. Charity should be extended to those who really deserve it. It
should not be given only for show, name and fame. There is a proverb that
charity begins at home. Children should be taught to have sympathy to the needy
and the poor. Charity is a noble a virtue. So it should be practiced at home.
58. Childhood memories |
Man is fond of turning back from the
present to the past again and again. The present may be good but the past is
golden. Nothing is more pleasant to him than the memories of his childhood, the
memories of my childhood haunt me like a passion. Whenever I am sick of the
present, I try to get relief in the past days of my childhood. A man cannot
remember everything that happened in his childhood. But certain events are
stored in the sub-conscious mind. They sometime peep through mind’s eye. I
spent my childhood in my native village. When I was six, my father got me
admitted into our village primary school where I spent four years. On the first
day when I entered the school –compound with my father, the children were
enjoying here and there. My mind was troubled with fear, but the warmth with
which my classmates received me dispelled all my fears. My heart words put me
at ease. The teachers were very helpful. From the very childhood I was
extrovert. So I could easily cope with all types of situation. I have so many
sweet memories in my early life. My playground was the bank of the mighty
Teesta. In all the seasons this river had great attraction for me. Whenever I
was not at home, I could be found on its bank. I was very fond of stealing
mangoes, lichies, black berries and other fruits in the company of friends in
summer. Sometimes we would forget to eat our midday meals. Another interesting
memory is the village hat. The hat used to sit twice a weak near a river. I
usually went there with some other children. But happy days did not last long.
My father got an appointment in a town school and moved there immediately with
all the members of the family. The leaving of my native village is the
bitterest experience of my life. Though I am now a young man, I still cherish
the sweet memories of my happy childhood days spent in the charming environment
of my village.
59. Co-curricular activities |
The true aim of education is the
harmonious development of body, mind and soul. But mere bookish knowledge is
not enough. Without co-curricular activities the full blooming of body, mind
and soul is quite impossible. Co-curricular activities include debate,
publication of magazine, cultural activities such as singing, dancing. The fact
is that co-curricular activities are part and parcel for the full flourishment
of the talents of the students. Co-curricular activities bring out the best and
the latent talents of the students. They provide ample opportunity to develop
their faculty. Again games and sports are part and parcel of study because
without a sound health a student cannot concentrate on his study. We all know
the fact that health is wealth. Games and sports pave the way of building sound
health. Moreover, co-curricular activities help the students to foster good
will. They teach students to be polite, modest, gentle, loyal, diligent and
perseverant .they also tightens the bondage of friendship and brotherhood among
the students.
60. College campus |
My college is a renowned one in the
country. It is extended over one hundred acres of land. It has a nice campus.
It stands on the river Bhairab. The college consists of many buildings. There
are separate buildings for arts, science and commerce faculties. The arts and
commerce building are on the south side of the college. The science building is
near the administrative building. The shaheed minar is in front of the
administrative building .there are seven hostels in the college campus. All the
hostels are situated on the eastern side of the campus. There are four ponds.
There are different faculties. There are green trees all around the shaheed
minar. There are many quarters for the teachers and office stuff on the eastern
side of the campus. There are a big mosque and a big temple on the campus. The
mosque is on the western side of the campus. In front of the mosque there is a
big pond. It is near the arts building. There is a big gymnasium. A big auditorium,
a canteen, a building for B.N.C.C and Rover scouts send a bank on the campus.
In fine my college campus offers a very nice and attractive view.
61. College canteen |
A college canteen is a restaurant set
up in the college campus to supply food and drink to its students and teachers.
Our college begins at 8 am and ends at 4 pm. Most of the students have
practical classes of different subjects. We have to stay longer. So it is not
possible to pass this long period without taking any snack or tiffin. Moreover
sometimes teachers and students come to college without taking breakfast. Here
lies the necessity of our college canteen. It is housed in the ground floor of
the main building. It is very spacious, neat and clean. The seating arrangement
is very fine. There are many chairs and tables to sit and enjoy food. Hot tea,
coffee, loaves of bread, banana biscuits, sweets and various kinds of handmade
snacks are available. There are two cooks and more some two or three boys to
serve us. A manager sits behind the cash box and receives money. During the off
period we go there and take tea or coffee and other light tiffin. Thus we
remove our tiredness and gain energy. It is a place of rest, friendship
discussion and recreation. For all these reasons our college canteen is very
favorite to us.
62. College common room |
A college
common room is the part and parcel of a college. Students come here. Take rest
and make friendship. It keeps a college always fresh, live and cheerful. Our
college has a big common room. There are chairs, tables and benches in the
common room. There are a radio and a TV for the recreation of the students.
Almost all the dailies, weeklies and other magazines are available here.
Students come here, listen to radio, watch TV,
read newspapers and discuss many things; it is a nice place for the students
for indoor games. On off period the students play caroms, chess, table-tennis
etc. Sometimes students discuss politics here. Students never want to
stay in the classes all the time. A common room plays an important role in
removing the monotony of the students. Our common room is a nice and useful
place indeed.
63. Common leisure pursuits of young/old in Bangladesh |
The young and the old are different in
nature and temperament only because of the difference of age. They are pole
apart. So the leisure pursuits of the young and the old in Bangladesh are
different. In Bangladesh we see that the young people like to pass their
leisure time through games and sports. They play cricket, football, chess and
many other games and sports. They visit the place of historical interest, go on
picnic, and perform different cultural activities. They also spend their
leisure by reading books, watching TV and listening music. Again they are busy
with their hobbies during leisure. Now days they are found busy with computer.
The old people spend their leisure time by reading books, newspapers and
magazines. They also play at cards and chess. Sometimes they’re seen walking
together in the morning. Most of them go back to the past, remember the past
memories and chew the end.
64. Computer |
Computer is one of the greatest
wonders of modern science. It is a machine that can accomplish many complex
jobs. It has brought revolutionary change in the present world. It renders
great service to us. It can do any kind of difficult calculation within seconds
and store records of millions of information. Necessary information can be
regained by pressing a button when it is required. Now-a-days computer are used
in all spheres like medical science, education, commerce, agriculture, industry
and offices. Medical science has advanced more with the help of computer. It is
used to diagnose various diseases. Computer has lessened our load of works and
made our life easy and comfortable. It works like a magician. It has saved us
from doing a lot of monotonous works. It has become a part and parcel of our
modern civilization. We cannot go a single day without it.
65. Corruption |
Corruption means dishonest or illegal behavior
especially of people in authority present in our country. There is hardly
anyone who is not well acquainted with the very word corruption; today each and
every government sector of the country is
rotten to the core because of the widespread practice of corruption by the
people who are at the helm of power, by the officers, by the clerks and so on.
The country has topped the list five times from the view point of corruption.
There is none to raise voice against the galloping corruption. However there
are many reasons behind this galloping corruption and the reasons are not far
or seek. Thirst for power, pelf, wealth and money is the root cause of
corruption. Greed, avarice and dishonesty, nepotism and favoritisms also
contribute to the cause of corruption. The consequence of corruption has a far
reaching negative effect on socio-economic growth
and baffled the various development programmes. By practicing corruption the
corrupt are growing richer and richer and the poor are becoming poorer and
poorer. The widespread practice of corruption should not be allowed to go
uncontrolled. The corruption people should be brought down with an iron rod. It should be checked , controlled and
prevented at any cost so that the country get rid of this national malady and
see the ray of hope of development and the people not involved in it can heave
a sigh of relief and hope for the best and better days. They should be rewarded
with due punishment. Even their wealth and money can be confiscated and they
may be meted with lifelong rigorous imprisonment. The mass media, the papers,
magazines, journals, articles and above all the consciousness of the
enlightened people can play a vital role in curbing the galloping corruption.
Proverb goes that example is better than precedence. So they necessary steps
and punitive measures against the corrupted society. Last of all the corruption.
They should take such an unshaken determination that they would never take
resort to corruption.
66. Country games |
Country games are the games which are
played in the villages. The main country games are ha-du-du, dariabandha,
kanamachhi, gollachhut, daguli, buddhimantra, six –guti, sixteen –guti,
lathi-play, boat racing etc. Ha-du-du is a very popular game in Bangladesh. For
this game at first a field is selected with a line in the middle dividing the
field into two halves. All the players are divided into two teams. One player
of a team goes across the middle line into the area of the other team all the
while uttering ha-du-du or du-du-du without taking any breath. His object is to
touch a player of the other team while he goes on uttering du-du-du and to come
back to his own area without being caught, held back or seized within the area
of the other team by any of its members. The player so touched is called dead.
The player who is caught or held back within the area of the other team is also
dead or of the other has some of it players still living , the former party so
said to be defeated and the latter party wins a point. Dariabandha is another
popular game of our village. In this game a field is made under certain rules
equally divided with lines equal-distant from each other from and each of the
players of the other team stands on each line facing at least one opponent
player. Players standing outside enter onto the field one by and try to pass
across the field to the finishing end. If any player of a team crosses the
field from the starting point to the finishing point and vice-verasa, the team
concerned wins the game. Kanamachhi is an interesting children’s game. A piece
of cloth is tied over the eyes of a player. He cannot see through it. He is
blind. Other players go round him and touch his head or his body and say
kanamachhi bho- bho to him. He cannot see them but he catches somebody and says
his name and that player takes his place to play as blind. Our country games
are losing their popularity because today people are fond of western culture.
They like to play football, cricket, badminton etc. in order to save our
country games from being lost boys and girls should be encouraged to play the
country games more and more.
67. Courtesy |
Courtesy means gentle behavior. It is
said that courtesy costs nothing but brings a lot. One can easily win the heart
of others by being courteous. It helps one to win the love and affection of
elders, superiors and others. It helps one to earn respect and reverence of the
Youngers. None can run and office or business smoothly without courtesy. The
habit of courtesy should be cultivated from the very childhood. A polite person
honour others fillings. She listens to the opinions of others and tries to
evaluate them without any pride and prejudice. A courteous person never takes
pride in him. Anybody with the sense of courtesy is respected by all. So, in
order to shine in life courtesy is a must. We should be polite and gentle in
our behavior with our friends, relatives and neighbours. We should be polite
even with the strangers. We can never become great if we are not courteous. So
we should cultivate the habit of courtesy from our very boy hood.
68. Culture |
Since the dawn of civilization the
good thinking and all that is good are cultures. It is complete picture of
life. It represents what we do in our daily life. Language, music, ideas about
what is bad and good, ways of working and playing, and the tools and other
objects made and used by people in the society- all these are part of a
society’s culture. I think to study a person’s repeated actions is a good way
to find out about the culture of that group. I think Asian culture is
different from western culture. In western culture we see that people wear
pant, shirt, suit, blazer etc. most of the people in the western countries work
in offices, firms etc. in western countries people eat different kinds of food
items such as roast beef, mint sauce, cereal, toast and tea or coffee, eggs,
sausages, bacon, tomato and mushrooms accompanied by toast with butter, jam and
marmalade etc. the western people are fond of band music. They maintain formality
in discussion and in public transports. They are very much punctual and
reserved Each and every country. So cultures vary from society to society or
country or country to country.
69. Daily meals of the people of Bangladesh |
The people of Bangladesh
have three meals a day. They are breakfast, lunch and supper. Lunch is the main
meal of the day. There is difference between the food
habits of people in towns and those in villages. In the last few years
the urban people of our country have changed their food habit. Fast food like burger, sandwiches, noodles, pizza,
potato, chips, vegetable rolls, biryani, polao kabab, tandoori chicken etc.
have become common food items in urban life. In the rural areas people in
Bangladesh usually eat rice and gur or rice with some other food items for
breakfast. People usually eat rice curry, fish vegetables, meat, dal etc. for
lunch. In the rural area people usually eat rice
and one or two curries for dinner. Today people of Bangladesh are not satisfied
with their traditional food like rice, fish, meat, dal, gur etc. they have
become fond of western fast food.
70. Dangers of smoking |
It goes without saying that smoking is
a dangerously bad habit. It causes many fatal diseases. It causes cancer, heart
attack, chronic bronchitis and some other diseases. One puff of cigarette
contains fifteen billion particles of injurious matters. Nicotine is one of
them. It prevents the free flow of blood through the veins. This reduces the
supply of oxygen in the body. It damages our lungs. People addicted to smoking
lose their appetite for food and energy for power. Smoking also pollutes the
environments and they are, beside, it causes irritation in the eye, offends the
nose and unsettles the mind. Smoking is so dangerous that the stench of
cigarate is repulsive to a non-smoker. Moreover, it wastes a lot of money. We
are very fortunate that there is no smoker in our family. It is very essential
to ban smoking in public places so that smokers cannot do any harm to
71. Deforestation In Bangladesh |
Deforestation means cutting down trees in large number. The causes of
deforestation are many. Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the
world. Its population is much more in proportion to its area. This huge number
of population needs more shelter, agricultural land, fuel, furniture etc. for
all these reasons people cut trees. Moreover there are some dishonest people
who cut trees in our forests to make money. The effects of
deforestation are too many to describe. This destruction disturbs our
ecological balance. The existences of animals are being threatened. Due to
deforestation carbon dioxide is increasing worldwide. As a result, the world is
becoming warmer. The sea level is rising and many parts of the world are going
to be engulfed by the sea in recent future. On the other hand, new areas of the
world are turning into deserts as a result of deforestation. The removal if
trees cause birds and other animals living on them to leave the place. It also
causes serious damage to the soil, as trees give protection to soil as well. In
the end, the soil gets sediment in the river bed and causes frequent floods.
So, if we destroy trees at random, one day the country will turn into a great
desert. All living animals and birds will not find any food or shelter to live
in. they will be destroyed. There will animals and birds will not find any food
or shelter to live in. they will be destroyed .there will be no rain and as a
result our agriculture will face a great crisis. The temperature will rise and
it will cause greenhouse effect. The country will be unsuitable for living and
various natural calamities like flood, drought, storm etc. will visit our
country. Immediate measures should be taken to prevent deforestation. People
should be made aware of tree plantation through mass media. Tree plantation
programme should be extended throughout the country. Plant more trees campaign
must be carried way in this regard. Every man and woman can contribute to this
programme by planting at least two trees per head.
72. Dhaka city |
Dhaka is my city. I live in Dhaka is
an old city. It is the capital of Bangladesh. The city of Dhaka stands on the
Buriganga. The city has an area of 202 –sq. miles or 522 sq. kilometres. The
city was founded in the year 1608 by Subedar Islam khan during the reign of
Emperor Jahangir. It is otherwise called the city of mosques. More than one
crore people live in this city. There are many historical establishments in the
city. The Lalbagh fort and the Ahsan Manzil are some of the examples. The
beautiful places here are the Sangsad Bhaban, the nation zoo, the national
museum, the Sishu Park, the Ramna Park etc.
73. Difference between Bangladeshi and western music |
Each and every country has its own
culture. They can’t be superseded by the culture of another country. So, it’s
quite natural that there are some basic differences between Bangladeshi and
western music. The differences are very much distinct. In theme and melody, our
songs are pole apart from western music. Our songs especially the Nazrul
sangeet, rabindra sangeet, traditional songs are very much graceful and
refined. But the western music is very much vulgar. Musical instruments are
used more in the western music but ours are melodious and musical instruments
are used less. The western singers use metallic sound but we don’t. The
significant difference is that individual love is the theme of western music.
That love is only the love of the lovers. The theme of our song is for livers,
for parents, for our motherland and last of all for Allah. The western song has
hardly any permanent appeal, but our song has a great appeal and it touches our
heart. In a word a country can’t sacrifice her own identity and culture with
another country. The cultural differences were in the past, have been in the
present and will be in the future.
74. Differences between state-run and private universities |
The universities which are run by the
state are called state –run universities. Students don’t have to pay much. They
enjoy facilities more than their payment. The state bears the more portion of
the expense. The campuses of the state –run universities are spacious. There’re
residential halls, playground for the students. The students of state-run
universities enjoy all the physical facilities. The university which is
governed by a governing body which follows the rules of universities grants
commission is known as private universities. Here the
state doesn’t bear any expense. Students are to bear all the
expenses. They have to pay a lot. The campus of a private university is not so
large. Even many private universities don’t have any residential halls for the
students. Most of the private universities have no campus of their own. They
conduct their academic activities in a rented house.
75. Digital/ICT Bangladesh |
Bangladesh is resounding with the
target of achieving digital Bangladesh. Broadly
speaking, a digital society ensures an ICT driven knowledge-based society where
information will be readily available on line and where all possible tasks of
the government, semi-government and also private spheres will be processed using
the modern technology. So, a digital Bangladesh
must guarantee efficient and effective use of modern ICT in all spheres of the
society with a view to establishing good governance. In other word, making
Bangladesh a digital one, we have to establish technology driven e-governance,
e-commerce, e-production, e-agriculture, e-health etc. in the society
emphasizing the overall development of the common people. Building strong ICT infrastructure is the pre-requisite for making
Bangladesh a digital one. For this, we need to focus on the following relevant
issues assessing the harsh reality that hinders our development in this
context. Latest statistics reveal that Bangladesh faces a power deficit of up
to 2oo mw against a demand of 5000 mw daily. It may be noted that for proper
ICT development an uninterrupted power supply is a
must. For the CIT development internet users of the country must be increased.
In this case our position is the worst one among the south Asian countries.
Form different sources, It has been learnt that, English literacy rate in
Bangladesh is less than one percent. Whereas, English literacy rates in India
and Pakistan are 60% 20% respectively, there is a strong correlation between
English literacy and ICT development in the present context of globalization.
In the arena of ICT English has become the lingua-franca. Though the above
accounts seem to be frustration one , these can be easily overcome within a
reasonable span of time if we can establish good governance the above stated
issues effective and efficiently is transparent manners. In many cases we need
to reformulate our national policy (e.g. education policy. ICT policy) in
accordance with the Millennium Development Goals. If the leaders of our country
objectively guide this generation, they can do wonder for the notion.
76. Dowry |
Dowry means property or money brought
by a bride to her husband when they marry. Usually in our society female
children are considered inferior to male children. They are thought to be of no
use to the family. So, during marriage ceremony a section of greedy people
claim much wealth or money from the guardians of the brides. The poor and
illiterate girls mainly become the victims of dowry. If the guardians
fail to fulfill the demand of their bridegroom, they misbehave with their wives
and sometimes torture them seriously. As a result many of them get divorced or
commit suicide or are killed by their husbands. This system has affected our
whole society. At present a father cannot think of the marriage of his daughter
without giving dowry to the bridegroom. I am dead against this evil system of
the society. This evil system should be uprooted from the society immediately.
This social curse can be eliminated by changing the outlook of the people
especially the male members of the society and by taking strict legal measures
against the persons who take dowry.
77. Drug addiction |
Drug addiction is now a global
problem. This social cancer has spread its poisonous claw all over the world.
