Essay/Composition for JSC/SSC/HSC Exam

SN English Center

Format#01>Composition for helpful in daily life

There are many things that are essential for any person to progress in life. ………is one of them. No success can be acquired without it. To lead a happy and peaceful life, every person should know the importance of ………A man cannot shine in life without giving importance on it. The importance of ………… is so much that cannot be expressed in a word. It is the most essential thing that is necessary in every step in our life. If any one learns the value of …………, he must
Succeeded in life………………crows him with brilliant success in life.
If we make a list of successful people who acquired a giant stride in their respective arena, we will find that their prosperity was completely based on giving importance on it. They did not neglect it. It is …………that can make a man successful. One may have much wealth but if he does not know the importance of …………,he is an ill-fated man. Besides, without it man becomes unhappy. For a peaceful, decent, happy and prosperous life …………is must. A life without ………… means full of disorder, chaos and anarchy. …………is the best tonics. It is the elixir of life. The value of …………is great. It brings us success in life.

There is a good discipline in every family. All the members of the house must obey the head of the family. We observe discipline in every object of the nature. The earth, the moon and the stars move around the sun according to certain rules. Even the lower animals are disciplined. The ant and the bee are the wonderful example of discipline. All the bees obey the queen bee. Discipline is also found in human body. All the organs of the body cooperate with one another. Discipline is strictly maintained in the play-ground. A player has to abide by the rules of the games. Discipline is also maintained in the army.
Physical exercise means the regular movement of different limbs of our body according to certain rules. There are different forms of physical exercise. The good forms of exercise are walking, swimming, running, riding, rowing, wrestling and playing many outdoor and indoor games. Different kinds of outdoor and indoor games like football, volleyball, hockey, cricket, badminton, tennis are also good forms of physical exercise. Morning and evening are the best time of taking physical exercise.
I get up early in the morning. Then I finish my natural call and have a wash and brush my teeth. After saying Fazer prayer, I walk on the river side. After returning home, I take breakfast and go to my reading room. I read for two hours. Then I take preparation for going to school. After returning from school, I take lunch. Then I take rest for a while. At 5.00 pm I go to field to play with my friends. After returning from the playground I say my Magrib prayer. After saying prayer, I prayer my lessons till 10:00 pm. Then I take supper. After saying Esha prayer I go to bed.
A man without an aim is like a boat without a rudder. A fixed aim helps a man to succeed in life. So I have an aim. My aim in life is to be a teacher. Teaching is a noble profession of all. An ideal teacher leads an honest and sincere life. Now I am a student of class X. After passing the H.S.C examination I will get myself admitted into a Dhaka university to complete Honors and Masters in English. After completing my degrees, I will join in our village high school. It is true that there are a few good teachers in remote areas. Our village students do not get standard education. I will join there and eradicate the curse of the ignorance from my area.

We can regain lost knowledge by studying hard, regain lost wealth by hard labour, lost health by medicine. But once gone is gone forever. To make right use of time, we must follow a routine. There should be time for study, time for other work, time for exercise, time for rest, time for sleep, time for play, time for prayer, time for eating and so on. Wastage of time is a great crime and sin. Those who waste time can never prosper in life. They depend on the charity of others. Everybody hates them.

Format#02>Problem in everyday life
v  Arsenic Pollution
v  Greenhouse effect
v  Recent flood affect of Bangladesh
v  Population problem of Bangladesh.
v  Load shedding
v  Copying in the examination
v  Student Politics in Bangladesh.
v  Deforestation in Bangladesh
v  Illiteracy in Bangladesh
v  Corruption in Bangladesh
v  Gender discrimination in Bangladesh
v  Unemployment problem in Bangladesh
v  Natural calamity
v  Child labour
v  Violence against women in Bangladesh.
(-----) is the main factor which may be called the major impediment to the overall development of the country. (-----) is a vast and complex matter. There are various kinds of problems but (-----) is now a serious and so much harmful element as an obstruction for the improvement the society.  (------) is injurious and destructive of public interest. This kind of problem is one of the greatest challenges in our human life. (------) is a complex thing for our daily life. It is an obstruction for the prosperity of our national life.

(------) is incurable social disease.( ------) causes many kinds of obstacles points. The people are fully unable to lead their life in peaceful way.

Now  a days we face the news in the daily social problem. Many of us try to avoid this problem. So gradually it is going out of control.  If it   continues in this way, we will have no way to solve it by any means. It has become the gradual global problem. It is threatening to the every existence of the human being. There is hardly any area which is not affected by(-------). It creates problems of far reaching consequence of the socio-economic development of our country.

It is almost certain that one of the main causes of (------) is the negligence and illiteracy of same people   of our country. In  fact, (--------) cause great sufferings to the people. Moreover, (------) loses and vanishes any kind of ethical virtue of morality. Life becomes almost to a small stand still.

Social awareness should be created among all the people of our society. We can get rid of this problem by raising conscious among them. Again this problem can be solved by creating opportunities for the people. Napoleon said “Nothing is impossible for man. So the government and conscious people of our country also should come forward to extend their strong helping hand to solve the…………..

Format#03> Science related
Modern age is an age of science. There is no aspect of our life that is not influenced by science. Science had made our life easier and more comfortable. Modern science has invented a lot of wonderful and useful things. It has made possible impossible. Whenever we turn our eyes, we can see the contributions of science. The inventions of science have conquered disease, natural disaster, space, distance and time.

Science does a great service to mankind in many ways. It helps us in our daily life in many ways. Now days it is widely used in our daily life in different fields.
There is no unmixed blessing in the world. So, science has its own demerits. Sometimes it causes harm to people.

In the conclusion it can be said that in spite of having some demerits science is useful undoubtedly. We should remember that the blessings of science should be utilized carefully only for the benefit and interest of mankind.

