Class Six English Model Question

SN English Center
Model Test
Class: Six
Subject: English
Time: 3.00 hours                                                                                                                  Marks: 100
Read the following text and answer questions
The Taj Mahal is also known as the Taj. It is a white marble tomb located in Agra in India. Do you know the story behind the Taj Mahal? The Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan loved his wife Mumtaz Mahal more than his life. Mumtaj died at an early age. Shah Jahan was very shocked at her death. So he built the Taj Mahal as a token of love for his wife. It the place where Mumtaj is sleeping for ever. The Taj has an area of about 1003 acres or 405 hectors. The Taj Mahal is the finest example of Mughal architecture. It combines the art of Persia, Turkey, and India.   It took 21 years and thousands of artisans and craftsmen to complete the Taj Mahal. The Taj is universally admired as one of the wonders of the world.
1. Now choose the correct answer to each question from the alternatives given and write the corresponding number of the answers in your answer script.                                                 1x7=7
i) The word known means------     
a) unknown     b) familiar        c) unfamiliar    d) common
ii) The word emperor means----- 
a) empress       b) monarch      c) government             d) minister
iii) The word tomb means---         
a) sleeping place           b) museum    c) park             d) monument
iv) The word for ever means---     
a) for good      b) for long time           c) for short time          d) for bad
v) The word wonder means---      
a) expectation              b) surprise       c) beautiful      d) old building
vi) The Taj is made of ------- marbles.
a) colored        b) white           c) yellow         d) red
vii) The Taj Mahal is a------                 
a) place                        b) tomb            c) mosque        d) temple
2. Answer the following questions from your reading of the text above.                              2x4 = 8
a) Where is The Taj Mahal located?
b) Who made The Taj Mahal?
c) For whom did The Taj Mahal build?
d) What is area of The Taj Mahal?
3. Fill in the gaps with correct words.                                                                                            05
Ratul -----a---- in the village Char Shahavikari. Ratul’s mother cooks ----b---- food. A ---c--- grows different kind of crops. On holiday, Ratul ----d---- his father in the field. Ratul is ---e--- of his village.
Read the following text and answer questions 4 and 5.
Meera is a singer with a great zeal for folk songs. She is a dancer too. She enjoys dancing with folk songs. She performs at national events and also represents our culture in different countries. Besides singing she also studies Computer Science in a university in China. Manosh and Rudro are also two promising folk singers of our time. Manosh passed the S.S.C examination in 2018 when Rudro was a student of class eight. Manosh won the Star Voice Singing competition in 2012 in the folk song category. Rudro won that award in 2015 in the same category. He performed in the Boishakhi open concert at Dhaka University campus in 2016. Both Manosh and Rudro love folk songs because it appeals to our root culture. They believe that folk music can reach the heart of our common people easily. In 2018 Manosh successfully released his first album titled ‘Mon Janala’.
4. Complete the table below. Write no more than three words and/or numbers for each answer.5
studies Computer Science
in a university in (1) ………
(2) ……………………
in foreign countries
(3) ………………
was awarded Star Voice Singing competition
in 2012
appeared in the Boisakhi concert
at (4) …………….... in 2016
released his maiden album
(5) in ……………………

5. Read the passage again and write, whether the statements are true or false. Give correct answers, if the statement is false.                                                                                                 1x5=5
a) Meera enjoys singing folk songs.
b) Meera performs at both national and international levels.
c) Manosh and Rudro won two different awards.
d) The first album of Manosh was released in the same year when he passed the S.S.C. examination.
e) The common people of our country love folk songs.
 6. Fill in the gaps using clues from the boxes. There are more words than necessary.    0.5×10=5

Once there (a) __ named Aesop in Greece. He was (b)__ for his fables on (c)___ lessons. In his (d)___ days his was a slave but he was (e) __    religious minded. Once he was sold to farmer who was lazy. On    the very first day Aesop found that his master did not say his morning
7. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with words that are appropriate.                                5
Begum Rokeya (1880-1932) -----a---- a famous writer and a -----b----  worker. She lived undivided Bengal in the early -----c----  century. She believe that woman should have the -----d----  rights and opportunities as man in society. So she -----e----  for their cause throughout her life.
8. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.  5
            Column A
                  Column B
a) A school is a seat of education
i) has a campus, big or small
b) It has certain wonderful characteristics
ii) the students jolly and hilarious
c) Every school
iii) which give us pleasure and happiness
d) It is also
iv) free from any political violence
e) A wonderful school campus makes
v) where we can gain knowledge
Section- B : Grammar (25 Marks)
9. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.                                                                                                                         05
Every man does not have the same ability. It differs from man to man. (a)educate can develop one’s ability, but yet the (b) differ remains. An educated man can do something that is (c) possible for an d)educated man. It is because education can (e) able him to do it.(f) academy education is not enough for (g)lighten the  mentality  of man. But it is necessary for awarding certificates and h) measure of knowledge.
10. Fill in the gaps with a, an or the and put a cross where no articles is needed.                        05
Bangladesh is our dear motherland. Is it -----a-----  small but beautiful country. Her beauty cannot be describe in -----b-----  words. She is well watered, well-fruited and full of -----c-----  green. We can enjoy -----d-----  sweet chirping of birds in -----e----- morning.    
11. Rewrite the following passage using capitalization and punctuation.                                     05
my names janala khan i was born and brought up in dhaka i studied at manarat international university for four years for the last one year ive been working in a womens organization
12. Change the sentence affirmative to negative                                                                              05
a) Only Farjana can do it.                  
b) You must obey your teachers.
c) Man is mortal.                                
d) Every mother loves his son or daughter.
e) We love study.
13. Rewrite the following in the reported speech:                                                                          5
“Have you said your prayer today?” I said to my brother. “No, I have forgotten, “he said. “ That’s bad.” I said, “We must pray to God every day.”
Section-C: (Writing) -30
14. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about “taking physical exercise ”                       10
15. Write an email to your friend Describing the 26th march the Independence day                    10
16.Wwrite a paragraph on “Our Classroom” You should write about 250 words.                             10

Have a nice Exam!
The End.

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