Frustration is the cause of this addiction. Unemployment problem, political
cataclysm, lack of family ties, lack of love affection etc. give rise to
frustration. Again this addiction gives rise to social crimes. When the
addicted cannot afford to buy drugs, they commit many kinds of social crimes
like hijacking, looting, plundering killing; robbery etc. drugs bear a terrible
effect on human body of a drug addict. Drug addicted people feel drowsy, lose
appetite and sleep. The skin of their bodies begins to change its colour. Drug
also damages the brain and all internal function of the body. However this
curse should not be allowed to go on unchecked. At any cost we must get rid of
this social cancer by highlighting its dangerous effect on human body and
society. The remedy for drug addiction is not very easy. Greed of drug traders
has grasped the whole world. Drug business is punishable and the highest
punishment is death sentence in Bangladesh. This law must be enforced
immediately. Our young generation must be aware of the dire consequence of drug
abuse. Parents must careful to their treatment to children. Feelings of
security under loving parents may hinder children from being victims of drugs.
Religious and social values must be taught from early childhood. When each and
every person is sincere to drive this curse of drug addiction from the society,
human beings can get rid of it.
78. Early rising |
There is a proverb early to bed and
early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. So is needless to say
that early rising is a good habit. It is
beneficial to health. In the morning nature remains fresh and quiet. So an
early the beauty health of nature. One who gets up
early in the morning can finish his work in proper time. He can get much time
for accomplishing his tasks. An early riser takes his exercise regularly and
enjoys a healthy and happy life. Taking exercise improves his health and
increases his ability. Early rising refreshes both our body
and mind. The habit of early rising helps a man to be regular and
punctual. I like benefits of early rising and I get up early in the morning.
79. English as an international language |
When a language is used and spoken by
nations or by people around the world, it gets the status of an international
language. For various reasons English has become an international language. For
various reasons English has become an international language. When people of
two different languages meet and need to talk or exchange ideas or information,
they need a third or common language that is understood by both the partied.
English, due to its global use, serves this communicative purpose well. So to
communicate with speakers of other languages, we need to learn English.
Besides, English is an official and semi-official language in more than 60
countries in the world. Multinational companies use English in their
correspondence and or business purpose. Books on any subject and also any
formation are available in English. So, for business higher education, or a
good job we need to learn English. Grammar helps us learn a language. It gives
us knowledge about the form and structure of a language it works. But grammar
is not a must in learning English. We can develop our skill in English by
reading English books extensively. English ‘text Book’ can help us learn
English to a great extant. So, we should read more and more English text books
to learn English well.
80. Environment |
The environment refers to the air,
water and land in which people, animals, and plants live. So human beings,
animals, plants, air, water and soil are the main elements of the environment.
The world is producing millions of tons of domestic rubbish and toxic
industrial waste each year, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find
suitable locations to get rid of all the refuse. The disposal of various kinds
of waste is seriously polluting the environment. Humans, animals and plants are
all important elements of the natural environment. But humans are cruelly
destroying plants and animals and thereby creating a danger for us all. The
destruction of forests and other habitats is causing the extinction of various
plants and animals every day. These losses are particularly severe in the areas
of tropical forests which cover only 7% of the surface of the globe, but which
provide the living space for between 50% and 80% of all our wildlife. Many wild
animals and birds such as pandas, bears, tigers, alligators, whales, wolves,
eagles, falcons, kites and buzzards are faced with the threat of extinction
today. Their decline has been and above all by the widespread use of chemicals
and pesticides which enter their food chains leading to sterility and mass
deaths. Hunting of birds and animals is another cause of their extinction. Men
kill birds for food and feathers, hunt big cats to make fur coats and slaughter
alligators and other reptiles for shoes and bags. In addition, whale –hunting
has also drastically reduced the number of blue whales in the Atlantic Ocean.
We know that all species are important for maintaining ecological balance. If
one is lost, the whole natural environment changes. In order to protect the
environment from being spoilt, we should therefore protect our wildlife. The
good news is that many countries are now taking action to protect their
endangered wildlife.
81. Environment pollution |
Nowadays environment pollution is one
of one of the most talked of topics of the world. Our environment is polluted
in two ways –air pollution and water pollution. Air is polluted in many ways.
Smoke pollutes air; man makes fire to cook his food, to make bricks, melts
pitch for road construction and burns wood. All these things produce heavy
smoke and this smoke pollutes air. Railway engines, mills and factories and
power houses use coal and oil. Buses, trucks and cars use petrol and diesel.
Again all these things cause air pollution. Water is polluted in many ways.
Farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticide in their lands to grow more
food. The rain and floods wash away some of the chemicals. They get mixed with
canal water and river water. Mills and factories pollute water by throwing the
waste materials and unsold products into the rivers and canals. Steamers,
launches and even sail boats pollute water by throwing oil, food waste and
human waste into the big canals and rivers. Unsanitary latrines in the countryside
standing on the banks of the rivers and canals also pollute water. Thus air and
water are polluted and as a result our environment gets polluted. Water
pollution can be prevented in many ways. First of all we should make the people
aware of the fact that water is next to air. It is called life. So chemical
fertilizer and pesticide should not be allowed to mix with river water, canal
water and pond water mills and factories should not throw the waste materials
and unsold products into rivers and canals. Steamers, motor launches and even
sail boats should not throw oil, food waste and human waste into the rivers and
canals. In fine awareness necessary measures and creating public awareness.
82. Feeling good |
Feeling good means to think about good side of a thing. It never allows him to have ill-
feeling. A wise plan helps the students to feel good. In this contextual
paragraph the students have the tools made by the blacksmith. The school gives
them a plot of land for gardening. It was also
twelve metres long and six metres wide, sunny and never is over flooded. The
plot was on a very high land. By making tools the students work in the garden.
They dug the soil deep into the ground. They took away the weeds. It was a
summer hot day. They worked there for an hour and a half. They sweated a lot.
Thus they made a fine garden and felt better
83. Female education |
It is true that women have many
special tasks in life and their spheres of duties are different from those of
men. But we should remember that these tasks also need training and education.
Unless women get proper education, all their prospective faculties get
crippled. It is only by imparting proper education to them that we can expect
them to discharge the duties nicely and decently. Education of children depends
a great deal upon mother. Childhood is the most impressionable stage and
anything good or bad, thought to child makes a great influence on his mind.
Cannot have educated and ideal citizens when the mothers themselves are foolish
and ignorant. Every woman is a potential mother. The future of a child depends
on how it is brought up and educated in childhood. An educated mother is
naturally expected to bring up and educate her children butter than an
uneducated mother.
84. First day at school |
To start first schooling at an
institution stirs everybody’s mind. It is a very important event in the life of
a child. First day at school is a new experience to anyone. Because, a student
can know new things, people and the place. In the school one can find few known
faces. Here in this context we can describe Anwar’s first day at school. He
went to nurpur high school with his father. He got nervous firstly. The
headmaster also told other teachers to help him, he entered the class. The
teacher introduced him. They accepted him cordially; they became friendly as
the curtain lifted. After the class. He wrote down ten names to remember there.
He was to feel worried .the teachers also encouraged him. Thereafter, the place
became friendly to him.
85. Flower cultivation/bright prospect in Bangladesh |
A thing of beauty is job for ever. And
a flower is a symbol of beauty and purity. Its sweet attracts one to all. There
is hardly any person who doesn’t love flower. We all like flowers but
most of the people of our country are very poor. They can hardly keep body and
soul together. So they can’t buy flowers. Only a particular section of people
buy flowers on various occasions. But this attitude is changing day by day.
Nowadays many flower shops are seen in the towns and cities in our country.
Many people cultivate flowers and sell them. Today solvent people buy flowers.
Their sense if beauty is increasing. A flower has soothing, balmy and healing
effect on human mind. They decorate their houses with flowers to enhance
beauty. People present flowers on any occasion. At present flower exhibitions
and fairs are also held. Many people have taken it as profession because flower
is not only a source of income. Flower cultivation holds a bright prospect in
our country. It is becoming popular day by day. Today people don’t like to sit
idle. They want to work and change their condition. So we can hope that the day
is not far to come when the cultivation of flower will turn into a profitable
business. Moreover, it will go a long way to solve our unemployment problem and
contribute much to the economy of the country. The cultivators will be able to
lead a decent life. If people become of the country. The cultivators of flower
will be able to lead a decent life. If people become more conscious and introduce
the art of giving presents by flowers on various occasions, programmes ,
seminars , symposiums etc. this will go a way to encourage the flower
cultivators to cultivate flowers more and more. So a new business may emerge in
our country. This will better the living condition of the poor flower peddlers
and flower cultivators.
86. Frustrations |
Frustration means disappointment. In
modern strife torn world we find frustration almost in all people. There is
hardly any man who is free from frustration. Frustration cripples a man. He is
mentally defected and depressed. It kills him little by little. He cannot do
anything. He stumbles in way of life. Though a frustrated man wants to do
something, he cannot because frustration ruins his will power and ultimately he
thinks that he may not attain success and reach his desired god. Life becomes
dull and meaningless to hi. He loses all charms of life. Frustration may be of
political, economic, domestic, judicial and social. At present the impact of
frustration is found more among the unemployed educated youths. Frustration is
a great mental disease. There is no medicine that can rid a man of frustration.
Frustration gives birth too many social crimes such as killing, hijacking; drug
addiction etc. people become frustrated when they do not get what they want. So
ways and means should be found out to remove frustration.
87. Garden |
Gardening is very hobby. It gives us
both pleasure and profit. The students of class 8 discussed with their general
science teacher, Mr. Anis Ahmed. They discussed how to make a school garden.
Kashem told that they also made a profit from school shop and they had enough
land in their school to make a garden. Mr Ahmed looked out of the classroom
window. He asked if they wanted to use that piece of land over there. Rina
replied in the affirmative, Anwar told it could be used to grow not only
flowers but also vegetables. Some of the students had experience of gardening
at home as well as at school. Moreover Mr. Ahmed assured to help them. Though
gardening was very hard work, maximum students were very interested in
gardening. It is enjoyable too.
88. Gardening |
Gardening is a pleasant occupation and a good
pastime. It is an expression of refreshment and taste. It is an embodiment of
men’s love for trees and plants of nature. There are many kings of gardening.
There are flower garden, kitchen gardens, fruit
gardens, botanical gardens etc. each of them acts
a very important role. To work in a garden and spend sometimes among green plants and trees and beautiful flowers is like spending
sometimes with nature. When a man sees the garden full of various flowers,
vegetables, fruits etc. His heart leaps up with joy. It makes his
body strong. It helps him to forget sorrows and sufferings. It relieves him
from the monotony of the routine works. Then he can give full attention to his
daily works. After all, to a votary gardening is a source of health, wealth and
89. Gender discrimination |
discrimination in
Bangladesh begins at birth. In our country women are the worst sufferers.
Social prejudices and customs tend to degrade their position. When a female child is born. It is not regarded as a happy event.
She is not welcomed with the deep warmth of heart. Instead of being delighted
the male members think that she has come to add to their misery. Even the
mother of the female child is not welcomed cordially for giving birth a female
child. Rather she is held in great contempt. Obviously there are many reasons
behind this social superstition. First of all she is regarded as a liability to
be got rid of as soon as possible, her marriage drives her parents mad for our
evil dowry system. Her parents try to find a husband for her even before she
attains physical and mental maturity. Her marriage may cost her parents a heavy
amount of money. Religious misinterpretation
and social structures discourage often prevent girls from going to co-education
schools this problem cannot be solved overnight. To solve this problem our
outlook towards the girls should be made self-sufficient by giving them proper
education and employment. They should be provided the same type of food as are given
to male children. Early marriage should be stopped.
90. Globalization |
Globalization has become a buzzword in
the new era of international relations.
Basically, it is process of expanding trade and commerce
all over the world by creating a borderless market. But it has had a far
reaching effect on many aspects of life. With the development of sophisticated
communications media, rapid technological progress, and rapid transportation
facilities, the world has come closer. We can now learn in an instant what is
happening in the farthest corner of the world and travel to any country in the
shortest possible time. Countries of the world are like families in a village.
They can even share their joys and sorrows like next-door neighbours. Though
one country is in distress, others can immediately come to its assistance. If
we can build up an atmosphere of mutual understanding and co-operation through
this globalization has its demerits too. The gap between wealth and poverty is
ever widening. Globalization has its demerits too. The gap between wealth and
poverty is ever widening. Globalization has put the people of the world on the
same vessel but in different cabins. Only a trifling minority are travelling in
luxurious cabins furnished with all modern amenities. They access to nutritious
food, pure drinking water, sophisticated Medicare
and a life of luxury. But the overwhelming majority is travelling in the third
class decks and is suffering from hunger and disease. Globalization can bring
happiness to everyone only when all passengers of the ship can travel in the
same class of conditions of solidarity equity and justice.
91. Global warming |
In recent years, there have been many
alarming reports that the world’s climate is undergoing a significant change.
All these reports provide strong evidence that world temperatures are
increasing day by day. This increase is known as global warming caused by
increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the earth. Most climatologists
believe that the greenhouse effect is the most likely cause of this global
warming. Climatologists predict that by midway through the next century
temperatures may have risen by as much as 4 degree c. this could
catastrophically reduce mankind’s ability to grow food , destroy or severally
damage wildlife and wilderness, raise sea levels and there by flood coastal
areas and farmland. The alarming news about Bangladesh is that as a result of
the rise of the sea level the lower southern part of the country may one day go
under water. The main culprits for global warming are carbon dioxide gas,
produced by the burning of fossil fuels and forests and being careful and
raising public awareness.
92. Good governance |
Good governance means good rule. It is a
pre-requisite for all kinds of developments of our country. A country cannot
reach its cherished goals, achieve its success and solve its multi- furious
problems for want of good governance. It is a must for any nation –any country.
It helps the full flourishment of a country. It helps a country to go forward
with its development programmes. It contributes most to the all-round
development of a country. Good governance depends on some factors. The factors
are enlightened people, practice of true ideal of democracy, transparency, and
accountability, a gook electoral system, honesty etc. First of all the people
who will be at the helm of power must be enlightened. They must be free from
any kind of evil. They must be true democrats. They will cultivate the ideal of
democracy. They must keep in mind that they are working for the welfare of the
country and the countrymen. The state administration system should be
transparent so that even governance cannot be thought of without
accountability. The enlightened people who will be entrusted with the onerous
duty of running the administration of the country must be responsible to
account to the people for their activities. In this way there are many factors
which shape and design to form good governance for the welfare of a country and
its countrymen.
93. Good health |
Good health means soundness of body and mind. It keeps one fit and free from
diseases. By observing certain rules, one can keep good health. One is to take
a balanced diet, drink pure water , take regular exercise and rest etc. he is
also to observe the rules of cleanliness. Since most of the people of our
country live below the level, they do not get the food they need for good
health. Even the rich and the educated people are not conscious of the rules of
good health. They do not take a balanced diet because they think that costly
food means a nutritive food. As a result most of the people of our country like
frustration, hopelessness etc. but only taking a balanced diet are not enough
to keep goop good health. The person who is ambitious and runs after wealth
cannot maintain a good health. By keeping simple and care free life one can
lead a peaceful life.
94. Grameen bank |
Grameen bank is a bank which gives loans to the
poor village people. The purpose of this bank is to remove the poverty of the
rural poor people since most of the people of this country are poor. Professor
Yunus is an economist. The poor condition of the most of the people of this
country hurts him. So he tries to find out the way of removing poverty. He
introduces micro credit system among a limited number of poor people and he
becomes successful in his plan. He sets up a bank and today that very bank is
known as Grameen bank. His programmes succeed and thousands of people have been
able to see better days in their life. However the Grameen bank provides credit
to the poor particularly to the poor rural women. Before taking loan from the
Grameen bank the poor rural women as to from five of six group of workers
consisting of five members in each group. Then they are to set up a center from
where the bank will work to give loans and receive repayment of loans. All the
group members are to become registered members of the Grameen bank. Each group
selects a chairperson and a secretary. They will hold their posts for a year.
The group chairperson will be responsible for discipline in the group. Members
will conduct their business with the bank thought her. All members are obliged
to attend any meetings called. They are fully aware of the rules and
procedures. Each member is given a registered number. The bank has raised
consciousness among the poor, changed their poor economic condition, has
developed their skills and has created employment opportunities. The bank has a
positive effect on socio-economic variables, including’s schooling, children
nutrition and family planning.
95. Grasshopper |
Mr. Grasshopper, mentioned in the main
textbook, symbolizes an idle man in society. The writer has presented the real
nature of an idle man through a vivid description of his imaginary being, Mr.
Grasshopper. An idle man always eats, sleeps and sings. He thinks he has a lot
of time to spare. He dislikes others who work hard like Mr. Ant. He laughs at
Mr. Ant for working hard. He always sings a song at leisure out of happiness.
He never thinks of future life. He always spends time in merry-making. Many a
time, Mr. Grasshopper prevents Mr. Ant from working in the field. He tells to
find one to enjoy one’s companionship. But the future of Mr. Grasshopper is
96. Growing population in Bangladesh |
Growing population in Bangladesh is
the burning question of the day. It is number one problem of our country. Every
year more than two million people add to our population. The problem is now out
of control. It has now come to the position of explosion. If the present
alarming rate of population growth goes on, learn population of the country
will be double within fifteen years. We should, therefore, learn well all about
this great problem. We should realize the serious consequences of rapid growth
of population. There are various ways that should be followed to stop the high
birth rate. Each and every family should live in a planned way. Early marriage
should be banned. No family should be allowed to have more than two children.
Our womenfolk should be educated so that they can know how to lead happy,
healthy peaceful life. There should be wide publicity about the serious
consequence of high birth rate through radio, TV and other mass media.
97. Hartal |
In modern strife torn state Hartal has
become a common affair. It is observed at the call of a political
party or parties to press their demand to protest against the
corruption, misuse of power and the evil deeds of the ruling party. Sometimes
students and people of a locality call Hartal to express their demands. On a
Hartal day normal course of life is stopped. All means
of transport and vehicles do not move on the reads. People are to take a
lot of troubles to attend their offices. They go on foot as vehicles are not
available. As a result the attendance is very negligible in the offices, factories,
industries and shops. The economy of the country suffers a heavy loss. Mills,
factories and industries stop their work. All the business centres, markets and
shops remain closed. The supporters in favour of Hartal bring our procession.
Often clashes occur between the police and the picketers. Sometimes clashes
take place between the supporters of the opposition and the ruling political
parties which result in some deaths. One a Hartal day the sufferings of the
people know no bound.