Electricity is the first wonder of modern science. The advancement of modern science is impossible without electricity. Science has played an important role in communication. It has invented telephone, telegram, telex, fax, and mobile. They have brought the world to our door. We can exchange thoughts through these wonderful inventions within a very short time.

Radio is also another great wonder of modern science. It is a great source of recreation and amusement. It also plays a vital role in spreading education.

Television is one of the greatest wonders of modern science. It is a source of recreation. It is one of the greatest mass media of communication. By sitting at home, we can watch T.V. It removes our monotony.

Computer is perhaps the most wonderful invention of modern science. Modern civilization is not imaginable without it. It has lessened our work. It can perform any difficult work within a second.

Mobile phone is the latest invention in the field of communication. It is very cheap and common. By sitting at home, we can talk to any person at any remote corner of the globe.

Now a day’s computer is widely being used in education. Today the results of the examination are prepared by the help of computer within a short time.
Computer is used to diagnose any disease exactly in second. So, medical science cannot be thought of without computer.
Production has been increased wonderfully in mills and factories by the help of computer.
Even no mill and factory can run without computer. Now days computer helps to grow more crops in developed countries. Computer is expected to be used very soon in our country to grow more crops.
Today computer is commonly used in all international games and sports. It has made sports and games interesting.

It broadcasts the day to day news and views of home and abroad. It airs plays, dramas, films, shows, cinemas, dance, songs and many musical programmes. After day’s hard works people sit before a TV set in order to remove the monotony of routine work. Almost every international games and sport is telecasted through satellite TV channels. Educative programme on TV screen have developed our outlook and removed superstitions.

Radio is one of the greatest sources of recreation and amusement. It broadcasts different cultural programmes, songs, music, plays, drams etc. It broadcasts different educational programmes. It helps to remove illiteracy. It also broadcasts the valuable discussions on the importance of family planning, sanitation, the rules of health, tree plantation, sports and games. It also broadcasts the weather forecast.

Format#04> Natural disaster
Bangladesh is often called a land of natural calamities. Flood, cyclone, storm, Sidr. Aila, tidal bores, heavy downpour and drought often visit our country. People here live, fighting against recurring natural calamities. We are experiencing different types of natural calamities .(-----) is one of them. Thousands of people in our country are suffering from ………… causing much harm to our country.

The causes of (-------) are many. People of our country generally think that (------) is a cause of Allah. Green house effect is one of the causes of ( ).Cutting too many trees is also liable for (-----

(-------) visits our country almost every year. During last two decades we are experiencing the most devastating (------) .Because of (----- ) thousands of people became homeless and helpless  and many people lost their valuable lives.

…………causes great havoc. It brings untold loss and sufferings to men, animals. Crops are damaged. Trees are uprooted. Houses are damaged. Many people loss their lives. Food production is lessened.

After (------) epidemic and famine break out in the affected areas. The victims suffer from various diseases. The victims do not get pure drinking water and good food. The price of essential daily commodities goes up. Many people die  of starvation.

In Bangladesh (---------- ) causes a huge loss. So it is urgently necessary to take proper steps for the prevention of (--------) .Both long and short term plans can be taken for this. A well –planed irrigation system will go a long way to eradicate the fury of (-------)

The government, different kinds of N.G.O and the local organizations come forward to help the victims. They can provide food, pure water, clothes and other necessary things for the people. Relief camps are set up to distribute relief goods among the affected people.

Ours is a very poor country. If we cannot check the loss our development is impossible. So we must find out effective and permanent measures for the prevention of it.

Format#05>A Journey by…………………..
Introduction: Man is very much busy today. He does not find a moment to spend to see and enjoy the sight, beauties of nature or a place of a historical interest. Life has become dull mechanized and barren for want of recreation. We should manage time to get relief from routine bound life and monotonous works. A journey by (-----) can serve this purpose to some extent.

Description: Journey by (w------) is always pleasant to me. Whenever I go for journey, my heart leaps up with joy. My greatest pleasure is in a journey by
There are many rivers/rail-lines /high roads in Bangladesh. So it is easy to make a journey by (-----) .A journey by (------) is interesting and pleasant. Whenever I get an opportunity to make a journey by (----),I make the best use of the opportunity.

Occasion: A few days ago, I make a journey by (------) from Aricha to Sadarghat/Rajshahi to Khulna. Our school was closed on the occasion of autumn vacation.

The journey : We were five in number. All of us were of the same age. We hired /Brought a boat/a ticket the previous day. We had our breakfast early in the morning. We started at 8 a.m. It was a bright sunny morning. The weather was fine. In a nutshell environment pleased us. When our boat/bus/train crossing some famous and beautiful bridge on the river, we enjoyed the rivers scenery. We saw that it was full to brim. We also observe the bridge .We enjoyed the small wave on the river from the boat/train/bus. We enjoyed the scenes on the both side s of the river/road/rail-line.

Sight journey: There were green fields, villages, far of paddy fields, rows of trees which were full of flowers and fruits and all these things charmed us. All sights cast a magic spell on our mind.

Rest and meal: We took our fast food for lunch. We reached a market at ten p.m. Our boatman/driver/train driver got down for unknown reason. Our boat/bus/train was taken rest for a while. Then we completed our meal.

Sunset and evening scenery: Again we started our journey. The boatman/driver/train driver tried to reach the goal within time. It was late afternoon. The sun was setting in the distant horizon. The sun and the nature seem to meet together. The sheds of evening began to spread over earth. The stars rose one after another. We enjoyed the sunset. At last we reached our destination.

Conclusion: The journey, I bore in my heart. It gave me much pleasure. It was the most memorable days in my life indeed.

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