98. Hazrat Muhammad |
Propher Hazrat Muhammad
(sm.) is the last and greatest prophet of Allah. He was born on august 29, 570
A. D. his father was Abdullah and mother was Bibi
amina. His father had died before the prophet was born. He was truthful, humble
and gentle. For discipline and peace in society he formed an organization named
hilful fuzul. Because of his honesty people called him al Amin. The prophet
(sm.) taught the people the virtue of forgiveness. He asked them to do well to
others and worship Allah. After the revelation of the hole Quran prophet Hazrat
Muhammad (sm.) began to preach Islam secretly. But the people of mecca did not
like it and they tried to kill him. So, or the sake of religion he went to
madina with his followers in 622 A.D. it is known as Hazrat. In 632 A.D.
prophet hazar Muhammad (sm.) passed away. He was buried in madina.
99. Helping hand to elderly persons |
Elders are also a part of our society.
Human beings are born as baby on this beautiful
world and after a certain period of time they grow older in the society. They
play several important and vital parts that give too many benefits for the next
generation. So the older persons should not be
neglected anyway. They were the strength of our civilization. In every locality
there are lots of elderly persons. In my locality the number is not small. I
want to do something for them. In course of time I will raise a fund for the
welfare of the elderly persons. Then I will establish an old home. All the
helpless elderly people of my locality will be able to stay there free of
living cost, medical treatment cost etc. with the help of my locality’s well to
do people I will provide them all kinds of human right. For their recreation
and reminiscence, I will arrange gathering for them. We are young generation.
So we are the greatest power of the society. We can spread our helping hand to the elders. Whenever they are in any
kind of trouble, we can spread our helping hand to the elders. Whenever they
are in any kind of trouble, we can come forth to help them. If they can’t cross
a road, we can help them. We can give them current information of the world. We
can include them in our working opportunity. Social awareness can be raised for
the old. We must be kind to them. We must treat them as they treated us when we
were helpless bodies creeping upon the earth.
100. Historical place (Bagerhat) |
During the last autumn vacation I got
such an opportunity to visit Bagerhat, a great historical
place. There I saw the mazar of khan jahan ali- a fine one storeyed
building. It has a beautiful dome. Hazrat khan jahan Ali was buried there. The
tomb is made of cut out stones. It cannot be accurately said where from these
were brought. It id said that pir khan jahan Ali brought these from Chittagong
by floating of water. On the tomb there are inscriptions in Arabic. An
inscription says that he died on 25th October, 1459. There is a
small mosque nearby. A close associate of khan jahan Ali was buried outside the
tomb. On the night of the full moon of the
month of chaitra a big fair is held beside the mazar, many people attend the
fair. There is a big tank in front of the mazar. The local
people call it the dighi of khan jahan Ali; there are some crocodiles in
this big tank. They come near when the fakirs call them and give them something
to eat. I saw visited the satgambuj mosque. It is a big and beautiful building.
The mosque is beautifully decorated. It is said that it was used as a mosque by
pir khan jahan. The mosque has great attraction for the tourists and visitors.
There is a big dighi near the satgambuj mosque. This dighi is called the ghora
dighi. It is said that a horse was made to run before digging the dighi. The
horse ran straight and stood covering a certain distance. That distance was
accepted as the length of the dighi. That is why the dighi is called ghora
dighi. I visited this dighi and came to know many things about the social work
of khan jahan Ali. Bagerhat is really a place of historical interest. I spent
eight hours there and saw many historical things and enjoyed myself. I left
Bagerhat but the memory still haunts my mind.
101. Honesty is the best policy |
Honesty is a word that begets so much
if good qualities in human character of head
and heart. Nothing else pays so much as much as honesty does. It is a noble
virtue; it also brings ringer reward to those who are honest. In this context
Bahadur is the old bearer of Nurpur high school.
Firstly, he was honest. He always spoke the truth. Perhaps the eggplants were
beautiful. They drew his attention. He also stole the eggplants. Mr. Ahmed
realized it. He asked him questions tactfully. It proved him to be dishonest.
To the students he became a laughing stock.
Suruj Ali, another caretaker, was very honest to the penny. He always took care
of the mango orchard. He never tasted even a single one. At last it was proved.
He was rewarded by his master for his honesty.
102. How to arrange a picnic |
Many of us often go on a picnic and
enjoy much. But before going on a picnic we have to maintain some formalities.
The formalities are as follows: first we have to form a picnic committee,
choose a picnic spot and fix a date unanimously. Secondly the committee will be
divided into several groups to do different kinds of things such as collecting
subscription , purchasing food items , hiring bus and mike, cooking , arranging
games and cultural Programmes , making banner and bags etc. thirdly the
committee will fix the amount of subscription through discussion. The fund
raising committee will collect the subscription from all the members within the
fixed date. Fourthly the purchasing group will complete purchasing of all
items. The other groups will also discharge their duties in time. Finally when
everything is okay we have to start for the picnic spot on the fixed date from
the fixed with a joyful mind.
103. How to become a good student |
A good
student is an asset of a school. Everybody wants to be a good student
but very few attain it. A student should have followed some instructions to
become a good student. Firstly be should attend his classes regularly. This
will help to know the daily lessons of the class. Then he should be punctual to
his duties. Punctuality is the pre-condition to become a good student. Next he
should prepare his lessons well. If he does not understand his lessons himself
he should take help of others. Finally he should possess some qualities in him.
Honesty, sincerity, cordiality, industrious, intelligence, dutiful etc. are
some qualities. By following the above instructions a student can be a good
104. How to do well in the examination |
Every student has a desire to cut a
good figure in the examination. For this a
student has to be concerned of the following things. A student should be
attentive in the class. He should be regular and punctual. He should be serious
in his studies from the beginning of the year. He should study a lot. He needs
to prepare his lessons in time. A student must not put of me his studies for
the next day. He should be careful of his time and utilize it properly. He
should try to understand the subject matters. He should avoid memorizing the
answers. Memorized knowledge will not help him to obtain good marks. He should
read the books thoroughly. A clear concept of a
subject will help him to answers the questions properly. Moreover, a student
should make his own notes on the topics. He should read the lessons well and
write it down. He must revise what he reads and writes. He should practice the
lessons more and more. The also has to be accustomed to write free hands. He must have a good command over the
language. This skill helps him to answer if there are any uncommon questions.
To achieve the expected result, a student should cling to his studies all the
year round. By being sincere to his duties, a student can do well in the
105. How to follow the rules of health |
Good health is a blessing for us. A sound health
in the key to success. To achieve sound health we must follow the rules of
health, we should also take some physical exercise. This will make us strong
and stout and enable us work hard. We have to take proper rest otherwise we
will become sick due to hard work. We should not keep up late at night and go to bed in time. Keeping up late
at night may tell upon our health. Moreover, we have to cultivate the habit of
getting up from bed early in the morning. So that, we can go out monotonous
works always. We should try to enjoy our leisure. Cleanliness is another
precondition of good health. We should try keeping ourselves neat and clean. To
possess a good health, we should follow there rules of health sincerely. These
will help us to lead a happy life.
106. How to improve in English |
English in an international language
and learning English is very important. Many students are weak in English and
cannot read and write it properly things. One should take the following steps
to improve one’s English. First he should identify his weak sides of English
and ask his teacher to help him. He also should take help from his elder
brother and other bright students. Next he should know the basic rules or
structure of sentences from any grammar book. He should go through the
dictionary and try his best to develop his vocabulary. After that he should try
to use them in speaking with others. Finally he has to read English among
friends whether it is correct or incorrect. Once time and situation will make
him skilled and he will achieved a good command of the language.
107. How to keep book in order |
Every student should have different
kinds of books because books are the storehouse
of knowledge. One should follow some ways to keep books in order. Firstly, he
must select necessary books which he will keep around his
table. Then he will classify the books according to subject so that he can
manage the necessary books easily. Next, he has to collect some necessary
things such as dictionary, various reference and aiding books. After that he
will keep his entire pen. Pencil, calculator in such a place so that he can
collect it easily in time of need. Finally, he will keep all his academic
things neat and clean.
108. How to keep class-room clean |
Class-room is very important place for
the student. So it must be neat and clean. To keep class-room neat and clean one
should do the following things. Firstly, students should be divided into small
groups. There they will discuss about how to make class-room clean. Next, they
will begin to sweep the ground, clean the spider nets around the roofs and
corners of the class-room. After that they will remove dust from the tables,
chairs and benches. Finally they will wash the class-room with water and the
class-room will be health and good looking.
109. How to learn to swim |
Two years ago I did not know how to
swim. One day I went to our village home with
my father. It was rainy season. There was water everywhere. It is a common
matter that flood visits our country almost every year. So everybody should
learn swimming to save his life. Going our village home I decided to learn swimming.
In the village we had a big but shallow pond. I disclosed my desire to my
cousin Jony can swim well. He agreed to teach me swimming. First he took me to
the pond and put his hands under my belly. Then, asked me to cast my hands and feet. Io began to drive my hands and feet
very quickly. Next he set his hands free from my belly but I could not
understand it. After that I continued for several days in the same ways.
Finally, I could know how to swim. My first day’s practice was an interesting
experience. I cannot forget it even today.
110. How to make a cup of tea |
Tea is a good drink no doubt. It
removes our fatigue. We entertain our guests with a cup of tea. But many of us
do not know how to make a cup of tea. To make a cup of tea is not a hard
matter. First he has to take one and a half cup of water into a kettle. Then he
has to put the kettle over a stove and heat it until the water is boiled. Next
he has to put two tea spoonfuls of pulverized tea leaves into the hot water.
After that he has to take aside kettle from the stove when the water has turned
into red colour. Finally he has to pour the liquor into the cup through a
strainer. He has to mix some sugar and milk with the liquor and stir it until
the sugar is dissolved. In this how a cup of tea is prepared. But in case of
lemon tea he to add some lemon juice instead of milk.
111. How to make a garden |
Making a garden
is a very interesting job. Many students have the hobby of gardening. Again
many students do not know how to make a garden. A student has to follow the
rules to make a garden as follows: First he has to select suitable pieces of
land preferably in front of his reading room. The he has to make
the soil loose with a spade and level it with a ladder. He has to put
manure in the land. Next he has to sow the seeds of different flowers and
vegetables according to his plan. After that he has to make a fence around the
garden to protect it from the animals or naughty boys. Finally he has to work
in the garden in the morning and evening daily. He should give water, weed out
the grasses, put insecticides if necessary etc. this is the way of making a
garden. Anyone can make a good garden by
following the way.
112. How to observe a birthday party |
Observing a birthday ceremony has
becomes a culture among us. It has been a fashion too. To observe a birthday
ceremony one has to do this things: first he has to invite his relatives and
close friends, verbally or through cards. Secondly he has to decorate his
drawing room nicely with colourful papers and flowers. He has to put on nice or
new dress himself. Thirdly he has to put out the candle and cut the cake in the
presence of all and with the birthday song happy birthday to you. Fourthly the
guests have to be entertained with delicious food and short cultural programme.
Finally the guests leave wishing him a happy life. Thus a birthday party is
arranged and observed in a befitting way.
113. How to open a bank account |
Very often we need to open an account
in a bank to deposit our money. But many of us do not know how to open a bank
account. To open a bank account one has to follow the rules as follow: firstly
he has to select a branch of bank near to him. Secondly he has to talk with the
manager concerned the branch, thirdly , he has to fill up a form given by the
manager and enclose two copies of photographs with the form and he has to have
a nominee and an introducer having an account in that branch. Fourthly he has
to require a sun of money as fee to start the account. Finally he is given a
cheque book with an account number by the manager. In this way a man can open a
bank account.
114. How to prepare oral saline |
I am Mijan. I have to brothers &
two sisters. My younger sister’s name is Sonia. She is 5 years old. She often
gets diarrhea Our market few mills long from our village. So, we
can’t take advice proper time. As a result, my sister sick & thin day by day.
It is a great problem for us. I discuss with doctor for solving this problem.
Doctor advice me to have oral saline whenever she
has diarrhea and says that it is very useful and effective drug for
it. But we don’t know how to prepare oral saline. Then he told me how to prepare
oral saline. For preparing oral saline, firstly, take some (say one litre)
clean water and boil it in a pot for half an hour. Then let it cool. Next, put
a handful of sugar or ‘gur’ into the water. After that, add a pinch of salt to
the water and stir the water with a large spoon. Make sure that the sugar and
salt are mixed well with water. Now the oral saline is ready for drinking.
115. How to publish a school magazine |
A school
magazine is a periodical circulation of the compositions of the students
and teachers of a school. To publish a school magazine the following rules are
followed. First a committee is formed to publish magazine. The headmaster
becomes the chairman of the committee, some senior teachers assist him, teacher
becomes the editor and some brighter students of higher classes become the
member of committee. Then a fund is raised and students are asked to contribute
to fund. Some pages are sold for the advertisement to collect fund. The
deficiency is mettle up from the general fund of the school. Next articles are
invited from the students and teachers of the school. After that interesting
articles are selected from all the collection. These articles are then
corrected and by the editing teacher. Finally the articles are given to the
116. How to read newspaper |
Newspaper plays an important role in
student life. So every student should read newspaper regularly. But many
students do not know how to read a newspaper. There are some ways to read a
newspaper. Firstly, he has to know the techniques of reading newspaper. Then he
must know the order of column written in the newspaper from top to bottom.
Next, he has to know that generally a paper has eight columns. It news is not
finished in one column then it is transferred to another page. After that, he
should know about the news of abroad, lesson, business, sports etc. finally he
has to learn about important and necessary news. Then any one will be able to
read a newspaper.
117. How to see a doctor |
A man may suffer from disease and then
he needs to see a doctor. To see a doctor one has to do these things. First he
should know the disease that he is suffering from and according to that he
should see the specialist of the disease. Secondly he should collect the
address and location of the doctor’s chamber from person who knows about it
clearly. Thirdly he has to communicate with the doctor either over phone or in
person. Fourthly he has to go to the doctor’s chamber and entry his name to the
compounder of the doctor and wait for his turn. Finally he should meet the
doctor when he is called according to serial and tell the doctor his problems.
Seeing him the doctor will give him the prescription. In this way a patient can
see a doctor.
118. How to serve a patient |
A patient
is always a weak person. He cannot serve himself. So he needs the help of
others. A man can serve a patient in this way. First he should take the patient
to the doctor and bring necessary medicine for him. Then he should feed the
patient prescribed medicine according to the direction. Next he should sit
beside the patient and look after him so that he does not feel any problem. He
should console the patient and pray to the almighty to recover him very soon.
After that he should make sure of the patient’s bath and food. Finally he
should stay with the patient at night and look after him carefully. Thus a man
can serve a patient.
119. How to take preparation for an examination |
There are a good number of students
who work hard throughout the year but cannot take a good preparation for and
examination. So they cannot cut a good figure in the examinations. So, now
suggest you some ways or methods on ‘how to take preparation for an
examination’. Students need preparation for many examinations. To take
preparation form the examination, you have to work hard. Make your lessons
according to your syllabus. It is better to make lessons according to the daily routine. Choose all the probable and
important questions and prepare notes accordingly. But it is good to start
reading attentively from the very beginning of the year. Read, learn and then
write whatever answers you prepare. Do not memorize any lesson without
understanding it. Learning by writing is easy and it is also easy to memorize a
lesson by writing. So learn and write, then write and learn. In order to keep
the lesson in memory, revise the course. To remove the fear of examination,
practice some sort of tests to assess your progress and preparation.
120. How to write answer in the answer script |
Many students do not know how to
answer of the questions well in answer scripts. A student should follow the
rules in an examination hall in answering the answer scripts. First he should
put his eyes over the questionnaire at a glance. Then he should give tick marks
to those questions which are common and easy to him. Next he should start to
answer the questions one by one that he has marked. He should be careful of his
time and also hand writing. After that he should revise the answer scripts
whether he has forgotten to write any major point or done any short of mistake.
Finally he should submit the answer scripts to the attending teacher and leave
the exam hall.
121. Illiteracy |
Illiteracy means inability to read and
write. It is the root cause of ignorance which frustrates all development
efforts of the government and the community. Eradication of illiteracy in a
country like Bangladesh with so vast a population is undoubtedly a gigantic
task. It is the social responsibility of all the literate people, men and
women, to make some concerted efforts to remove illiteracy from society. The
government of Bangladesh has already undertaken some important programmes in
this regard. To provide primary education for at least 70 per cent of the
children of sex to ten years of age by the end of 1990, the government has
launched a programme called the universal primary education (UPE) project.
There is another educational programme in which each primary school in a
community is to be regarded as a community learning centre (CLE). The objective
is to involve increasingly the parents and the members of the community in the
educational activities of the school. The adults and the out-of –school youths
will come to the school in the afternoon of in the evening after their
vocations. The mass media, especially radio, TV and newspapers can play a vital
role in making the people more conscious of the importance of literacy in the
life of a nation. They can broadcast and publish regular features on various
aspects of basic education, adult education and mass literacy.
122. Importance of education |
Education in the process by which our mind develops through formal learning at an
institution like a school, collage, or university. It is mental and
intellectual training which provides opportunities of growth and helps to
overcome obstacles to progress. Therefore, it is often compared to light which
removes the darkness of ignorance and helps us distinguish between right and
wrong. The prophet Mohammed (SM) equated one literate non-believer with ten
illiterate believers. The task of education is to create a complete citizen,
physically, mentally and morally, and prepare him for a profession whereby he
could earn his own livelihood and contribute to the society. Education is one
of the most important social phenomenon’s which make sure that the individual
is prepared from an early age to acquire values, knowledge and practical skills
within a particular culture. Uneducated people can’t keep pace with the
advanced countries. They don’t know the modern advanced technology. In every
sphere of their life, they follow old methods and systems. They have no sense
of right and wrong. They aren’t aware of their responsibilities.
Their outlook on life is very narrow. They don’t know how to lead a decent
life. Illiteracy is a curse because illiteracy is
hindrance to our development programme. It baffles all our concerted effort for
development. Thus, illiteracy retards the way of development. It is education
which teaches a man to fight against all the problems of life. If all the
people become educated, they will be able to overcome the obstacles that stand
in the way to development. By receiving true education we all can build a
happy, peaceful and prosperous future.
123. Importance of learning English |
Language is the medium of expressing
thought and feelings to others. English is the richest language in the world.
It is also the most Important International. People of the countries of the
world speak English as a common language. So it is called the
lingua francs of the world. As a result English has become the
language of communication, higher studies science and technology. It is also
the language of business and diplomacy. Without English none can go to a
foreign country. It is also necessary for good jobs in Bangladesh. So all kinds
of people like students, businessmen, player’s, service holders etc., must
learn communicative English to lead a prosperous life. Without communicative
English none can shine in life, so must we try to learn communicative English
none can live a dignified life. So, we should give much stress in learning from
the very beginning of our life.
124. Importance of trees |
Since the dawn of civilization man has
a close relation with nature. Man has made friendship with our life. They are our friends. Trees play an important role
in our life and to plant trees. Sea beaches and
low-lying lands can be used for tree plantation. There are many roads and
highways in our country; we can plant trees on the both sides of these roads
and highways. The sides and areas that are lying unused can be used, too. June
and July are the best time for tree plantation. Tree plantation programme
should be expanded to the remote corner of the country. Attempts should be made
to make the illiterate aware of the importance of trees. Trees are our best
friends. They are a great source of food and vitamins.
As a result people can keep their body fit and sound by taking fruits. Again we
export fruits to many other countries and earn a lot of foreign exchange. Trees
are our constant companies in our day to day life. We use them for various
purposes. We cannot think of our Homes, Houses. Residences etc. without trees.
Trees bear a great impact on the climate. If we destroy trees at random one day
the country will turn into a great desert. Again there will be no rain and as a
result the country will face a great crisis because ours is an agricultural
country and our economy is dependent on agriculture. Again our agriculture is
dependent on rain. So trees play a vital role on our climate. Trees keep the
soil strong. Trees save us from flood and many other natural calamities. It is
needless to speak of the importance of trees. It is not possible to describe
the importance and uses of trees in words. They are part and parcel in our day
to day life. We cannot think of our existence without them. Rabindranath says
back they forest, take your town, our government has also launched a massive
and ambitious programme regarding tree plantation, we should not use and
destroy trees at random. Rather we should plant trees more and more for a
better, happier and healthier life.
125. Independence Day celebration of Bangladesh |
The 16th December is a red
letter day in the history of Bangladesh. On this
day we achieved victory at the cost of a bloody battle and Bangladesh came into
being and occupied a place in the world map as an
independent county. Every year we observe this day with great solemnity. We
remember the supreme sacrifice of the heroic sons who died for the country and
pay glowing tribute to their departed souls. The day begins with gunshot. The
whole country wears a festive look. The national flag is hoisted on the top of
each house. Many meetings, seminars, symposiums and discussions are held.
People of all walks of life to the national mausoleum and offer flowers there
as a symbol of profound homage to the martyred valiant soldiers. This day is a
day of great joy, hope and inspiration. This victory symbolizes victory against
injustice tyranny and falsehood. This day will remain ever fresh and ever green
in the heart of each and every Bengali.
126. Influence of western civilization on Bangladeshi society |
Civilization means an advanced and
organized state of human and social development. It exposes a society or a
country, its culture and its way of life during a particular period of time.
Basically, a country or a nation is known by its civilization. The influence of
western civilization is the most talked topic. Western culture is intruding
into our culture in a very alarming way. This intrusion of western culture has
both good and bad effects on our society. Western civilization has introduced
us with the people, society, education history and culture of the western
world. It helps us make a comparative study between western civilization and
ours and to judge the standard of our culture. It also helps enrich our
civilization by accepting the good things of western civilization. The
disadvantages of western civilization for the society of Bangladesh are very
alarming. It has already created bad effect on our youngsters. The young people
are trying to imitate western gross and vulgar culture forgetting our own
culture. If this continues, our own culture. And tradition will be abolished
soon. As this is the age of globalization, we will not be able to discard
western civilization. Rather we should try to imitate what is good in western
civilization and give up what is bad in there.
127. Interesting rainy day |
On a rainy day it rains all day long.
A rainy day is dull and gloomy. The sky is overcast with thick clouds. The sky
is not seen. None can go out without an umbrella. Water stands on roads and
roads become muddy and slippery. Those who have offices and other business go
out with umbrellas over the hade, shoes in hand and clothes folded up to knee.
Passers –by also move in the same way. Sometimes people slip and fall of the
muddy road. When it rains in torrents in torrents, people get drenched and stop
midway. The poor suffer much on a rainy day. They cannot go out in quest of the
students do not go to school. Only a few go to school but they get drenched on
the way. So classes are not held and it is a day of great joy to them. Other
people also stay at home and pass the day without doing anything. The cattle
keep standing in their sheds and bellow for fodder. A rainy day is not pleasant
at all.
128. International mother language day |
The 21st February is an international mother language day. Mother tongue is a
divine gift. From the hole Quran we come to know that the most merciful
almighty has bestowed a mother tongue upon each and every caste, creed and
colour. Mother tongue is so important that the people of a country express
their ideas, thoughts, feelings emotions etc., clearly through mother tongue.
But it is an iron of fate that the then rulers of Pakistan tried to impose Urdu
as the state language upon us instead of Bangla. But the people of our country
raised their voice against the unlawful decision. Some of the heroic sons came
forward and sacrificed their glorious life for the cause of our mother tongue
on the 21st February 1952. Rafique, Jabbar, Salam, Barkat were shot. Since then this day called the shaheed dibash. Every
year we remember this day with solemnity and pay them profound tribute. This
day has got international recognition in 1999. Now
this day is observed all over the world. So it is a matter of great glory and
prestige for us.
129. International women’s day |
Women are the worst suffers. Disparity
between man and women is going on. It begins at their birth. It is thought that
girls are seen engaged in heavy physical labour. They do not get the right
food. They are totally denied the opportunities of education. They are deprived
of economic, social, political and educational rights. In a word they are
deprived of all human basic rights. So women all over the world got united and
formed an international women organization to realize all their due rights. Firstly
common women fought for equal rights. Then women of all spheres came out and
joined the organization to enhance the movement for realizing their equal right
in all walks of life. March is the international women’s day. This day is
observed by women‘s groups around the world. It is an important occasion
everywhere in the world. This day is a national holiday in many countries of
the world. The U.N.O also observes the day .women of all contients is often
divided by national boundaries. They are also divided by ethnic,
linguistically, cultural, religious, economic and political differences. Hence
they come together to celebrate their day. The day represents their struggle
for equality, justice, peace and development. The international women’s day is
the story of ordinary women who have fought for equal rights.
130. Internet |
Internet is the latest discovery of
science and the greatest advancement in the field of communication. It is the
computerized process with telephone set. To get internet connection, it requires
a modern telephone line and a maintained by its own number. There are two types
of internet. They are on-line internet and off-line internet. One can get
internet connection from three networking systems. They are LAN (local area
network), MAN (metropolitan area network) WAN (world wide area network).
Now-a-days an internet is an internet is of great use to us. It has made the
world smaller and brought the world within our reach. We can get information on
every matter within a very short time. It has widened our knowledge and made us
more thirsty for the unknown. It is a miracle. It works like Aladdin’s magic
131. Leisure |
Leisure means the time when a man has
nothing to do. Leisure is necessary to lead a healthy and happy life. It
enables us to recover out lost freshness and energy. It affords an opportunity
to escape from the hard reality of life and enjoy this fine world. City people
spend their leisure by enjoying and doing many things. They play cricket,
football, chess and many other games and sports. They visit the place of
historical interest, go on picnic, and perform different cultural activities.
They also spend their leisure by reading books, watching TV and listening
music. Again they are busy with their hobbies during leisure. Nowadays they are
found busy with computer. The old people spend their leisure time by reading
books, newspapers and magazines. They also play at cards and chess. Sometimes
they’re seen walking together in the morning. Most of them go back to the past,
remember the past memories and chew the cud. On the other hand village people
spend their leisure by gossiping, playing at cards, listening stories, enjoying
garigan, sharigan, kabigan and by playing country games like ha-du-du etc.
football game and watching television are the common sports and pastimes. The
benefits of travelling are too many to describe here. It is an essential part
of education. It increases our knowledge, gives us practical sense of places,
people, and things, and broadens our outlook. Education, in the true sense of
the term may be complete only by travelling.
132. Leisure In Bangladesh |
Leisure means time free from work of
other activities. According to me a man should enjoy leisure. Otherwise life
will be meaningless. Routine work makes life boring and monotonous, so leisure
is essential to enjoy life. Village and city people
have their own way of spending their leisure. Village people spend their
leisure mostly by gossiping. When they get much leisure, they visit their
relatives. They also spend their leisure by taking part in rural cultural
activities such as jatra, jarigan sharigan kabigan etc. today they listen to
radio and watch television. They also spend their
leisure by arranging football tournaments and horse race,
boat race etc. city people have ample opportunity to spend their leisure they
watch TV , listen to music ,read books, visit
the important places of the city , go to park ,zoo , clubs ,cinema halls
and do many other activities. The common pastimes are listening to radio and
watching TV. Since travelling is a part if education, I put much importance on
travelling. It helps us to see the unseen and know the unknown.
133. Living conditions in the rich and the poor countries |
There is a gulf of difference between
the living conditions of the people of rice and poor countries. First of all
most of the people of the poor countries are ignorant and they are devoid of
their rights. Most of the people of rich countries are educated. So, they are
aware of their rights. Secondly, majority of the people of poor countries can’t
enjoy basic necessities of life. They suffer from malnutrition, hunger and
diseases. On the other hand, these are no problems for the people of rich
countries. They have all sorts of modern amenities like pure drinking water,
nutrition’s food and modern medical facilities. Thirdly, the scientific and
technological developments of the poor countries are very negligible. On the
contrary tremendous development of science and technology has taken place in
rich countries. Fourthly, different types of pollution like air pollution, sound
pollution, water pollution have made the life of the people of the poor
countries very miserable and risky. But pollution is far more less in rich
countries. So, life there is less hazardous than life in poor countries,
fifthly, there is no sufficient efficient recreation centers in rich countries
are for more modern and sophisticated.
134. Load-shedding |
means the discontinuation of supply of electricity. Load –shedding occurs when
generation of power is less than the demand and also for unplanned distribution
of electricity. It creates problems of far reaching consequences in the socio-economic development of a country. Houses, mills,
factories, industries, shops, hospitals all fall a victim to it. The running
mills factories and industries come to a standstill. Failure of electricity
hampers productivity. Domestic life becomes painful. The housewives grope in
the darkness in the kitchen. The sufferings of the students due to load shedding beggar description. The patients also
suffer terribly for load –shedding. Operations are stopped. The food kept in
the refrigerators get rotten. The commodities preserved in cold storages get
spoiled. In fact, load-shedding causes great sufferings to the people and an
irreparable loss to the country. The entire fife –domestic and industrial
–comes to a standstill. An all-out effort should be made to install more and
more power house to generate electricity. At the same time austerity should be
maintained in using electricity.
135. Making a garden |
The students want to make a garden. So making a garden needs land, labour, capital and
organization. It is a very good thing to make a
garden, the students agreed to make it. Some tools are urgently necessary to
dig the soil, water the plants, take out the weeds etc. flowers and vegetables
are grown in the garden. A garden makes a house or an environment beautiful.
Gardening is not only the source of pleasure but also the scope of income. It
is brings a radical change upon the man who makes it. The class 8
students made a garden in nurpur high school with a
view to gaining a profit.
136. Milk |
A nutritious food
contains a substance that is needed to keep a living thing alive and to help it
to grow. Milk is an ideal food. It is liquid and white. It is necessary for the
babies, the weak, the old and the feeble. It is used by men and beast alike.
Mother’s milk is the best food for infants. Most of the easily available and
digestible. Butter, Ghee, curd and many kinds of sweetmeats are made from milk.
Milk is added to tea to make it tasteful. It plays an important role in our
diet every day.
137. Mobile phone |
Mobile phone is one of the wonderful wonders of
sciences. It has added a new dimension to our life and to communication system.
It is a telephone system that works without any
wire. It can be moved easily and quickly from place to place. Through mobile
phone, we can send massages to distant places, play games and sports, know
about time, solve the work of calculation, and are aware of different kinds of
news and views. At present the popularity of the mobile phone is increasing.
Many companies are also being set up for selling mobile phone. The price of
mobile phone is also decreasing in comparison with; the past. People are being
encouraged to buy a mobile-phone set at a cheaper rate. However with the touch
of science and technology, the whole world seems to
be a global village. In very single moments, we can communicate with the people
living in a very distant place. With all its advantages, the mobile phone has
still some drawbacks in disguise. Though the price of it is decreasing, per
minute bill is not decreasing. So everybody cannot possess it. Scientists have
recently discovered that mobile phone can cause cancer to the users. Besides,
it has become a fashion with the young people. Last but not the least,
terrorists are using it can finalized here that the necessity of a mobile phone
in exchanging massages, cannot be denied in the true sense of the term in our
practical life.
138. Mohammad yunus |
Mohammad yunus was born in 1990 in
Chittagong, the business centre of Eastern
Bangladesh. He was the third of 14 children Educated in Chittagong. He was
awarded full he became head of the Economics department at Chittagong
University in U. S. A. In 1972 he became head of the Economics department at
Chittagong. He is the founder and Managing Director of the Grameen bank In 1997
.Professor Yunus is an organized the world first micro Credit Summit in
Washington DC professor yunus is an economist .he planned to alleviate poverty
from the world .he introduced microcredit system among limited number of poor
people and his plan and gave financial support to make Grameen bank. Through
this bank he worked for the poor and gave financial support to make them
self-employed. His programmes succeeded thousands of poor. Powerless people
could escape from programmes succeeded and thousands of poor powerless people
could escape from poverty. They trusted yunus as a helping
hand and he was trusted to be was trusted to famous name, his miss micro
credit brought wealth to the underprivileged of many nations.
139. Moonlit night |
A moonlit night is a night of bright
fortnight of the lunar. A moonlit night is really a night of dream. A charming
and enjoyable sight is seen everywhere on that night. On that night the moon
gives her silvery light all over the world and it seems like a dish of light.
The moon light bathes the whole with her beauty. The scenery of the canal,
river and pond cannot be expressed in words. The whole mature seems to smile on
a moonlit night. People of all walks life enjoy a
moonlit night. Newly married couple proclaims their
unity with the moonlit night. People of all ages specially the children have
great attraction for it. A moonlit night has great appeal to the pets. Nature
wears a different look. All kinds of birds come out their nests and fly about.
A moonlit night is really a pleasant night.
140. Most common natural calamity of Bangladesh |
Bangladesh is called a land of natural calamities because every year she falls victim to
various natural calamities like cyclone, tidal-surge, and storm, River-erosion,
drought, flood and so on. The most common natural calamity that visits
Bangladesh every year is flood. It occurs particularly during the rainy reason.
The effects of flood beggar description. It leaves a vast trail of devastation.
The affected people and animals suffer untold sufferings. It causes heavy
damage to our life and properties. Houses are destroyed, cattle are washed
away, crops are greatly damaged and trees are uprooted. Thousands of people and
other animals remain without food for many days. The after effect of flood is
more serious. Sometimes famine breaks out. Many people and animals die for want
of food. The prices of all necessary things go up. Many dangerous diseases like
cholera, typhoid and dysentery etc. break out an epidemic form.
141. Mother Teresa |
Mother Teresa was born on 26th August,
1910.Her father’s was an Albanian and he was a builder. She was born in
Macedonia she was the third child of her parents.
She was very polite and modest. She went end to be a helping
hand to Loreto in Ireland. In 1928 she began her journey
to 1931 she sister of our lady of Loreto in Ireland. In 1928
she began her journey to India. In she began teaching at a Calcutta girl’s
school. To make her vision fruitful she founded Nirmal Hriday in 1956 she
started an orphanage. Then she set up in a missionary too. The missionary
helped the wounded. The diseased and the helpless. In 1957 she and her
missionaries of charity began working with the helpless. She continued all her
programmes with the fund she collected from the charity of some wealthy people.
All her programs with the fund sage bucketed from the charity of some wealthy
people .As recognition of her work she got noble prize in 1979 She breathed her
last on 5th September 1997 at the age of 98 At her death , the world lost a
great woman.
142. Mr Ant |
Mr. Ant, mentioned in the textbook,
represents an in industrious person. He is very active. He always makes a
proper utilization of his
time. He works and works. He never falls into want of anything. He always
thinks of his future life. He can save many things for his children’s
education. Many a time Mr. Grasshopper laughs at him, but he always overlooks.
He produces crops and stores them up in his store house
for the rainy days.
143. My bed room |
I live in a village. My village name
is Sujandual. Our house is made of tin and wood.
There are four bedrooms in our house and one of these bedrooms is for me. It is
a small room but it has specialty of its own. This
room has four windows and a door. It is south faced. The room is well
ventilated. The sunlight and air can easily my room. There is a garden of
flower beside my bedroom which keeps my bedroom live and fresh. There are a
bed, a chair, a table and a bookshelf in my bedroom. The room is decorated with
some painting and pictures I always keep the room neat and clean. All things of
my bedroom are very dear to me. I feel comfort when I stay in the room and I am
proud of my bedroom.
144. My best friend |
Friendship is a spiritual bond. It
never ends. Every man wants to keep a good company.
A friend is one of the greatest blessings of man. Like others I have a friend.
His name is Mijan. He is one of my best friends. He is my class –fellow. He is
a bright student in our class. He is always regular in his studies. I like him
most for some of his qualities. He is simple, truthful and modest. He is always
true to his words. He obeys his superiors. He is neat and charming in habits.
He is intelligent and well-behaved. He never quarrels with others. He does not
spend even a single moment in vain. He is reliable, honest, sincere and
broad-minded. He never speaks ill of others. He says his prayers regularly. He
is also a good player. He always tries to help me in all possible ways. He
helps me in solving questions on all the over and affection for me. Really I am
happy with his behavior. Thus he is my best friend in true sense. I am proud of
him. I always wish him golden success in life.
145. My childhood |
A man cannot remember everything that
happened in his childhood. But certain events are
stored in the sub-conscious mind. They sometime peep through mind’s eye. Very
simple and trifling things are the center of attraction for a child. When a man
grows up, he may laugh at those things. My playground was the bank of the
mighty Teesta. In all the seasons this river had great attraction for me.
Whenever I was not at home, I could be found on its bank. I was very fond of
stealing mangoes, lichies, black berries and other
fruits in the company of friends in summer. Sometimes we would forget to eat
our midday meals. The village mosquito was another interesting
place. An old maulovi shaheb used to teach us there. It was housed in a small
hut attached to the village mosque. A large number
of boys and girls used to attend. We would learn
lesson with deafening noise. The next worth mentioning experience was my first
day at school. When I entered the school compound with my father, the children
were enjoying themselves here and there. My mind was troubled with fear that I
might not be quite free and easy in their midst. My heart began to beat fast
when I was taken to the headmaster but his smiling face and gentle words put me
at ease. I was admitted into class I. the warmth with which my classmates
received me dispelled all my fears. Another interesting memory is the village
hat. The hat used to sit twice a weak near a river. I usually went there with
some other children. There was a bush near our house, hundreds of birds would make
their nests in that bush, and sometimes I went there with other boys. Some
adventurous boys caught small birds from the holes of the trees. During
holidays when my mother went to sleep at noon, we went to the railway line.
There I together with other children gathered pebbles. We watched how the
trains passed with innumerable unknown facts. Childhood is free from worries
and has infinite capacity for enjoyment.
146. My class teacher |
The name of my class
teacher is Md. Ataur Rahman. He is our English teacher. He is smart
handsome, well dressed, hardworking and regular. All of the students of our
school are very devoted to him. When he enters in our classroom we respect him
from our bottom of heart and then sit down silently. When he begins go teach us
we become spellbound because of his wonderful teaching method. He always uses
body language to teach us which is very helpful to us. Mr. Ataur Rahman is a
very qualified teacher and he has outstanding academic result. I like my class
teacher very much and always wait to participate in his class.
147. My daily routine |
The life
how a man spends all day long is a daily life. I get
up from bed at dawn. After washing my hands and feet,
I take a walk by the river side. I return home and have breakfast. Then I sit
down to my studies. I read up to 9:30 a.m. then I have my bath and meal and go
to school. Our classes begin at 11 a.m. the school breaks up at 4-30 p.m. I
then return home. After taking some light refreshments, I go to the playground
and play games with my friends. At dusk, I come back home and sit down to read.
I remain busy with my books till 10 p.m. then I have my supper with the members
of my family. After supper I watch the T.V. for some time, and then I say my
prayer and go to bed. On holidays, I pass my days in preparing my lessons and
talking part in games and other social activities.
148. My father |
My father’s
name is Shah-jahan Madbor. He is about 50 years old. He is an M.A. in English.
He is a professor of a college. In his profession he
got every success. All of his students are so satisfied with his teaching method. He is very helpful to the students.
Besides he does various social activities for the
betterment of the mass people. My father always stands by other people at the
time of their troubles. So my father is very popular to our neighbors. I also
love my father very much.
149. My favorite Bangladeshi food |
I am a Bangladeshi. So, I like
Bangladeshi foods such as rice, fish , dal , vegetables, Fruits like
mangoes , jack-fruits , bananas ,pineapples, black-berries etc. And
foods made from these fruits are favorite to me. Rice and fish are my favorite
food. Besides, bread and butter made in Bangladeshi are my favorite food. L
like polao with beef very much. Seasonal homemade foods like vapa pitha in the
month of pouch are my favorite food. Actually, we have traditional home –made
foods and they are very delicious. I like small fish curry very much. The
hilsha fish are available in Bangladeshi. I like rice with hilsha fish curry.
Various types of foods such as pitha made from date-juice in the month of poush
and magh is very delicious I like to have it early in the morning.
Nevertheless, I am really habituated in having rice and fish which is very
common and favorite food in Bangladesh.
150. My favorite teacher |
All teachers cannot be favorite
equally to every student. Among all one or two become popular and favorite by
dint of their extra ordinary qualities with
amazing teaching techniques. I am a student of
class eight. There are 25 teachers in our school. Among there Mr. Karim is my
most favorite teacher. He comes of a noble family. He is about 40. He is an
M.A. he is amiable, elegant and hard –working. His mode of teaching is
excellent. He makes the most difficult easy. He is so helpful that we can
approach him any time. He often visits the residence of efferent students
and enquirers about their conditions. This rare quality of him has
made him popular in our locality. For all many successes, I owe much to Mr.
Karim. He one best teachers of our area. I love and
respect him most.
151. My favorite TV programme |
I watch TV programmes. My favorite TV
programme is Discovery. There are many places of historical interest in
Bangladesh and all over the world. It is not possible for a man to go to those
places in in person and see with his own eyes. A person may have much money but
time, health and other circumstances may not permit him to go and see the
places. But he can see and enjoy the places on the TV screen at a little cost.
He need not spend much money and take much labour to visit those places.
Discovery programme performs this very thing and serves our purpose of seeing
the place of historical interest. I see all these places where I have not been.
I come to know about those places and their importance. It teaches us many
things. In a word it is very much instructive, informative and interesting.
152. My first day at a new school |
My Name is Kabir Hossain Madbor. I
read in Brachikondi High School in Shariatpur
district. My father was a government employee. Suddenly he was transferred to
Chittagong. So I had to go there. I got Myself admitted into nurpur high
school. It was totally new to him. On the first day at this school he was very
nervous. Because I did not know anybody there. I thought that a new school was
a new experience. I went to school with my father. At first we met the
headmaster. He was a serious but kind man. He assured me not to be worried. The
headmaster introduced me to him to his class teacher and other students. Returning
home he wrote some names and information in his notebook.
153. My grandmother |
My grandmother’s
name is Mrs. Asia begum. She comes of a respectable Muslim family. She can read
and write. Now she is sixty. She can move easily. She is a gentle lady. She is also very kind to the poor. She
takes great care of all the members of the family. She lives me very much. In
my childhood she used to tell me fine stories and I would sleep beside her. She
has brought me up. For this reason whenever I become side, she becomes very
anxious. But when I come round, her face beams with joy. She wants to see me
happy. She takes care of my education. During my childhood my grandmother used
to teach me the letters of Bangla, English and Arabic.
Even today if my parents scold me for any fault of mine, they are taken to task
seriously by my grandmother. My grandmother is really a nice woman.
154. My hobby |
By hobby we mean something which
anybody enjoys during his leisure. It is a great source of pleasure and I mean
everybody should have a hobby. My favourite hobby is reading book. I like this
hobby very much because I can spend my leisure well by my hobby. No other
things give me such pleasure as reading book. Whenever I get spare time, sit to
read books. It enriches know ledge and roaders my outlook. Books have become my
best friends. I have a good collection of books of various categories. I am to
face some problems to satisfy my hobby. I try to collect different books for
which I need much money. However I overcome my problem in various ways. My
hobby my not bring me money but it provides amusement and removes my monotony
of life.
155. My home |
My home
is a village. It is a brick built house. My family consists of seven members.
There are my parents, grandfather and grandmother. We are two brothers and
sisters. I am the eldest of them. My grandfather is a retired government school teacher. At present he spends his time in
social activities. My grandmother is a nice old lady. My father is doctor
working in a government hospital. My mother is a professor of English is a
college. My younger brother and sister read in
class viii. They are sharp. It looks very beautiful. It faces the south. So the
sunshine and fresh air can easily enter the house. It has three bed rooms, a
study for my and a small veranda. The kitchen stands on the north and for this
smoke cannot enter onto the house. There is a flower garden in front of my
study. It stands on a high road. The river chitra enhances the beauty of my
house as it flows with its murmuring sound just beside the house. So, I am
happy to five in such a fine house which is far away from the din and bustle of
city life.
156. My homeland / My country |
There is on country like our
Bangladesh in the world. It is in south-east Asia. It is a nice country and its
area is about 1, 47,570 square kilometres. About fourteen crore people live in
our country. We struggled for nine months to make our country free from the
deplorable occupation of Pakistani rulers. At last our country became
independent in 1971 from the invader. Bangladesh is an agricultural country
kinds of crops grow here. We grow rice, jute, tea, wheat, sugar-cane in our
country. Jute and tea are our cash crops. We earn foreign exchanges by
exporting them. Muslims, Hindus and Christians all the people of different
communities live here together in peace. Most of them are religious. The people
of our country are famous for hospitality. I love my country and I am proud of
157. My madrasah common-room |
A madrasah common-room is the part and parcel of a madrasah
It is center of amusement and recreation. It is the center of amusement and
recreation. It gives the students immense pleasure when they feel bored in the
classes. Our madrasah has a big common-room. It is in the ground
floor of the madrasah It is well-ventilated. It faces the south.
There are three doors and six windows in the common-room. The room is
well-furnished .there are desks, chairs and tables
in the room. Dailies, weeklies, monthlies and other magazines are kept ready on
the tables. We read them in the leisure period and learn many things, besides;
there are various articles of indoor games like carom –board’s table tennis,
chess etc. There are four sets carom –boards and two table boards. They
give us pleasure and enjoyment. This is also a place of hot political
discussion. Some students gossip here. But smoking is completely forbidden
here. Our madrasah common-room is a great attraction for us. So we
cannot think of our madrasah without a common room.
158. My mother |
The person whom I love very much is my
mother. She is about forty years old. She is an
ideal housewife. She is very gentle, polite, affectionate and intelligent. She
is a woman of good taste. She keeps our house
neat and clean. She performs the household chores
very superbly. She is an educated woman. She takes great care of our education.
She is my best teacher and guide. She directs me to follow the right path. She
wants me well educated and established in life. She is very king and helpful to
the poor. She is an intimate woman. She likes to keep good terms with her
neighbors. She is a woman of plain living and high thinking. I am proud of
having such an ideal mother.
159. My neighbors |
Man is s social being. So he can’t
live alone. In a particular place he lives with others. These other people are
called neighbors. My neighbors are many and we live in a city. They belong to
different professions and callings. All of my neighbors are well behaved. They
are very simple, frank and sociable. My next door is a young man
named Abdul Rahman. He is very sweet in nature. He is a mild tempered
gentleman. He is a government employee and his wife is a housewife. They are
very affectionate to me. All their deeds are praiseworthy. Their kindness to
the distressed people is untold. Other neighbors are also good. They also do
constructive works in the society. Humanity is the main characteristic of my
neighbors. They add to my happiness and lessen my misery by their sympathy. In
our sorrowful moment they come to solve our problems. So it is our bounden duty
to keep good terms with our neighbors.
160. My neighbors |
The people who live near each other are known as neighbors. As a
social being, I also live with the neighbors. I live in the city and most of my
neighbors city dwellers. They are of different professions. Some of them are
service holders, some of them are businessman and some others are of other
professions. All my neighbors are well-mannered, sociable and friendly. We are
co-operative to each other. I have a good relation with my neighbors. They are
amiable and their views are broad. I stand by them when they are in distress.
They also do the same. We are very helpful to each other. My neighbors never
compete with one another. They are not envious of anyone’s progress. We always
welcome if any of us gets success in any affair. If there is any
misunderstanding among us, we try to make a peaceful solution. All of my
neighbors are ready to sacrifice for others. A good mutual understanding
remains among us. Most of my neighbors live a simple
life. I am happy to live with such neighbors.
161. My pen |
The pen I always use is pilot. It is
very nice to look at. Its colour is dark blue. It writes very well. I like my
pen very much. My elder brother sent it to me from the japan as a gift. Since
then, this pen is my constant companions. The pen is very dear to me for its
outlook and functions. When I write with this pen, it seems simply to glide.
Besides, the written words assume like pearls. My pen is also from others. It
consumes less ink than other pens. As a whole, I am very proud of my pen. I
shall preserve it very carefully forever.
162. My pen-friend |
A pen-friend is a person with whom one
becomes friendly by exchanging letters. The name of my pen-friend is Mijan who
is a citizen of Canada. He lives with his parents in Toronto. He has two little
sisters and they are very sweet. My friend reads in class VIII and he is very
curious about our country. We write letters to each other and we also exchange
gifts. My friend has sent me many photographs of his country. He has written to
me about his country people, culture and other important things. I have also
sent some photographs and described my country to him. He wants to visit our
country soon. He is very friendly and well mannered. As a result we are related
to each other nicely.
163. My school |
My name of school is Brachikondi high
school. It is located at Brachikondi in the district of Shariatpur. This school
is one of the well-known schools of our district. The main building of this school
is two storied and the building is very impressive. My school has fifteen
classrooms, the headmaster’s room, the teacher’s room, the office room and the
girl’s common room. There are two thousand students and seventy teachers in my
school. The relation between the teachers and the students is harmonious and
the teachers are very helpful to the students. The students also respect their
teachers from the bottom of heart. The result of our school is very
satisfactory and I am proud of my school.
164. My school garden |
Gardening is a part of student life.
We have a garden in our school. It is in front of our school. We have made the
garden a sunny land near the ring-well of the school. The garden is very
beautiful to look at. Lit has made our school look more beautiful. We grow
various kinds of vegetables and flowers in our garden. They grow in plenty. The
garden is very profitable. With make good profit the garden. Our headmaster and
other teachers are very pleased with us. They have helped us in many ways. They
often help us still now. We get pleasure working in the garden. We look after
the garden sincerely. It is a great source of our pleasure. We love our garden
very much and we take utmost care of it.
165. My school library |
Library is a place where a vast number of
books are kept for reading. It is said to be a store
house of knowledge We have a school
library. It is on the first floor of our main school building. The room
is a big one. There are there doors and six windows in the room. The walls and
ceiling of the room are white are washed. There are chairs
and tables in our library. The books are arranged in rows in the
Almirah. We borrow books. There are about fifteen thousands of books on
different branches of knowledge in our library and all books have been arranged
in a scientific way so that anyone can find out a book easily by
using cataloger. Our librarian is a very learned man who always
encourages us to read more and more. My school library is a holy place to me.
We have forty minutes library hour every day and we enjoy the hour very much.
We are proud of our school library.
166. My self |
My Name is Kabir Hossain Madbor. I am
a student. I read in class eight. My age is thirteen. I do everything following
a daily routine. I go to school regularly. In my class I listen to my teachers
attentively. I never quarrel with anybody. And I never keep bad company. I
learn my lessons with great care. I do not waste my time. I sit to read while
it is time for reading and go to play while it is time for playing. I never put
of my lessons for the next day. I obey the rules of the school strictly. I
respect my teachers and they like me so much. Travelling is my hobby. Whenever
I get chance, I travel. I also help my parents in their works. Besides, I teach
the illiterate persons of my village during the spare time. I help the older
and take part is some other social activities As a result. All kinds of people
love me very much. I always find pleasure in carrying out the order of my
parents and teachers.
167. My visit to a zoo |
During the last winter vacation, I
along with a few friends went to visit our national zoo. It is located at
Mirpur. It is the biggest zoo in our country covering a huge area. I saw there
many kinds of birds and animals. But the birds and animals that drew my
attention most were tigers, lions, elephants, monkeys, dear etc. at first I
went into the shed in which the monkeys were. Before I could get near I could
hear their chattering. They were jumping from one bar to another. I liked their
performances and gave them a whole bunch of plantains. My attention was next
draw to the cage in which there were two big snakes, thy seemed to be asleep.
The sight of the snakes made my blood creep. I then saw some deer whose
beautiful eyes attracted me. I turned away from them to the place where the
tigers were held in a cage. They greeted me and many others with loud growls.
They impressed me with their majesty. I left rather happy when I visited the
birds. They were of various colours and shapes. They were large in number. They
attracted me most. I saw two crocodiles kept in a small pond. I also saw
gorilla. A also visited some other beasts and water animals. I spent several
hours; there were some fast food shops. I took light refreshment. The
environment was calm and quiet. The natural scenery of our national zoo is very
beautiful. I was calm and quiet. The natural scenery of our national zoo
is very beautiful. I was beside myself with joy. It was one of the most
memorable days in my life. I bore the visit in my heart.
168. Natural calamities in Bangladesh |
Natural calamity means natural disaster which is caused by nature. Every year Bangladesh falls victim to various natural calamities. They are flood, earthquakes and many
other natural calamities. The effects of the natural calamities beggar
description. They leave a vast trail of devastation. The effected people and
animals suffer untold sufferings. They cause heavy damage to our life and
properties. Houses are destroyed, cattle are washed away, crops are greatly
damaged and trees are uprooted. Thousands of people and other animals remain
without food for many says. The after effect of some natural calamities is more
serious. Famine breaks out. Many people and animals die for want of food. The
prices of all necessary things go up. Many dangerous diseases like cholera,
typhoid and dysentery etc. break out in an epidemic form. By raising public
awareness and taking necessary precautionary measures and steps natural
calamities can be prevented. The government and all the conscious citizens of
our country should come forward with concerted efforts to prevent natural
169. Necessity of education |
Education is essential to lead a
happy, peaceful and prosperous life. It is needed to provide opportunities of
growth and to overcome obstacle to progress. Education is compared to light
which removes the darkness of ignorance and helps us distinguish between right
and wrong. The task of education is to make a man a citizen – physically,
mentally and morally and prepare him for a profession whereby he could earn his
own livelihood and contribute to the society. It is one of the most important
social phenomenon’s which make sure that the individual is prepared from an
early age to acquire values, Knowledge and practical skills within a particular
culture. Education helps a man keep pace with the people around the world. Thus
education promotes understanding among people. Education contributes greatly
towards change for the better. It is education which teaches a man to fight
against all the problems of life. It helps overcome the obstacles that stand in
the way to development.
170. Necessity of learning English |
English is an international
language. No nation can do without it today. A pilot or a stewardess
knows free English. Also a person who likes to get a job in a foreign office,
in a post office or in a big hotel must know free English. A postman must read
foreign envelopes. A telephone operator must use English to make calls to other
countries. In an airport a pilot or a stewardess must talk to foreigners in
English. A foreign office cannot also function without English knowing people.
Thus the necessity of free learning English cannot
be ignored in any way. So, every one of us should learn
free English.
171. Necessity of school library |
A library
is a storehouse of knowledge and it supplies different kinds of books and
journals to the readers. It is a part and parcel of student
life and it is useful to students in many ways. Any student can read
books freely in a library. Our school has a library and it is the source of
different kinds of books and journals. The library has a good collection of
books. We go to our library and read books according to our taste and choice.
There is a librarian who is the in charge of our library. He helps us in many
ways. He guides us in the choice of books. We should try our best to make the
best use of the library.
172. Necessity of sports |
Sports are very essential for us.
There are various types of sports. Among them cricket, football, volleyball,
swimming etc. are very popular. All types of sports are beneficial to us. There
is relation between the body and the mind a sound mind in a sound body is a
wise saying. In order to win success in life we should have sound health which
depends on regular participation in games and sports. Sports keep us physically
fit. Sports exercise an important influence in forming one’s personality.
Another value of sports and games is that forget our cares and anxieties.
Sports also teach us coolness, courage and self-control. I am fond of playing
outdoor games especially football. Sports strengthen international brotherhood.
The sports venue becomes a meeting place of people from different countries
when people of different nations get
173. Newspaper |
Newspaper is a paper which contains
news and views of home and abroad. It is called the store house of knowledge.
It presents the world before our eyes. Newspapers are of various kinds. They
are the dailies, the weeklies, the fortnightlies, the monthlies etc. the daily
newspapers are more popular and contain news of daily affairs and views of the
whole world. Newspaper benefits us in many ways. We can know easily what is
happening in the other parts of the world by reading newspaper. It has made the
world closer to information in It. It contains the news of politics of
mass-communication. We get all kinds and sports and other affairs. People of
all sections feel the necessity of newspapers. Reading newspapers increases our
knowledge. Newspaper is of great use to the students. It develops their general
knowledge and knowledge of language. A man who does not read newspaper is like
a frog in the well. Newspaper has become part and parcel of our modern
civilization. We cannot think of a day without it.
174. Newspaper reading |
Newspaper reading is a good habit. In
the morning we eagerly wait for a newspaper. We cannot have our breakfast
without a newspaper of the day. We cannot do a single day without newspaper. It
is a part and parcel in our day to day life. Newspaper is of great use to us.
It serves the purpose of people of different sections. It acquaints us with the
whole world. We get all sorts of information in the world around us, by reading
newspaper we know about politics, economics, culture, literature, games and
sports of the whole world. Newspaper reading a man can keep pace with time. So
the uses of newspaper reading cannot be described in words.
175. Nor’wester |
Though Bangladesh is the darling child
of nature almost every year she is visited by many natural
calamities. Nor’wester is one of them. For western means the strong wind
or storm that blows from the north –west in the Bengali months
chitra and baishakh. The wind blows violently. Sometimes there is lightning.
Occasionally thunders roar. The sky remains overcast with deep black clouds.
Natures look very gloomy. There is terrible sound all around. People shudder in
fear. The havoc that Nor’wester causes beggars description. It causes great
damage to our life, Property and crops. Houses are blown away . Trees are
uprooted and big branches are broken with a crushing sound. Boro paddy is
pretty damaged. In word people become quite helpless. However Nor’wester is the
symbol of hope and creation. It teaches man to struggle hard against the
cruelties of nature. People take heart and again start life with new hope.
176. Nuclear family |
I live in Dhaka city
with my parents. I live in a nuclear family.
But I have relatives and other family members in the villages. Previously
my parents lived with my grandparents in the villages. And it was an extended
family. But things have changed now. They no longer like live within such a big
family. In cities extended families are breaking down and nuclear families are
getting popularity mainly for economic and social reasons. In a nuclear family,
there are a very few people. So there are less noise, work and responsibility.
Everyone in a nuclear family is very close to each other and spends time for
each other. However in a nuclear family, this often creates tension and gap
among the family members.
177. Nursing |
Man has three duties –duty to god,
duty to parents and duty to mankind. A nurse is
such a person who dedicates her whole life to the
service of the people who are ill, injured and wounded .the field she renders
her dedicated service is called nursing. The job a nurse the minimum
academic qualification is S.S.C in our country. Moreover, one has to study for
three years in the nurses training centre and this
is followed by one year’s practical training in any medical college hospital.
This will lead one to have a (B.S.C Degree) in nursing. After completing
the course successfully nurses are employed in hospitals and clinics. The job
of a nurse is very tiring. She is always busy. She looks after the patients,
pushes them injection when necessary. A doctor only prescribes medicines but it
is a nurse who helps the patients in taking medicines. A nurse is very
vigilant. She renders her heartfelt service to mitigate the agonies and
sufferings of the patient’s .the importance of a nurse beggar’s description.
Hospitals and clinics cannot even a single day without a nurse, but it is a
matter of great regret that a nurse is not held in due respect. So steps should
be taken to ensure due social and financial status for the nurses so that they
can keep the torch of Florence nightingale ever illuminated.
178. Our country |
Bangladesh is a small low-lying
country in the south Asia on the Bay of Bengal.
Bangladesh became independent in 1971 at the cost of supreme sacrifice of many
valiant sons. The ancient city Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. People of
different religious live here. They are mostly Muslims, Hindus, Christians, and
Buddhists. People of different tribes also live here. Bangladesh has an age old
tradition and customs. People observe different festivals on different
occasions. The most common customs and traditions the people observe are pahela
baishakh, nabanan, pahela falgun etc. since Bangladesh is the darling child of
nature, and she has got some attractive tourist spots which are full of natural
scenic beauty. So the country has many tourist spots. They are cox’s bazar sea beach, kuakata, the sunderbans, the mosque, the
Buddhist Bihar etc.
179. Our Environment |
The environment refers to the air,
water and land in which people, animals, and plants live. So human beings,
animals, plants, air, water and soil, natural forces such as storms, cyclones
and earthquakes and climate make up the environment. All things that make up
the environment are interrelated. The way in which people, animals and plants
are related to each other and to their surroundings is known as ecology. The
ecosystem is a complex web that links animals, plants and every other life form
in the biosphere. All these things hang together. The system is in a steady
state of dynamic balance. If the relationship is disturbed, it affects all the
other parts. For example, the destruction of forests may have serious
ecological balance is necessary. We can maintain ecological balance by doing
wise things. It is our duty to prevent the environment from being spoilt.
180. Our headmaster |
The name of our headmaster is Mijan.
He is a well-educated person. He is an M. A. in English; he is highly qualified
and well-trained. He always remains busy in his office. His administrative
power is excellent. He is not only a good administrator but also a good
teacher. He teacher we English. He takes a few classes. He often visits our classroom
and gives us valuable advice. He possesses a strong personality. He is out a
gentleman. He is punctual and regular in his duties. He is very frank and
friendly when we meet him for any affair. Sometimes, he is reserved and harsh
if we do any wrong. If any student disobeys the rules of the school, he
punishes him. He is the guardian of the students and the teacher of the school.
He meets our parents every three months and let them know about our
development. Our headmaster is a very wise man. He is popular among the
teachers and students. We all respect him very much.
181. Our madrasah |
I am a student of class seven .the
name of our madrasah is Shariatpur madrasah. It is the district of Shariatpur.
Our madrasah is a two- storeyed building. There are
thirty rooms in it. About one thousand student study
in our madrasah There are twenty teachers to teach the students. The
madrasah has a rich library. There is a big play ground in front of our
madrasah. Our teachers are well qualified. Our principal is a kamil. The
results of our are very satisfactory I am proud of my madrasah.
182. Our national flag |
National flag is the symbol of independence to a
nation. Every nation of the world has a national flag of its own. Bangladesh
has also a national flag. The proportion of its length and breadth is 10:6. Our
national flag is a piece of rectangular green cloth with a round red dislike
patch in the middle. The radius of the red circle is one-fifth of the length of
the flag. The green color represents the admiration of youthful vigor as well
the green fields and the ever green subtropical forest of Bangladesh. The
circle symbolizes the rising sun with new hopes and aspiration of a new nation.
The flag is hoisted everyday on top of our important government building and
educational institutions. It is hoisted everywhere on the Independence Day and
the victory day. Our national flag always inspires us to dedicate our lives for
the greater interest of the country. So we are proud of it (design flag).
183. Our school library |
A library is the place which can help
a man to satisfy his unquenchable thirst for knowledge. A school library is a
part and parcel of an educational institution. Our school has a rich library.
It is housed in a separate building. Our school library is well-decorated.
There are three big rooms in it. The two rooms are reading rooms. Boys and
girls have separate rooms. In the other room books are arranged in Almiras.
There are about 5,000 books in our library. They include many reference books
on our different subjects. It also contains some rare books on history and
culture. Only the students can read and borrow books from the library. For this
they are issued library cards. A student can borrow two or three kooks at a
time and keep them at home for a week. But in the reading room he is allowed to
read as many books as he can. It remains open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. except on
holidays. Our school library is a great attraction for us. We are really proud
of it.
184. Our school magazine |
The name of our school is P.T.G.D.
Govt. High School. Like others, we have a school magazine. It is published once in a year. The
title of our magazine is “The light of Dawn”. It’s get up is very nice. At
first a magazine committee is formed in a general meeting for the publication
of the magazine. The headmaster of the school is the president of the
committee. He inspires us to submit our writings. An English teacher is the
adviser. The other members of the committee help him for the publication of the
magazine. The magazine contains essays, poems, stories, feature etc. both in
English and Bengali. It also contains the massage of the headmaster. Mainly
students write for this magazine. Some teachers write also for it all the
students and the members of the committee do their best duties properly for the
publication of a good magazine. It helps us to
know more about literature.
185. Our village |
The name of our village
is Sujandual. It is in the district of Shariatpur. It is a nice village by the
river Krittinasha. Almost four thousand people live in our village and of these
people are farmers. They cultivate land and grow rice, jute, oil-seeds etc.
There is a small village market in the southern
end of the village. Some villagers are day labourers and some other is petty
businessman. Most of them are uneducated and half-educated. They are poor. A
few of them are educated and wealthy. There are a primary school, a non govt.
high school and the head office of a N.G.O. in our village. There is a
harmonious relation among the people of our village. They lead a simple and
happy life. So I am proud of our village.
186. People of my new school |
I read in nurpur high school, Chittagong. I am in class 8. The people of
my new school are friendly. When I went there for the first time, all were unknown
to me. The headmaster is very polite. He encouraged me not to get nervous for a
new place. My class teacher took me to the class out of fatherly affection. He
introduced me to the class. He gave brief discussion about me. Some students
came forward. A curtain lifted. We became friends. Therefore, I took down ten
names of my classmates. They showed me many things. They were really friendly.
Their companionship as well as friendship opened a new chapter in my life.
187. People’s activities on February 21 |
On February 21 people get up early in
the morning remembering the memory of the martyrs. They walk barefooted to the
shahid minar. Most of them put on black badges on their breast or shoulder.
They go to the shahid minar singing the most cherished song Amar bhaer rockte
rangano. They pay homage and tribute to the memory of the martyrs. They offer
flowers, prayer and suras to the martyr’s souls. They also gather in the
mosque, temple and some other religious institution and pray for salvation of
the martyrs departed soul. People also attend meetings and seminars to get
inspiration to uphold their mother tongue.
188. Physical exercise |
Physical exercise means regular movement of our limbs.
It keeps our body fit and strong. Good health is one of the greatest blessings
of life. It is necessary to take regular exercise to possess good health.
Regular exercise keeps our body and mind sound. A
sound mind lies in a sound body. Without taking physical exercise one cannot
enjoy sound health. It increases our strength, stamina and ability to work. It
provides us fresh energy. Everybody should take physical exercise according to
his age and ability. All kinds of exercise are not suitable for everyone.
Walking is suitable for the old and the weak, swimming and other games and
sports are suitable for the young and stout people. Regular exercise develops
blood circulation and our power of digestion. It helps to keep various
diseases. He cannot enjoy a happy and healthy life.
All of us should take physical exercise regularly to ensure a healthy life.
189. Picnic |
Picnic is a source of pleasure and
enjoyment. In the summer vacation, I with some of my friends arranged a picnic.
We selected Gazipur for the picnic spot. On the fixed day, we hired a
minibus to go to picnic. We took all the necessary preparations for the picnic.
We started for the place at 8 a.m. we reached Gazipur at 10 a. m. after lunch
we went out for sight-seeing. We visited all. The historical relics and saw the
famous things. The national bark of Gazipur charmed us most. We
started for home at 5 p. m. really we enjoyed the picnic very much.
190. Planning for the future |
A good plan always brings a good
result. In the textbook, Mrs. Amin encourages the students.
Mrs. Amin tells her students about it. She also feels sorry for Mr. Grasshopper
who never thinks of his future life. She always
advises her students to follow the path of Mr. Ant because; Mr. Ant represents
a role of a diligent person. The students got stimulation in it, she advises
them about gardening, especially the cultivation of all-season vegetables. Mr.
Anis Ahmed supplies the student’s good seeds and seedlings for the purpose. The
students plant them. They got a very fruitful result.
191. Pollution |
Pollution means contamination of
environment. Our environment is polluted in two ways –air pollution and water
pollution. Air is polluted in many ways. Smoke pollutes air; man makes fire to
cook his food, to make brick, melts pitch for road construction and burns wood.
All these things produce heavy smoke and this smoke pollutes air. Railway
engines, mills and factories and power houses use coal and oil. Buses, trucks
and cars use petrol and diesel. Again all use chemical fertilizers and
insecticide in tier lands to grow more food. the rain and fluids wash factories
pollute water by throwing the waste materials and unsold products into the
rivers and canals , steamers , launches and even sail boats pollute water by
throwing oil, food waste and human waste into the big canals and rivers.
Unsanitary latrines in the countryside standing on the banks of the rivers and
canals also pollute water. Thus air and water are polluted and as a result our
environment gets polluted.
192. Population explosion |
When population
becomes very big in relation to the ability of food
production is called population explosion. Now the world has a
population of about five hundred crores. The population of the world especially
in the third world countries is increasing very
rapidly. If population increases this way, the whole world will face a serious
consequence. So, the whole world is very concerned about population problem.
Bangladesh is the most densely population country in the world. It is a small country
of 55598 square miles. But it has a population over 120 million. About
1500-1600 people live in one square miles. Every year more than two million
people are being added to our population. The problem now out of control. It
has now come to the position of explosion. The area of Bangladesh is too small
to support her vast population. As a result it creates food problem,
communication problem, educational problem, unemployment problem, shelter
problem, health problem. Medical problem, environmental problem and poverty. We
should, therefore, learn well all about this great problem. We should realize
the serious consequences of rapid growth of population. There are various ways
that should be followed to stop the high birth rate. Each and every family should
live in a planned way. Early marriage should be banned. No family should be
allowed to have more than two children. Our womenfolk should be educated so
that they can know how to lead a happy, healthy and peaceful life. There should
be wide publicity about the serious consequence of high birth rate through
Radio, TV and other mass media.
193. Poverty |
By poverty we mean a situation in
which man cannot meet the basic needs of life.
Most of the people of our country are very poor. They live below poverty line. They can hardly keep body and soul together. However this poverty can be
alleviated to some extent. Our lands should be cultivated scientifically.
Scientific method and modern farming should be created. Animal should be
introduced and all these things will go a long way to alleviate poverty.
194. Public awareness for waste management |
Waste or rubbish is what we throw away
every day. It includes everything from unwanted old cars
to cigarette packets. As the amount of waste is growing rapidly all over the
world and polluting the environment, the time has come to think about it very
seriously. We cannot altogether get rid of our waste, but a proper management
of it can certainly reduce it. If we think if burning, burying, recycling and
thus reducing our waste, we can save our environment
to a large extent. We can use some waste as fuel. We can use vegetable waste to
make compost to improve our soil. In many countries it is now quite normal to
collect old bottle and cans and recycle our soil. In many countries it is now
quite normal to collect old bottle and cans and recycle them. More and more
companies should come forward to promote greater recycling and changes in
consumption patterns to reduce the amount of rubbish and help people to save
the environment. A proverb goes that a stitch in time saves nine. So we should
do the right thing at the right moment because timely action brings for us
great success and saves us from a lot troubles. Moreover, we know prevention is
better than cure. So it is high time to take proper steps and necessary measure
to raise awareness about the problem of waste management.
195. Punctuality |
Punctuality means the habit of doing things in
the right time. It means proper use of time. Our life is very short. It is the
sum total of seconds, minutes and house. But we have got many things to do. It
teachers us to do everything on time because time waits for none. It teaches us
not to put off things for tomorrow. It saves our time. It gives us ample time
to do many things. It leads us to the peak of glory. It enables us to perform
our duties in time and thus we can avoid any kind of troubles. It is at the
root of any success. It is a great virtue. Its importance beggars description.
So the habit of punctuality should be formed form our childhood.
196. Radio |
Radio is one of the greatest
scientific inventions of modern science. It is very important as a media as it
is an easy means of entertainment and communication. It performs its function
through the air by electromagnetic waves without wires. It is popular to all
classes’ people. It offers us news, recreational programs, educational
programmers; weather forecast etc. various important issues including different
types of government programme are broadcast through the radio. It has an
educative value too. It can play a vital role in educating the common people.
The rural people are greatly benefited by it. It is a constant
companion in rural Bangladesh. It can make people aware of various diseases,
family planning, sanitation etc. the fisherman in the sea get the weather news
in advance and return home safely. It helps the authority of airport to take
the right decision. It has become a companion to the lonely people and friend
to the friendless. In short, the contribution and importance of a radio in our
life is extensive and undeniable.
197. Rainy day |
A rainy day is a day which is busy all
day long to welcome rain. It is a gloomy day which overcast with black thick
clouds. On that day the sun is disappeared from morning evening. It is very
difficult to go out without an umbrella and the roads become muddy and
slippery. It likes a rainy day and I welcome a rainy day. On that day I do not
go out and I read story book lying on the bed. A rainy day is a curse to poor
people because they can’t go out to work and they become unable to earn their
food. Most of the school going students can’t go to the schools and it is like
a holiday to them.
198. Recession |
Generally recession
is an extended decline in general business activity.
A prolonged (there of four years) recession is referred to as an economic
depression. There are many causes of recession. Most economists believe that
recession is caused by inadequate aggregate demand in the economy. Destructive
wars in many parts of the world consume properly. Besides, acute sense of
insecurity among the people contributes to the formation of recession. The
effect of recession on a developing country like Bangladesh is alarming. It
directly affects the export-import activities of the country. Our garments
industry which earns 76% of our total export income has already been threatened
by an acute uncertainty. Real estate business is
experiencing a decline. Many shareholders have already lost everything. Some
banks are on the verge of being bankrupted. Unemployment problem is already at
its zenith. Many companies are increasing and corruption is still on the rise.
Economic recession is undoubtedly alarming for Bangladesh. BGMEA leaders have
already attracted the attention of the government to take necessary actions
against this global recession. Government has also announced a subsidy for some
particular sectors. But the economists behave that some effective steps must be
taken by the government immediately. Otherwise, our country will face an
unpredictable economic catastrophe.
199. Regularities of my life |
Since, I am a student. I try to
maintain a regular life. I know that no student can succeed in life without
maintaining a regular life is a must reach the goal of life. Since I know the
value of the proverb that early to bed and early to raise, makes a man healthy,
wealthy and wise, I go to, bed early. Health is wealth. A sound mind lives in a
sound body. Without a sound health and a sound mind none can prosper in life.
So I try to have a balanced diet because balanced diet is very necessary to
keep body fit. Every day I study at least for eight hours. I try to write
whatever I read. Since, I have habit of getting up early. I get enough time to
take enough physical exercise regularly. Taking regular physical exercise helps
a man to deep his body fit. I do not spend much time by watching TV programmes.
I only watch those programmes which are related to my study.
200. Rice paragraph |
Rice is a kind of food. It is an
obtained from paddy. Rice is our staple food. It grows in plenty in Bangladesh.
India, Ceylon, Burma, apan and in many countries of
the world. There are plenty many kinds of rice .but the chief varieties are
Aus. Amman and boro. But Amman is superior in quality and grows in plenty in
our country the Amman is sown in the month of shraban and quality and grows in
plenty in our country. The Amman is sown in the month of sraban and Bhadra. It
is reaped in paush, the Aus. grows on high is sown in the month of
baishakh and reaped in Bhadra .the boro grows on marshy places where water stands
till the winter season. It is sown in winter and
reaped in spring. At present a new variety of rice called rare is being
cultivated. It grows fifty to sixty mounds per acre rice is of two kinds atap
and siddha various kinds of delicious foods are prepared from rice.
201. Satellite TV channels |
channels broadcast
by the use of satellite is called satellite TV channels. There is no unmixed
blessing on earth. Everything has its dark side. Despite the dark side of the
programmes of satellite TV, it is beneficial. Some channels cause cultural
decay and moral degradation by telecasting obscene and violent movies, music,
dance and song. Young people most often watch the exciting films on violence
and crime. They also see the obscene films. All these things leave a damaging
effect soft mind. If once bad things lay root deeply in their soft mind, it
will remain in their mind. We can enrich and foster our national culture by
telecasting programmes enriched with our own age old traditional social values
instead of frequent telecast of satellite cultural programmes. We should try to
imitate what is good in satellite culture and give up what is bad there.
202. Sher-E-Bangla |
Sher-E-Bangla A.K. Fazlul Haque our
beloved leader. He is known to every man and woman of our country. He was born
at the village Saturia under Rajapur Upazila in the district of Jhalokati in
1873. His father’s name was memorious from his
boyhood. He passed mathematics and law from Calcutta
University. He entered into active politics and became the chief minister of the undivided Bengal twice. He set up
many schools and colleges for the education of the
village people. He was a real hero .he was one of the greatest politicians in
Bangladesh. He tried to improve the condition of the poor people. This great
man died on the 27th April, 1962 at the age of 90. He will live in
the memory of our countrymen forever.
203. SIDR |
The word SIDR is a Sinhalese word. It
has been termed SIDR because it looked like an eye. It attacked the southern coastal area on 15 November, 2007 , it swept over
sunderbans ,Mongla port , Khulna , bhola, Patuakhali, barguna , jhalakhati,
pirojpur, satkhira, shariatpur , faridpur, gopalgonj, Bagerhat and
Barisal . The cyclone of this time has broken all the records of the past.
Never before did water level rise so high. Thousands
of people died. Many more have become homeless, foodless and cloth less. Even
hundreds of the world famous royal Bengal tigers and the beautiful spotted dear
met watery graves due to the cyclone. Almost one fourth area of the sunderbans
has been destroyed by the cruel cyclone. The misères of the affected people
know no bounds. There are now scarcity of food and pure
drinking water. Crops have been damaged greatly. Herd of cattle have
been washed away. Thousands of people are now living under open air, on boats
and embankments etc. moreover, many diseases like cholera, and dearrohea,
dysentery etc. have broken out here and there. The affected people now badly
need food, clothes, medicines, pure drinking water etc. however, the people.
The government has taken all necessary steps to help and rehabilitate the
affected people. The government has also drawn the attention of many foreign
governments. They have also extended their help. During a natural calamity like
SIDR young students can render better services. They can stand by the affected
people. They can raise fund by collecting money, rescue people, feed the
hungry, and nurse the sick and cloth the cloth less.
204. Social value |
Social values are the customs, belief,
tastes, social, practices and norms, and attitudes of a particular social
community. Social value refers to the attitude or code of conduct that an
individual in certain society has to conform to. Social values determine course
of social life of a person and regulate his of her life to a great extent. It
is one’s commitment to social values that one cannot get involved in
anti-social and criminal or notorious activities. Social values direct an
individual to maintain social harmony, to conform to what is accepted majority
of the society, and refrain him or her from doing such things those are
destructive to social peace and order. In the past social values were very
compact and rigid and every individual tried best to maintain or conform to
that values. But now people are unconscious and sometimes callous to social
values. Lust, greed for money and power, injustice and discrimination in
society, excessive desire or mania to achieve something illegally and unfairly,
and desire for material gain are the causes of present degradation of social
values. As a result we observe degradation of social values in our society.
Violation and degradation of social values have adverse effects in the society.
As we see around us that Younger don’t show any respect to their
superiors, family ties breakdown, often a family disintegrates, children go
astray, young people become drug addicted, or get involved in various
anti-social and immoral activities. These are all signs of people’s loss of the
sense of morality of ethics resulting from social degradation. We should be
alert to preserve social values. To do so , we can
develop intro social relationship among its members, keep an eye on
our younger so that that they are not derailed , and not allow any
such things to happen that destroy people’s morality and goad them to do
unsocial and anti-social things.
205. Sound pollution |
Today sound pollution
is one of the talked topics of the day. It has reached an unbearable lever. The
unnecessary use of powerful vehicular horns is the main source of sound
pollution the city. Besides, faulty vehicles, construction
sites, loud speaker and thousands of workshops let out loud noises round the clock. In the city, millions of people especial
children are exposed to sound pollution. This sound pollution will damage
children’s power of hearing. Sound pollution is so much harmful that it can
cause a wide range of malfunctions in the human body including heart attack,
high-blood presser, chronic depression, respiratory disorders etc. we should
take necessary measures to control sound pollution by developing public
awareness and careful town planning. Use of hydraulic horns should be banned
strict should by enforced regarding sound pollution. Use of hydraulic horns
should be banned strictly.
206. Street children in Bangladesh |
Everybody has some idea about the
street children of Bangladesh. The real picture of these street children id
very pathetic. They are shelterless. They have no particular living or sleeping
place. They sleep on the street. Sometimes they move aimlessly on the street.
Some of them push push-carts for earning their parents livelihood. They are
also found begging on the street. They may have parents. But their parents do
not take proper care of them. They do not get any opportunity to go to school.
They are completely illiterate. Sometimes, they have to bear physical
punishment. In fact, they are deprived of all sorts of child right. It is a
matter of great regret. Today’s child is tomorrow’s future. So all of us
including the government should take necessary steps so that they can enjoy
their legal rights.
207. Swine flu |
Recently swine flu has become a very powerful
threat for the people all over the world. It is first diagnosed in Mexico and
now it has spread in many parts of the world. Swine influenza which is also
called swine flu, hog flu or pig flu is an infection of a host animal by any
one of several specific types of microscopic organisms
called swine flu virus. The outbreak of swine flu in
2009, known as six strains are the influenza c virus and the subtypes of the
influenza a virus known as H1 N1 H1N1 H3N2 and N2N3. Swine influenza is common
in pigs in the Midwestern United States, Mexico, Canada, South
America, Europe, Kenya, mainland china, Taiwan, japan, and other parts
of eastern Asia. The origin of this new attain of virus is unknown. There are
three types of influenza viruses that cause human flu; two also cause influenza
in pigs, with influenza virus A being common in pigs and influenza virus c
being rare. The 2009 flu outbreak is due to a new strain of subtype H1N1 not
previously reported in pigs. In late April , Margaret Chan , the world health organization’s director general, declared a public health emergency of international concern under the
rules of the WHO’s new international health regulations when the first cases of
the H1N1verus were reported in the united states. Following the outbreak, on
May 2, 2009, it was reported in pigs at a farm in Alberta, Canada, with a link
to the outbreak in Mexico. The pigs are suspected to have caught this new
strain virus from a farm worker who recently returned from Mexico, then showed
symptoms of an influenza like illness. People who work with poultry and swine,
especially people with intense exposures may be attacked with swine flu. In the
present world swine flu has posed a great threat to the people of different
countries. Bangladesh is also in a vulnerable situation. It has already taken
away many human lives. Even one Bangladeshi has died of this flu in Mexico.
Hence, consciousness among the people must be developed by arranging seminars,
conferences, meeting on it government should take initiative in this regard.
208. Television-its uses and abuses |
Today TV in the most important mode of
entertainment to all classes and ages of people in
the towns and cities. There is hardly any house where there is not a TV set.
Even in the villages, we see that wealthy persons
have a TV set. But the young generation is badly addicted to it which set us
thinking. Though, all the programmes on the TV are not harmful, we have to
think what it giving and taking away from our young is generating. Young people
most often watch the exciting films on violence and crime. They also see the
obscene films. All these things leave a damaging effect on their soft mind. If
once bad things lay root deeply in their soft mind, it will remain in their
mind. They will try to commit crimes and violence in an aristocratic way and it
needs no telling that young persons are going astray day by day. They are
becoming addicted to narcotics. They don’t like any kind of educative
programme. So, the guardian should be more cautious in the matter from of
running TV. They should allow their boys and girls
to see only those programmes from which they can derive much benefit and make
the right use to build up their career. Again, we should not forget the proverb
that forbidden things always taste sweet.
209. Tension |
Tension means mental, emotional or
nervous strain. Almost all the educated people are well acquainted with the
term. Tension may be of different kinds. It is very dangerous. A person may
suffer from tension for various reasons. When a person is in the grip of
tension, it causes him many serious diseases like pressure, heart attack, brain
stroke. As a result his health deteriorates day to day. He loses his temper and
balance. He cannot do anything. He comes to no use of the society. Day by day
he becomes sick. As days are passing by tension is mounting high. High
ambition, frustration, social problems, political unrest, economic crisis and
many other things give birth tension. At present we find tension between
nations. However we can get rid of tension by leading a carefree life.
210. The accident |
The accident
is an irony of fate. It may occur at any moment. In the context, Rina’s
grandmother once fell into an accident. Anwar saw this. She lay flat near the college pond. She got seriously hurt.
Anwar informed Rina’s mother of this. She ran quickly to the very sport. Anwar
managed a push-cart. Then she was taken to the hospital for proper treatment people, under the sun, falls a victim to an
accident like Rina’s grandmother.
211. The annual sports of our school |
The annual sports
of a school are really happy and exciting one for
the students and teachers. The last annual sports of our school were held on
March 15, 2012. We decorated every corner of the school compound with green leaves, festoons and colored papers.
The function began at 10 a.m. the national flag was hoisted. Our headmaster
took the salute of March past. Then he declared the opening of the sports.
There were 22 events in all. The most remarkable events of sports were 100
miters, 300 miter, 400 miter and 800 miter races, javelin throw, discuss throw
, long jump, high jump, cycle race, pillow fight, dress as you like etc. I took
part in 100 miter race, long jump and cycle race and secured the first position
I all the three. The prize giving ceremony began at 5 p.m the local M.P was the
chief guest of the function. At first our headmaster delivered a short speech.
Then one of our teachers called out the names of the winners one by one. The
chief guest gave away the prizes. The function came to an end with the vote of
thanks. Rally the occasion was happy to all.
212. The college pond |
The pond lies within the college
campus. So it is regarded as a college pond. It is near the smithy. People
living near the college use its water. The students also nose its water. The
pond is covered with purple water hyacinths. They look very nice .water
hyacinths are useful for manure, cow-fodder and furniture. The college pond
being covered with the hyacinths look charming. It has also increased the
beauty of the college
213. The eggplant |
The eggplant
is a kind of vegetables. It is known as brinjal, the tree of an eggplant is
little with spreading branches and leaves. The tree bears forth brinjal. They
hang to and fro like a pendulum. We can find two kinds of eggplants-long and
short. They are of three colours- violet, white and light green. Eggplants
contain vitamins and minerals. The ball like
eggplants, as it were, peeps through the leaves. People of all classes eat
them. The eggplants are used as curry. Bangladesh produces a lot of eggplants
every year.
214. The game I like most/my favorite sport |
There are many kinds of games in our
country, of all games, I like football most. It was first played in England.
Now it is played in all the countries of the world. It is an exciting game. It
thrills both the players and the spectators. It requires a field of 120 yards `
80 yards. There are two goal posts at each end. There are eleven players in
each of the two teams and a referee to conduct the game. At first the all I
placed at the Centre of the fields and with the
whistle of the referee the game begins. Then each team tries to pass the ball
through the opposite goal post. But they cannot touch with hands except for the
goal keeper. There is an interval of ten minutes. The
sides are changed after the interval. The team which scores more goals wins the
game. Football teaches us discipline, Co-operation and leadership. It is my
favorite game though there are some risks of being injured in it.
215. The kind of family you like |
I live in a small consisting of my
parents and my younger sister. It is a nuclear family. Nowadays life has become
very expensive. Moreover, there is accommodation problem. So nuclear family is
getting popularity. I find that a nuclear family has some advantages. It is
calm and quiet because there are only a few family members. I enjoy peace and
happiness in a nuclear family, I need not think of others. So, I enjoy much
time to do a lot of work. In a can family, I have got less duties and
responsibilities than in an extended family. So, I can remain free from
anxiety. I can have much free to move. In a nuclear family, especially a
student enjoys much free time. Again, a nuclear family is free from noise and
disturbance. So I feel very happy there. But there is no
unmixed blessing in the world. Nuclear family is not without its disadvantages.
One often feels very lonely and bored. If any member faces any problem, there
is none to come forward to important decision because his/her decision may not
be wise always. Despite some disadvantages I like nuclear family.
216. The life of a day labourer |
A day labourer is a person who leads
his life by the sweat of his brow in various fields. He is healthy, string and
stout. He lives with his family in a slum and lives a subhuman life. He is
usually employed in agricultural and construction work. He works form morning
to evening according to the direction of his employer. He gets up early in the
morning and goes out in search of work. In the evening he gets his wages. Then
he goes to market, buys his daily necessaries and returns to his house. He has
both pleasures and pains. If he earns more, he gets pleasures. When he fails to
do that, he gets pains. Sometimes he and his family go without food. The life
of a day labourer is full of sorrows and sufferings. In good or dab weathers he
has to work hard. He does not know what resist is. Though the service of a day
labourer is great important, he does not get his due respect. So we should have
soft feeling for him so that he can lead a decent life with dignity.
217. The life of a farmer |
An ideal farmer is a very important
person in our society. Generally, in our country, he lives in a village. His
house is made of corrugated iron sheets or straws. An ideal farmer lives a very
simple life. He earns his livelihood by the sweat of his brow. He works from
morning till evening. He gets up very early in the morning and takes a little
breakfast. He goes to his field with his wooden plough and a pair of bullocks.
He cultivates and prepares his land with simple hand-make time to go home from
the noonday meal. He has both pleasures and pains in his life. He gets
pleasures when he has a good harvest. But he gets pains when his crops are
destroyed by droughts, floods or cyclone. Through a farmer works hard he does
not get enough to eat. He lives from hand to mouth. He also suffers from many
diseases. An ideal farmer is a seed to the country. He contributes a lot to the
economy of the country. So all of us should respect him.
218. The magician |
Once there was a magician named
frankel. He was very famous in his magic. He was old enough to give up the
profession. So he desired a suitable person whom he would teach his magic. Hans
was the boy whom the begin to teach magic. Hans was eighteen years old and an
intelligent and keen student. Frankel took Hans to his laboratory and showed
all the instruments. He instructed that these instruments must be kept very
clean. In this way Hans began to learn the art of magic. He lived happily.
Frankel advised that Hans must be patient. The magic was very powerful so it
could be dangerous. But Hans was in patient. He felt very curious. He wanted to
become a powerful magician very soon. Frankel understood Hans very well and
felt worried. The laboratory was flooded because of Hans’ misspell. It happened
for a little learning is a dangerous thing.
219. The place I live in |
I live in Rajshahi city.
It is a medium sized town. I have been living there
for the last four years. I live with my parents. My father is a government
officer at Rajshahi. I live in a quarter. Rajshahi is a simple but nice city.
It is not as crowded as Dhaka. The locality where I live in is also very nice.
The environment is very healthy. There is no noise, rubbish or pollution there.
There is not much vehicles on the road. In fact, it is a clam, quit and clean
area. Drainage system, rubbish disposal and water
supply is very good here. There are a lot of trees all around. So the place is
also green and shady and the air is fresh communication and facilities for
education are also available here. The big river Padma and Rajshahi zoo are
very near from here. A big play ground and some stepped ponds are special
attractions. I simply love my locality.
220. The postman |
The postman is a low-paid government employee. He plays and important role in our
daily life. He wears a kind of khaki uniform. He stars working in the morning.
He works either in a village or in a town. In a village he has to serve out a
longer area than in a town. He sorts letters, parcels, and money
orders and delivers them to the respective addresses. He visits from
house to house for hits purpose. When he delivers parcels, money orders or
registered letters, he takes the signature of the addressee. A postman can make
us hot happy and unhappy. When he brings letters of good news, we become happy.
But he makes us sad when he hands over to us a letter of ill-news. After all,
we cannot but admire a postman for his untiring service.
221. The prize giving ceremony of our school |
The annual prize giving ceremony of a school is really happy and exciting one for the students and
teachers. The last annual prize giving ceremony of our school was held on March
15, 2012. We decorated every corner of the school compound with green leaves, festoons and colored papers.
Sufficient sitting arrangements were made for the guest, teachers
and students. The function began with the national anthem just at 2 p.m.
the local M.P. was the chief guest of the function. Our headmaster presided
over the function. The formal ceremony began with the recitation from the holy
Quran. Then the headmaster read out the annual report of the school some guest
and teachers also made speeches. One of our teachers called out the names of
the winners one by one. The chief guest gave away the prize. I won two
prizes-one for long jump and the other for writing the essay. Then the chief
guest made a short but instructive speech. The function came to an end with the
vote of thanks. Rally the occasion was happy to all.
222. The role of our intellectuals |
We are very proud of our intellectuals
because they played a vital role in all activities of the country. Their
contribution during our war of independence will ever be remembered. Then all
the intellectuals of our motherland came forward to save the country. They
inspired the common people of the country to free the country from the enemies.
Even many of them laid down their valuable lives for the freedom of our
country. But at present the country in passing through a great crisis.
Corruption, hijacking, killing, terrorism and many other antisocial activities
have pervaded in every sphere of the society. The standard of education has
fallen sharply. Almost all of the colleges and universities have become mini
cantonments which are full of mortal weapons. The rate of unemployment is
increasing day by day. This ultimately leads the young people to commit many
social crimes. The economy of western culture in every sphere should be brought
in. It is high time the intellectuals stood beside the common people. They
should hold their per against all the irregularities of the society. They can
also give a guide line to the government as well as to the whole nation to
bring about a happy, peaceful and prosperous future.
223. The significance of the shaheed minar |
The central shaheed minar was built to
make the memory of the martyrs immortal who laid down
their lives in 1952 in the historical language for the cause of our mother
tongue. The significance of the shaheed minar in our national
life is very great. It symbolizes all the aspirations of Bengali
identity and nationalism. It has been designed to focus the language
movement as the central concept of Bengali solidarity and unity for our
national identity. The vertical lines of the design suggest the inner strength
of the national identity. The vertical lines of the design suggest the inner
strength of the nation and the four columns on both sides of the central
structure suggest the balance and harmony of a united
stand. Thus the shaheed minar is not a mere mausoleum but it symbolizes our
national hope and inspiration.
224. The sports day I enjoyed |
Our school
name is Brachikondi High School. The annual sports
competition just finished in our school. On the occasion of the day our school
premises was decorated well. Our headmaster inaugurated the function just at
9:30 am. There were hundreds of spectators around the playground. The main
events of the sports were races, high jump, long jump, skipping, javelin throw,
discus throw, and pole events and got prizes in all events. I participate
three games and win ( 1st position ) every games. The sports
came to an by 4:30 pm. Then the prize giving ceremony started. The D.C.
distributed prizes among the winners. It was a happy day for me.
225. The Sunset |
The sunset in
a cloudless sky is very charming to look at. The sun goes down at the end of
the day. It sets down in the western horizon. It looks like a big plate of
crimson red. The rays of the setting sun are no longer
hot. They get soft and soothing. It is a brilliant show of colour the the western sky. Then the western sky looks splendid. The
crimson red is prominently visible. The sunset scene in the river or in the sea
looks splendidly charming. The poets get inspired by it. The bosom of the water
looks purple. The sun seems to be sinking in the river or the sea. Darkness
begins to come all over the world. The cow-boys come back with their cattle and
the birds to their nests.
226. The usefulness of e-mail for students of Bangladesh |
The world is getting so smaller and
smaller with the blessing of science. Now a man from
one part of the world can communicate with a person of another part of the
world within a second. E-mail has made this process easier. E-mail.
Communication is the latest invention in the communication system .it helps all classes of people.
Students are much benefited from e-mail. But in Bangladesh this facility hasn’t reached
all the students for want of computer. If the e-mail facilities can be given to
all the students, they will get sufficient usefulness from it. They will be
able to get important information from any library of any places both home and
abroad. Then he will be able to do his library work without going to the
library. The students will be able to discuss any of their difficult lessons
with teachers sitting at home. He will also be able to discuss his difficult
lessons with his friends. To increase general knowledge a student can
communicate with the authorities of newspaper, radio and
television. Besides, e-mail can help a student in his personal matters.
Through e-mail he can easily contact with his friends and relatives. Thus
e-mail is very useful for a student.
227. Tokai |
A tokai is a small boy who lives in
the street. He supports himself by begging or by collecting left over things
and selling them. His way of living is very pathetic. He is uncared for. He is
shelter less. He has no particular living or sleeping place. He sleeps on the
street. He moves aimlessly on the street. Sometimes he is seen pushing carts,
selling flowers or begging in the street to support himself. He may have
parents or not. He does not know the where about of his parents. His can to
recollect the memories of his parents, brothers sisters and his native village.
He cannot go to school for poverty. So he is deprived of the light of
education. Sometimes he has to bear physical punishment. In fact he is deprived
of all sorts of a child right. It is an irony of fate. We have forgotten that
today’s child is tomorrow’s future. So not only the government but also all
conscious people should take care of a tokai so that he can lead a decent and
dignified life keeping his head above wants.
228. Traffic jam |
Traffic jam is a common affair in big
cities and towns in our country. It is one of the major
problems. Every day the city people have to face this unbearable
problem. The density of population is the main cause of traffic jam. The
enormous increase in the number of buses, trucks, auto rickshaws and
rich shows is also responsible for this problem; moreover, the traffic control
system is not developed in our country. The drivers want to drive their
vehicles at their sweet will. Illegal parking of vehicles is also responsible
for traffic jam. It causes untold sufferings to the movement of the vehicles
and the passers-by. It kills our valuable time and our works are hampered. This
problem can be solved by adopting some effective measures. Traffic rules should
be imposed strictly. Well planned spacious roads should be constructed. Public awareness is also needed in his respect.
229. Tree plantation/Importance of tree plantation |
Tree plantation means planting trees in large number.
Trees are very important to us in many ways. We cannot think of our existence
without trees. Trees convert a great deal of our
food deficiency by providing fruits and vitamins. They supply timber for
various uses. Trees prevent soil erosion. Many kinds
of medicines are prepared from leaves, roots and barks of trees. Above all,
they help us to keep ecological balance supplying oxygen. Generally trees are
planted in July and august. They can be planted in read sides and in all
educational institutions. But our trees and forests are not sufficient in
proportion to our total land area. To preserve our environment we should plant
more and more trees. Government should encourage the people for plantation by
various media.
230. Truthfulness |
Truthfulness is a great virtue. It
means the virtue of speaking what is true and real. It is one of the most
important qualities of human lite. Truthfulness helps a man to achieve success
and honour. The man who speaks the truth in all affairs must be respected by
others. True happiness lies in the habit of speaking the truth. Truthfulness
may not bring us wealth but it can bring peace in our mind. A truthful man
becomes a man of good character. Truthfulness helps a man to be regular,
punctual, sincere and dutiful. It makes a man responsible to the society and to
the country. He possesses a strong personality. He always remains strict is his
morality. He never fears to speak what is true and just. He gets the high
position in the society and he is honoured by even his enemies. All the great
men were truthful in their speech. This habit helped them to be great. A
truthful person is an asset of our society. So, we always should be truthful
even in danger.
231. Unfair means in the examination |
I do not support unfair
means in the examination because it degrades the
standard of education. I am against it because unfair means in the examination
is a serious offence. Moreover, real education cannot
be acquired by adopting unfair means in the examination. The nation will plunge
into darkness if the students do not acquire true education. There are many
reasons behind copying. First of all our education system is defective.
Secondly the teachers do not teach the students in the class room well. Thirdly
there are not sufficient trained teachers. Fourthly some students engage
themselves in politics and idle away their time. Moreover, we find moral
degradation is the main factors for copying in the examination. Besides, after
liberation many schools and colleges have been set up
on political ground. These institutions do not have any academic atmosphere. So
the students of these schools and colleges cannot but adopt unfair means in the
examination. In order to solve copying in the examination the govt. has taken
some preventive measures. First of all the govt. is trying to raise public
awareness through mass media. Recently the government has enforced a law that
if any student if found copying in the examination hall, he will be expelled
from the examination hall. If any invigilator is found helping any interchanged
the examination in copying, they will also be punished.
232. Vegetable garden |
Vegetable garden is a part of a garden or yard. We
have a nice vegetable garden in our home. It is front of our kitchen. We have
made fence all around there. I like to work in our vegetable garden very
much. The the morning and in the afternoon I take care of it. We eat much
vegetable. They meet up our wants of vitamin. It saves a lot of money. We also
sell some vegetables and earn money. Besides, a vegetable garden is a source of
beauty and refreshment. So every family should have a vegetable garden.
233. Visit book fair |
A book fair
is a where different types of books are brought for
sale and show. A book fair is usually held in the month of January and
February. In our country it is held in almost all cities and towns. The largest
book fair is organized Bangla academy on the occasion of the
21 February The main purpose of a book fair is not sale but it
offers a rare opportunity to assess the advancement made in publication of
books. It helps to create new writers as well as new readers. It inspires
people to form the habit of reading books. A book fair reminds us that books
are our best companions. They change our outlook on life and widen our domain
of knowledge; again we get these best friends at a cheaper rate from a book
fair. In order to organize the fair a committee is formed. The committee makes
all the arrangements to make the fair successful, some practical measures
should be taken to make the fair successful. There should have arrangement of
refreshment. Seminars and cultural programmes should be arranged. Moreover,
artist security measures should be taken. The government should encourage the
writers and the publihsers to publish creative books. Books should be sold at a
cheap price.
234. Visit national mausoleum |
On the occasion of the Independence
Day I went to the national mausoleum situated at saver by BRTC bus in order to
pay a visit. I saw a series of seven towers. The most moving sight of the
complex is the several graves of the martyred freedom fighters. Standing in
front of the graves I bowed down my head in deep respect. I spent several hours
there. The national mausoleum reminded me of the supreme sacrifice of the
martyrs who out of their deep unalloyed patriotic love sacrificed their lives
on the altar of patriotism in order to Snatch away the red rose of independence
from the cruel from the cruel claws of the then Pakistani-occupationist force.
It also reminded me of the overthrow of oppression and finally the triumph of
justice. What impressed me much was the seven towering towers though built of
concrete-symbolize the oceanic blood of the heroic souls.
235. Visitors |
Visitors are those who visit their
near and dear sons. Some visitors Visited Anwar’s house to meet his father. His father was not at home then. The visitors
were seated in the living room. Anwar’s mother told
him to have company with them until his father came. Suddenly Anwar felt
embarrassed and shy, all his father’s visitors were adults in compared to
Anwar. Anwar felt he had to say something interesting. He thought that many
interesting things were talked in his school. He smiled at the visitors buyout
he felt confused. He felts strange and couldn’t hinge of anything to say. So he
said nothing. After a few minutes, his parents returned and Anwar was able to
relax again. Nobody looked at him anymore and he could enjoy himself. Now he
felt neither embarrassed nor shy, Anwar wanted to discuss his feelings with his
mother some time. Because he still file confused about them.
236. Visit to Tajmahal |
During the last autumn vacation. I paid a visit to the Tajmahal.
I was impressed to see its beauty. Emperor Shahjahan had a deep and pure love for his dear wife mumtaz. Mumtaz passed away from
the word. Shahjahan was overwhelmed with grief at the death of his beloved
wife. He wanted to immortalize his wife’s memory. So his ardent love for his
wife prompted him to build such an expensive building. It is made of fine white
marble with inlays of colored marble. It has eight sides and many open arches.
It rests on a platform or terrace of red sandstone. It has four slender white
towers rising from the corners of the terrace. It has a large dome above the
center of the building. The taj mahal is surrounded by a beautiful garden and
there is along pool that stretches out in front of the building. One can see
the beauty of the taj mahal in its reflection in the pool water. Visitors look
at different times. Most people like it best it best on moonlit nights.
237. Waste management |
Waste or rubbish is what we throw away
every day. It includes everything from unwanted old cars
to cigarette packets. As the amount of waste is growing rapidly all over the
world and polluting the environment, the time has come to think about it very
seriously. We cannot altogether get rid of our waste, but a proper management
of it can certainly reduce it. If we think of burning management of it can
certainly reduce it. If we think of burning, burying. Recycling and thus
reducing our waste, we can use save our environment
to a large extent. We can use some waste as fuel. We can use vegetable waste to
make compost to improve our soil. In many countries it is now quite normal to
collect old bottle and cans and recycle them. More and more companies should
come forward to promote greater recycling and changes in consumption patterns
to reduce the amount of rubbish and help people to save the environment .a
proverb goes that a stitch in time saves nine. So we should do the right thing
at the right moment because timely action brings for us great success and saves
us from a lot of troubles. Moreover, we know prevention is better than cure. So
it is high time to take proper steps and necessary measure to raise awareness
about the problem of waste management.
238. Water |
A substance that flows freely and is
not a solid or a gas is a liquid substance. Water in
one of the five elements, namely, earth, earth, fire, water and ether. It is a
compound substance composed of hydrogen and oxygen. Pure
water is colourless and tasteless. The main sources
of water are the oceans, the river, the springs and the rains. Of these,
the rain water is the purest of all. Water is life. No life is possible without
water. Crops cannot grow without water. We take bath in water to clean our
utensils and washing our clothes. The water that we drink must be pure. Impure
water is full of germs and should not be drunk at all. So water should not be
allowed to get polluted in any way.
239. Water hyacinths |
hyacinths grow and
thrive in water. Water hyacinths with their flowers look nice. They float on
water. They are made into fertilizer. You can collect and dry them in the sun.
The dried hyacinths are mixed with other things to make better fertilizer.
Chairs’ tables, sofas are also made up from water hyacinths. Mr. Rehana Salam
is laughing while showing them the furniture made of water hyacinths. The dried
one can be used as fuel. Paper and other necessary articles can be made from
water hyacinths. Cows also eat water hyacinths as an alternative food to
240. Water pollution in Bangladesh |
When water is contaminated by
poisonous thing is harmful to health, it is called water pollution. Life is another name of water. Water is our
life-Savior. Water is used not only for drinking purposes but also for
household works, agriculture and industrial works. Water is polluted through
these purposes. People use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their
agricultural fields and pollute water. Mills and factories pollute water by
throwing wastage into it. Through chemical reaction of different
elements from molls and factories water becomes polluted. Ship and boats throw
human wastes, oil, and another wastes into the river and sea water and cause
the pollution of water. Many people suffer from various diseases for water
pollution. Such as cholera, dysentery, diarrhea etc. the ultimate result
sometimes comes very destructive such as death of people. To save our own life,
we should be careful of it. Alternative sources have to be found out immediately.
Otherwise we must face great danger in life. Consciousness and co-operating are
necessary in this respect.
241. What is Anthrax |
Anthrax is a bacterial disease of
graminivorous animal. The name of the bacteria is bacillus Anthrasis. Robert
coke, a Grumman scientist and physician, discovered the bacteria in 1876.
Animals living on grass like cow, goat, ewe, Horse etc. are directly attacked
by this bacteria. The infected animal suffers from extreme fever. Severely
infected animal dies within 24 to 48 hours. Cattle flesh is not the only way of
anthrax attack. Human and sound animal are attacked by the saliva, blood,
flesh, fur or stain of the sick animal. The bacteria attacks although three
ways. Food, breath and skin are the ways. Three kinds of Anthrax are seen.
These are skin Anthrax, lungs Anthrax and stomach anthrax. Last two are of the
extreme level. Lungs and stomach anthrax is hardly found. Anthrax on skin
results in pimple and bleeding of different parts of the body. Proper medicine
can easily cure this. Anthrax is not a fatal disease. Lui pastor discovered the
vaccine of anthrax in 1881. It is hundred percent curable. More over anthrax do
not spread from man to man. So we should not be scarred of anthrax. The
government has taken necessary steps to protect anthrax. Huge vaccination
program has been taken. If the cattle are sound, we can eat the meat without
hesitation. Moreover we should be careful too. We should cook the meat with
proper heat.
242. What to do at the Eid Festival |
Of all the Muslim festivals Eid is the
greatest. On this very occasion, the Muslims of the whole world are filled with
so much joy and happiness. There are two such occasions in the year. One of
them is Eid-ul-Fitar and the other is Eid-ul-Azha. Every Eid day, I get up
early in the morning. Firstly, I wash myself with my father and younger
brother. Then I put on new clothes and sue some pure perfumes. Next, I go to
the Eidgah to say prayers with my father. After, the prayer is over I embrace
with my friends and say ‘Eid Mubarak”. It means “Wish you a happy Eid”. On this
day, rich food is prepared in our house. I take various items of food. Many of
our relatives come to visit us. I feed them. Finally, in the afternoon, I got
out with my father to visit the National Museum and the Children Park. In the
evening, I enjoy television programmes.
243. Winter |
Winter is one of the six seasons. It is very
cold. In this context, winter is one of the four seasons. The duration of this
season is two months beginning from the middle of November and December, when
the warm days finished, the winter came in Greece? The soft earth becomes hard
and nothing can grow. The leaves dropped off the trees. The countryside looks
are bad grey. Then it starts snowing the soft white snow covers the field. Mr. Ant
stays inside the hole with its goods and stored crops.
244. Women contribution to the development of a country |
The traditional role of women in our
society is to become a mother. At home they are to do all sorts of household
chores like cooking, washing, cleaning, harvesting etc. today women are playing
important role in all spheres of life. They are no longer confined within the
four walls of their parents or husbands house. They have come out of the
kitchens and are working hand in hand with men in all the development
programmes of teachers, administrators etc. they have been able to prove their
worth. They not only do their household work but also work outside of their
houses. They are contributing much to the economy of the country. Now it has
come to the realization of the men that true development of the country is
never possible keeping half of the population idle at home. So it needs no
telling that women are playing a great role in the socio-economic condition of
our country.
245. World mother language day/international mother language day |
Mother tongue is a divine gift. From the
holy Quran we come to know that the most merciful almighty has bestowed a
mother tongue upon each and every caste, creed and colour. Mother tongue is, so
important that the people of a country express their ideas, thoughts, feelings
emotions etc. clearly through mother tongue. But it is an irony of fate that
the then rulers of Pakistan tried to impose Urdu as mother tongue upon us
instead of Bangla. But the people of our country rose
their against this unlawful decision. Some of the heroic sons came forward and
sacrificed their glorious life for the cause of our mother tongue on the 21st
February, 1952. Since then this day is called the shaheed dibash. Every year we
remember this day with solemnity and pay them profound tribute. Now it is a
great Language Day to be observed globally in
recognition of the sacrifices of the martyrs for establishing the rightful
place of Bangla. It is a great tribute and glowing homage paid by the international community to the language martyrs of
Bangladesh. The sacrifices of all the martyrs for championing the cause of
their mother tongue have received now a glorious recognition by the people of
the world.
246. Your parents |
Persons who have given birth to us are
parents. Everybody has come on this earth by the
grace of his parents. So we are owed to them for our lives. My father is a
farmer and my mother is a housewife. My father earns for our family and my
mother manages the family affairs. They are very
active and hard-working. My parents are very careful about us and they are
terribly upset when we fall ill. They have brought us up with great care and
love. They are very conscious about our education and they teach us at some. We
have also got proper guide-lines from them. Their happiness knows no bound when
we make any success. My parents are ideal parents. For all these we are fond of
them and we are proud of our parents.
247. Your school |
The name of our school
is Brachikondi High School. It is in the district of
Shariatpur. It is one of the best schools in the district. The school is a
two-storied building with a large compound. There are twenty classrooms in our
school. They are very neat and clean. Besides, there are the headmaster’s room,
the teacher common room, the office room, the science laboratory and the
geography museum. All the rooms are spacious and well – lighted. There is a
very big hall in our school. The annual prize-giving ceremony and other social
functions of our school are held in this hall. Our headmaster is an M.A.Ed. he
is very kind to us. All other teachers are very good. There are six hundred
students in our school. There is a nice play ground in front of school. Every
afternoon we play there football, cricket and other games. The results of the
S.S.C. examination of our school have all along been good. I am proud of being
a student of such an ideal school.
248. Your favorite teacher |
A teacher
is an architect of a nation. Mijan is my favorite teacher. He is 30 years old.
He is my English teacher. He in an M.A.Ed. he
possesses some special qualities. He holds the attention and interest of the
students. He is a clear speaker with good, strong, pleasing voice which is
under his control. He makes lessons interesting to the student. He makes the
student spell bound in the class. He discovers the treasure hidden inside the
students. His methods of teaching are easy and
lucid. Can make any grammatical problem easy. If any student fails to
understand any grammatical problem he then and there helps the student to
understand it. No student likes to miss his class. He is regular and punctual
to his duties. So he is respected by all the student of our school. Other
teachers also like him. For all his qualities he is my favorite teacher.
249. Tea paragraph |
Tea is a kind of plant. Tea mainly
grows in china, India, japan Indonesia and Ceylon.
It grows on the slope of hills or hilly regions, it requires ex cassava rain water but the taint water must not stay at the root.
Tea seeds are sown in a nursery in the rainy season. The tea plants grow twenty
to thirty feet high in its wild state but they are not allowed to grow so high
in the garden. They are pruned and allowed to grow from three to four feel
high. There are four crops a year. The first plucking gives the best tea and
the rest tea of inferior quality. The preparation of tea is not a hand work
.black leaves are dropped in boiled water sugar and milk are also mixed. Thus a
tasteful cup of tea is made.
If you need any kinds of Paragraph, just
inform me
I will share In-Sha-Allah.
Thank you...
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